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- 1. 融合性細網性乳頭腫症confluent and reticulated papillomatosis [show details]
…retinoids must be carefully considered prior to treatment. Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CARP) is a rare cutaneous disorder that most often occurs in young adults. The pathogenesis of CARP is unclear …
- 2. アミロイドーシスの皮膚症状cutaneous manifestations of amyloidosis [show details]
… confluent and reticular papillomatosis and macular amyloidosis. Other disorders that may be mistaken for macular amyloidosis include drug-induced pigmentation and other cutaneous dyschromias, such as erythema …
- 3. 皮膚扁平上皮癌(cSCC):臨床的特徴および診断cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma cscc clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is the second most common cutaneous malignancy after basal cell carcinoma.… Lesions are subclassified according to site: Oral florid papillomatosis – verrucous carcinoma of the oral mucosa Anogenital…
- 4. 黒色表皮腫acanthosis nigricans [show details]
…adenocarcinomas, represent the majority of acanthosis nigricans-associated tumors . Mucosal and cutaneous papillomatosis can be a unique presenting sign of malignant acanthosis nigricans . Patients may concurrently …
- 5. 疣贅状表皮発育異常症epidermodysplasia verruciformis [show details]
…of EV: Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis of Gougerot and Carteaud – Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis of Gougerot and Carteaud is an uncommon cutaneous disorder of unknown etiology usually …
Japanese Journal
- ニホンカモシカ(Capricornis crispus)にみられた皮膚乳頭腫症に関する病理学的研究
- 千早 豊 [他],大島 寛一,三浦 定夫,沼宮内 茂
- 日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science) 38(4), 327-333,338, 1976
- A case of general cutaneous papillomatosis in Japanese serow, a wild animal naturally reserved by law (a special natural monument), was reported. Histological observation revealed fibrous proliferatio …
- NAID 110003919313
Related Links
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Related Pictures

- 英
- confluentand reticulate papillomatosis
- 同
- 皮膚乳頭腫症 cutaneous papillomatosis
- 英
- nipple, papilla
- ラ
- papilla mammae
- 関
- 乳房
- 鎖骨中線のあたりであって、T4-T5肋骨の間、すなわち第4肋間隙にある(♂)、と思われる。
- 上記の位置は、性差・個体差あり(KL.265)
- 胸骨圧迫(心臓マッサージ):圧迫部位は両乳頭のを結ぶ線と胸骨が交わる部位である。胸骨のやや下部となる。
- 英
- papilloma
- 同
- 乳嘴腫
- 乳頭腫症は無関係!!
- 被覆上皮の種類により分類する
- 扁平上皮乳頭腫 squamous cell papilloma
- 移行上皮乳頭腫 transitional cell papilloma
- 円柱上皮乳頭腫 columnar cell papilloma
- 英
- papillomatosis
- 関
- 腎盂腫瘍
- 関
- 乳頭腫、パピローマ、扁平上皮性乳頭腫
- 英
- skin
- ラ
- cutis
- 関
- 皮膚の構造
- 英
- sis, pathy