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- 1. 小児に生じる急性リンパ芽球性白血病/リンパ腫の臨床症状と診断の概要overview of the clinical presentation and diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia lymphoma in children [show details]
… Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma (ALL/LBL) is the most common childhood malignancy. Leukemia and lymphoma are overlapping clinical presentations of the same disease. Diagnosis and classification …
- 2. 成人の急性骨髄性白血病の概要overview of acute myeloid leukemia in adults [show details]
…categories of acute leukemia (eg, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute undifferentiated leukemia) are distinguished from AML based on immunophenotype and molecular features. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), especially …
- 3. 小児や青年に生じる急性リンパ芽球性白血病/リンパ芽球性リンパ腫の治療の概要overview of the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia lymphoma in children and adolescents [show details]
…evidence that leukemias undergo a process known as clonal evolution . During induction, the vast numbers of leukemia cells originating from the dominant subclone are eliminated. However, leukemia-initiating …
- 4. 小児や青年の急性リンパ芽球性白血病やリンパ腫の転帰の概要overview of the outcome of acute lymphoblastic leukemia lymphoma in children and adolescents [show details]
… myeloproliferative disease during the newborn period, acute myeloid leukemia (most commonly AML, not otherwise specified, acute megakaryoblastic leukemia in the WHO classification; formerly described as FAB M7 subtype) …
- 5. 急性骨髄性白血病の合併症の概要overview of the complications of acute myeloid leukemia [show details]
…been described in other leukemic conditions, such as plasma cell leukemia, blast crisis in chronic myeloid leukemia, and adult T cell leukemia-lymphoma. Rare patients have been described in whom lactic …
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