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- 1. 陣痛のマネージメントに対する非薬理学的アプローチnonpharmacologic approaches to management of labor pain [show details]
… Heat – Heat is typically applied to the woman back, lower abdomen, groin, and/or perineum. Possible heat sources include a warm water bottle, heated rice-filled sock,… infant. Access to a safe and comfortable birth place, including freedom to move about, in, and out of bed. Continuous emotional and physical comfort, provided by people of their choice. Childbirth education …
- 2. 肢端紅痛症erythromelalgia [show details]
…with precipitating factors (eg, increase in ambient heat or exercise) and often occur at night (perhaps associated with increased ambient heat in bed). The number of episodes per day is highly variable …
- 3. 急性腰痛の治療treatment of acute low back pain [show details]
… We do not advise bed rest for patients with acute low back pain. Patients who are treated with bed rest have more pain and slower recovery… Heat is often applied with the rationale that it may reduce muscle spasm. A 2006 systematic review including six studies of low back pain found moderate evidence that a heat wrap may…
- 4. 電気外科療法の概要overview of electrosurgery [show details]
… more rapid tissue heating than the coagulation mode. If tissue is heated rapidly, the oscillation of the alternating current causes intense vibration and heat within the cells,… technique to control diffuse bleeding from raw surfaces of solid vascular organs, such as the liver bed, following cholecystectomy. The shape and size of electrode, the time it is in contact with tissue …
- 5. 従来の抗癌剤に伴う皮膚障害cutaneous side effects of conventional chemotherapy agents [show details]
…pigmentary pattern that follows an underlying vein proximal to an infusion site), darken the nail beds, and induce mucosal pigmentation of the tongue and conjunctiva. Topical fluorouracil can induce hyperpigmentation … of cold compresses, local wound care to prevent infection, and the avoidance of trauma, irritation, heat, and ultraviolet (UV) light. Long-term sequelae may include skin atrophy, fibrosis, and telangiectasias…
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- 英
- puerperal fever
- ラ
- febris puerperalis
- 同
- 産床熱
- 関
- 産褥、産褥期
- 分娩24以降から産褥10日目までに2日間以上にわたる38℃以上の発熱(NGY.484)
- 子宮内膜炎を原因とする者に限る。性器や子宮以外の感染に由来する発熱は含めない。
- 胎盤付着部位に常在菌が感染、あるいは子宮切開部位に常在菌が感染することで子宮内膜炎を引きおこす。
- 原因が同定されるまでは広域スペクトルを有する抗菌薬(クリンダマイシン、ゲンタマイシン)を用い、原因が特定されれば特異的な抗菌薬を用いる。
- 英
- heat、hot、 fever(→発熱)
- 関
- アイソトープ、加温、発情、発情期、放射性、加熱、熱い、熱感、ホット