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- 1. 成人における非がん性慢性疼痛管理へのアプローチapproach to the management of chronic non cancer pain in adults [show details]
… management of chronic non-cancer pain, and an overview of nonpharmacologic therapies. Pharmacologic management of chronic pain, and evaluation of chronic non-cancer pain are discussed separately. The …
- 2. 小児や青年の慢性腹痛:評価のためのアプローチchronic abdominal pain in children and adolescents approach to the evaluation [show details]
… Chronic abdominal pain is common in children and adolescents. The evaluation of the child or adolescent with chronic abdominal pain requires an understanding of the pathogenesis of abdominal pain, the most common …
- 3. 癌疼痛のマネージメント:介入的治療cancer pain management interventional therapies [show details]
… cancer pain, and there are very few controlled trials. Nevertheless, experience in the management of acute and chronic pain suggests that a carefully selected subset of patients with cancer pain may benefit …
- 4. 小児期に生じる股関節痛へのアプローチapproach to hip pain in childhood [show details]
…and secondary avascular necrosis of the hip include insidious onset of hip pain with limp and activity-related pain . The pain is not always relieved by rest or medication. Diagnosis of LCP demands a high …
- 5. 乳児および小児における急性周術期疼痛管理へのアプローチapproach to the management of acute perioperative pain in infants and children [show details]
… the major site of discomfort is a sore throat following intubation, the IV or other catheter, tape or a bandage, and not the surgical site itself. Differentiating pain from other causes of distress may …
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- 角膜上皮障害. (点状表層角膜症・角膜びらん・角膜潰瘍) <角膜とは?. >. 眼球の正面に見える「黒目」を角膜(かくまく)と言います。. 光を通す透明な膜で虹彩と水晶体を保護し、光学レンズとしての働きもあります。. 角膜の構造は、表面から角膜上皮、角膜実質、角膜内皮に分かれます。. 角膜上皮は外気にさらされていて角膜を外界から守るバリアとしての働き ...
- びまん性角膜上皮症(点状表層角膜症) 角膜上皮(角膜の最表層)に点状に生じる多発性の上皮欠損を指し、角膜に点状の傷がついてしまう疾患です。 コンタクトレンズ障害の中で、最も頻度の高いものです。
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- 点状上皮びらん
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- epithelium, (pl.)epithelia
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- 上皮組織、消化器系#上皮の移行、呼吸器の上皮の移行
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- erosion
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びらん : 約 214,000 件
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- 皮膚や粘膜における上皮やその下層の結合組織の局所的な組織欠損。
- 粘膜の場合は、粘膜筋板までの組織欠損
- 英
- spotted、punctate