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- 1. 成人や青年の淋菌感染症の臨床症状および診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of neisseria gonorrhoeae infection in adults and adolescents [show details]
… The majority of oropharyngeal infections with N. gonorrhoeae are asymptomatic, although sore throat, pharyngeal exudates, and/or cervical lymphadenitis are present in some cases. In a study of 192 men …
- 2. 小児における鼠径部腫脹の評価evaluation of inguinal swelling in children [show details]
… pathogen-specific testing for syphilis and herpes simplex virus in addition to testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Additional testing may be necessary for signs of chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum, and granuloma … or ulcerative lymphadenitis caused by venereal diseases, often in conjunction with genital ulcerative lesions. If secondary swelling from the lymphadenitis involves the genitalia,…
- 3. HIV患者の発熱と発疹fever and rash in patients with hiv [show details]
… of gonococcal infection that is related more to sexual behavior than to immunosuppression. Fever, rash, tenosynovitis, and polyarthralgia are typically part of disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI)… d immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) has been reported and commonly includes lymphadenitis . Histoplasmosis is a dimorphic fungus concentrated in the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys…
- 4. 小児における末梢のリンパ節腫脹:評価および診断的アプローチperipheral lymphadenopathy in children evaluation and diagnostic approach [show details]
… children and adolescents include sexually transmitted infections (eg, herpes simplex virus, syphilis, gonorrhea) and lymphoma For children and adolescents with inguinal lymphadenopathy and an obvious cause (eg … cervical lymphadenitis in children, and peripheral lymphadenitis in adults are discussed separately.…
- 5. 性感染症:思春期に固有の問題sexually transmitted infections issues specific to adolescents [show details]
… times higher in students with multiple gonococcal infections than students with no history of gonorrhea (incidence rate ratio [IRR] 3.5,… clinical manifestations include sore throat, pharyngeal exudates, and/or cervical lymphadenitis. Human papillomavirus – Herpes simplex virus – Adolescents who are tested for STI should also receive testing …
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- 淋菌性化膿性関節炎 は,より局所型のDGIであり,液貯留を伴う有痛の関節炎が生じ,通常は膝関節,足関節,手関節,肘関節などの大関節のうち1つまたは2つが侵される。
- 淋病 ( 淋菌感染症 )とは、淋菌という細菌による性感染症のことを指す病名で、代表的な感染症のひとつだと言われています。. 10代後半から30代の性活動が盛んな若者に多く見られます。. 男性のほうが患者さんの数が多く、男性の患者さんの多くには症状が出ますが、女性の患者さんの多くには症状が出ません。. 男性では主に尿道に、女性では子宮頸管に感染し ...
- 淋菌感染症は淋菌Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococci)の感染による性感染症である。 淋菌と似た菌に髄膜炎菌Neisseria meningitidis (meningococci)があり、DNA の相同性は70%である。
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- ラ
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae, N. gonorrhoeae
- 英
- gonococcus、gonococci
- 同
- 淋菌
- 関
- 淋疾 gonorrhea、ナイセリア属、細菌
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