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- 1. 膿疱性乾癬:病因、臨床症状、および診断pustular psoriasis pathogenesis clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
…helpful. Subcorneal pustular dermatosis – Subcorneal pustular dermatosis is a rare chronic pustular dermatosis that presents with annular erythematous plaques with superficial sterile, pea-sized, flaccid …
- 2. 膿疱性皮膚病変を有する患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with pustular skin lesions [show details]
… rarely pustular. Pustular psoriasis is typically localized to the palms and soles but may rarely occur in an acute, generalized form (von Zumbusch-type). Acute, generalized pustular psoriasis… the most superficial form ; miliaria rubra ; and miliaria profunda The clinical manifestations,…
- 3. 新生児や乳児の(小)水疱性および膿疱性の病変vesicular pustular and bullous lesions in the newborn and infant [show details]
…usually presents with localized, superficial vesicular, pustular, or bullous lesions on an erythematous base. Vesicles and bullae are easily ruptured, resulting in superficial erosions and honey-colored crusts …
- 4. 角層下膿疱性皮膚症subcorneal pustular dermatosis [show details]
… Subcorneal pustular dermatosis (SPD), also known as Sneddon-Wilkinson disease, is a rare neutrophilic dermatosis in which recurrent crops of sterile pustules appear in the most superficial (subcorneal) …
- 5. 膿疱性乾癬:マネージメントpustular psoriasis management [show details]
… (generalized annular pustular psoriasis) . Pain and fever may accompany these cutaneous manifestations. Generalized annular pustular psoriasis is a common presentation of pustular psoriasis in children …
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- 毛包炎 浅在性、深在性、単発型、多発型等あるが一般的に浅在性の毛包炎をさす。 原因は、ほとんどが黄色ブドウ球菌で、表皮ブドウ球菌によることもある。稀に、菌交代現象で大腸菌、セラチア、緑膿菌などのグラム陰性桿菌感染 ...
- 膿疱のうみを培養すると、黄色ブドウ球菌、表皮ブドウ球菌、あるいは両方の菌が検出されます。 にきび(ざ瘡(ざそう))の一つ一つのぶつぶつは毛包炎ですが、ニキビは、毛包炎・面皰(めんぽう)(黄白色に見える毛穴が詰まった ...
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- 英
- Bockhart impetigo
- 同
- 浅在性膿疱性毛包周囲炎 superficial pustular perifolliculitis
[show details]
- 英
- hair follicle (HIS)
- ラ
- folliculus pili
- 同
- 毛嚢
- 毛を発生させる器官。 (HIS.289)
- 表皮が落ち込んで形成される
- 英
- surrounding、circumferential、ambient、peri、around, circumference
- 関
- 環境、外周、約、外界
- 英
- pustule
- ラ
- pustula
- 関
- 水疱
- 関
- 炎光、炎症