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- 1. 成人における脊髄損傷:定義、機序、および放射線学的所見spinal column injuries in adults definitions mechanisms and radiographs [show details]
…Study Group introduced a classification system for thoracolumbar injuries called the Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Severity Score (TLICS). This score assigns numerical values to each injury based …
- 2. 胃癌:病理および分子学的病因gastric cancer pathology and molecular pathogenesis [show details]
…The Padova classification attempted to reconcile the two systems by assigning numerical categories based on the descriptive findings . A similar attempt was made in the Vienna Classification . The various …
- 3. 胎児水腎症の概要overview of fetal hydronephrosis [show details]
… agreement was higher for the UTD compared with the SFU classification . The UTD classification system is based on six ultrasound findings… ultrasound features by transverse and sagittal views. The severity of findings is denoted by a numerical system (1 through 3, with 3 being the most severe grade) with grading based on the most severe finding…
- 4. 急性リンパ芽球性白血病/リンパ腫における分類、細胞遺伝学および分子遺伝学classification cytogenetics and molecular genetics of acute lymphoblastic leukemia lymphoma [show details]
…Organization (WHO) classification system uses immunophenotype and cytogenetic/molecular features to define specific categories of ALL/LBL . This topic will review the WHO classification of ALL/LBL… percent of cases of B-ALL/LBL and in 50 to 70 percent of T-ALL/LBL . Individual cases may manifest numerical abnormalities (eg, hyperdiploidy, hypodiploidy), structural changes (eg, translocations, inversions …
- 5. 遺伝学の基礎概念:染色体と細胞分化basic genetics concepts chromosomes and cell division [show details]
…or 64n, due to multiple rounds of DNA replication without cell division. Certain pathologic numerical chromosome abnormalities can arise during fertilization. As an example, an extra X chromosome in …
Japanese Journal
- 鳥屋尾 忠之,武田 善行
- 茶業研究報告 1999(87), 39-57, 1999
- … <BR>以上の結果から,チャの花器形態は種内分類にきわめて有用で,また花器形態を対象とした数値分類法は,今後の類縁関係の解明に新しい知見を与えるものと考えられる。 …
- NAID 130000736180
- ビブリオ病原因菌の分類学的研究-2-数値分類法による検討
- 長野県松本地域調査報告:長野県における松本盆地の地域性:数値分類法に基づく考察ー
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- 世界大百科事典 第2版 - 数値分類法の用語解説 - ある集団について各個体の属性あるいは形質データにもとづき似たものどうしをいくつかの群(クラスター)にまとめて類型を作り出す分類手法で,統計的多変量解析法の一つ。数値分類法 ...
- 98 5. 特性値の分類と適当なデータの大きさ 5.2 特性値の分類 データ解析における特性値は,次の6種類の何れかに分類される. ( 1 ) 単純計数値 ある日の入場人員,売上偶数,粒子数,ピγホール数,分結数など1個, 2個と数えら
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- 英
- cluster analysis
- 同
- クラスター化法、数値分類法 数量分類 numerical taxonomy、自動分類法 automatic classification
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- method、law
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- count
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- 数、数える、カウント
- 英
- taxonomy, classification