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- 1. 緊急心嚢穿刺emergency pericardiocentesis [show details]
… immediately available. Controlled small-volume pericardiocentesis to relieve critical tamponade has been reported as a successful bridge to emergency surgery in two case series of tamponade associated with …
- 2. 悪性腫瘍関連心膜疾患pericardial disease associated with malignancy [show details]
… often best treated with pericardiocentesis prior to surgery in order to avoid further instability or cardiovascular collapse during induction of general anesthesia for a surgical approach . Balloon pericardiotomy …
- 3. 心嚢液貯留の診断および治療diagnosis and treatment of pericardial effusion [show details]
…removed. An extensive discussion of pericardiocentesis is presented separately. Surgical pericardiectomy and drainage, though less commonly performed than pericardiocentesis, is often preferred in the following …
- 4. 化膿性心膜炎purulent pericarditis [show details]
… Echocardiographically-guided pericardiocentesis using portable echocardiographic equipment is preferable . Alternatively, pericardiocentesis can be performed by a "blind"… Video-assisted thoracic surgery – Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) requires intubation and deflation of the left lung.…
- 5. 急性大動脈解離とそれ以外の急性大動脈症候群の概要overview of acute aortic dissection and other acute aortic syndromes [show details]
… prior cardiac surgery, known aneurysm, known connective tissue disorder (eg, Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome), bicuspid aortic valve, and prior aortic surgery .… or left ventricular systolic dysfunction. In patients with cardiac tamponade, percutaneous pericardiocentesis can accelerate bleeding and shock . Anti-impulse therapy aims to reduce the velocity of left …
Related Links
- 心膜と心臓の筋肉(心筋)との間を心膜腔と呼びますが、その場所に溜まる液体を心嚢液(しんのうえき)と言います。正常な状態でも15ml~50mlの心嚢液を認めます。この心嚢液が心筋梗塞、外傷や大動脈解離からの出血、心不全、腎
- 心臓の周りには心膜という袋状の組織があります。 . この心膜と心臓の間の空間(心嚢(しんのう)と呼びます)に血液や水などが貯まり、心臓を圧迫してその動きが悪くなる状態を心タンポナーデと呼びます。 . 右図は心膜と心嚢水を示します。
- 心嚢穿刺とは 心臓は心膜に包まれています。そして、心臓と心筋の間を心膜腔と言いますが、そこに液体(心嚢液)が異常に貯留すると心臓が圧迫され十分な拡張ができなくなるため心臓がポンプとしての役割を果たすことができなくなります。
Related Pictures

- 英
- pericardiocentesis
- 同
- 心膜穿刺術
- 関
- 心嚢穿刺
[show details]
- 英
- heart sac
- 同
- 心嚢
- ラ
- pericardium (N)
- 関
- 心臓
心膜の構造 (Z)
- 英
- puncture、paracentesis、prick、stab、needling、pricking
- 関
- 穿開術、穿刺術、微小穿刺、プリッキング、パンクチャー
- 英
- surgery
- 関
- 外科、外科学、手術、外科術、外科手術
- 英
- paracentesis、paracenteses
- 関
- 穿開術、穿刺