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- 1. 左脚前枝ブロックleft anterior fascicular block [show details]
… variability in the size and distribution of the left fascicles . However, in most patients, there are two main fascicles: The left anterior fascicle that crosses the left ventricular outflow tract and terminates …
- 2. 左結腸切除:開腹術left colectomy open technique [show details]
… A left hemicolectomy includes resection of the transverse colon left of the middle colic vessels to the level of the upper rectum. A segmental left colectomy is performed when lesser resections are indicated …
- 3. 左冠動脈主幹部病変のマネージメントmanagement of left main coronary artery disease [show details]
…greater than 75 percent left main stenosis and/or left ventricular dysfunction; there was a nonsignificant trend toward benefit in patients with 50 to 75 percent stenosis and normal left ventricular function …
- 4. 左室収縮機能の評価検査tests to evaluate left ventricular systolic function [show details]
… The use of biplane left ventriculography has not been shown to consistently provide incremental information compared with single plane left ventriculography, although biplane left ventriculography measurements …
- 5. 左室拡張機能の心エコー評価echocardiographic evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function [show details]
…artery disease and presence of LV hypertrophy and left atrial (LA) enlargement in patients with hypertensive cardiovascular disease. Careful examination of left-sided valvular function is essential, as mitral …
Japanese Journal
- 症例報告 左側頭部に生じ多彩な組織像を示した毛包脂腺系腫瘍の1例
- 臨床皮膚科 = Japanese journal of clinical dermatology 70(2), 138-142, 2016-02
- NAID 40020720330
- 部分床義歯とのコンビネーションスプリントにより咬合の回復を図った顎関節症症例
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- left-sided ulcerative colitis, left sided ulcerative colitis
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