- 英
- urinometer, urometer
- 関
- 尿比重
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- 1. 成人における胸水の診断的評価:初期検査diagnostic evaluation of a pleural effusion in adults initial testing [show details]
…tuberculous pleurisy, fungal infection of the pleural space, chylothorax, cholesterol effusion, urinothorax, esophageal rupture, hemothorax, peritoneal dialysis, and extravascular migration of a central …
- 2. 血管外漏出による胸水貯留(PEEVO)pleural effusion of extra vascular origin peevo [show details]
…weeks. PLAPD is described elsewhere in detail. . Urinothorax is defined by the presence of urine in the pleural space . The most common cause of urinothorax is obstructive uropathy due to nephrolithiasis …
- 3. 成人における胸水の診断的評価:病因未確定に対する追加検査diagnostic evaluation of pleural effusion in adults additional tests for undetermined etiology [show details]
…diagnostic clues may lie in simple inspection (especially for chylous effusions) or the smell (in urinothorax), but are often overlooked. Most undiagnosed pleural effusions are exudative, because the differential…
- 4. 成人の肺炎随伴性胸水と膿胸の疫学、臨床症状、診断評価epidemiology clinical presentation and diagnostic evaluation of parapneumonic effusion and empyema in adults [show details]
…other diseases including malignancy, tuberculosis, rheumatoid pleuritis, lupus pleuritis, and urinothorax . It may also be seen in patients who have a central venous catheter that is misplaced in the pleural …
- 5. 成人の肺炎随伴胸水と膿胸のマネージメントおよび予後management and prognosis of parapneumonic pleural effusion and empyema in adults [show details]
…diseases can have a low pleural fluid pH (eg, malignant effusions, rheumatoid and lupus pleurisy, urinothorax, and saline from a misplaced central venous catheter) . Therefore, the decision to drain fluid…
Japanese Journal
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- 尿比重とは、尿中の水分と、水分以外の物質の割合を算出した割合である。通常1.015〜1.025の範囲にあり、1.030以上を高比重尿、1.010以下を低比重尿とよんでいる。多尿、乏尿など、尿量に異常があるときや、高尿素血症があり、腎機能 ...
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- 英
- urine specific gravity, specific gravity of urine
- 関
- 尿、尿検査
- 1.020 (1.010-1.030)
- 蛋白補正:1g/dL:0.003、糖補正:1g/dL:0.004
- 検査値の本
- [高頻度・可能性]脱水(下痢、嘔吐、熱性疾患、水制限など)、糖尿病、ネフローゼ症候群、多発性骨髄腫、造影剤、浸透圧利尿薬(マンニトール製剤、グリセリン(グリセオール))、抗利尿ホルモン不適合分泌症候群(SIADH)
- [高頻度]慢性腎不全、急性腎不全の利尿期、利尿薬投与時、低K血症(利尿薬、原発性アルドステロン症、Bartter症候群、尿細管性アシドーシスなど)、高Ca血症(原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症、サルコイドーシス、悪性腫瘍など)、中枢性尿崩症、腎性尿崩症、薬剤性尿細管障害(リチウム、ゲンタマイシン、メチシリン、アムホテリシンB、ビンブラスチンなど)
- [可能性]心因性多飲症、低蛋白食、低塩食、尿路閉塞
- 英
- specific gravity
- 関
- [[]]