- 英
- massive osteolysis
- 同
- ゴーラム病 Gorham disease、進行性骨溶解症 progressive osteolysis、骨消失病 disappearing bone disease
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- 1. ランゲルハンス細胞組織球症の臨床症状、病理学的特徴、および診断clinical manifestations pathologic features and diagnosis of langerhans cell histiocytosis [show details]
… sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (Rosai-Dorfman disease),… Multiple myeloma – The osteolytic lesions of bone in LCH can be confused with those seen in multiple myeloma.…
- 2. 軟部組織や骨に発生する腱滑膜巨細胞腫およびそれ以外の良性腫瘍treatment for tenosynovial giant cell tumor and other benign neoplasms affecting soft tissue and bone [show details]
…disease, disappearing bone disease, or essential osteolysis) is a rare disorder characterized by relatively painless bone destruction with massive osteolysis due to progression of lymphangiomatous tissue …
- 3. 多発性骨髄腫:病理生物学的特徴multiple myeloma pathobiology [show details]
…characterized by end-organ damage, which includes hypercalcemia, renal dysfunction, anemia, or lytic bone lesions. In some patients, an intermediate asymptomatic but more advanced premalignant stage referred …
- 4. Epidemiology and clinical manifestations of Bartonella infections in persons with HIVepidemiology and clinical manifestations of bartonella infections in persons with hiv [show details]
… and hepatomegaly who was discovered to have massive hemoperitoneum and hypovolemic shock as the main manifestation… include a cellulitic plaque that often overlies an osteolytic lesion and hyperpigmented,…
- 5. 成人T細胞性白血病/リンパ腫の臨床症状、病理学的特徴、および診断clinical manifestations pathologic features and diagnosis of adult t cell leukemia lymphoma [show details]
…activator of nuclear factor kB ligand) These factors may also contribute to the genesis of the lytic bone lesions, increased bone turnover, increased serum alkaline phosphatase, and the "super scan" of the …
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- 大量骨溶解は何科な行けば診断つきますか?大量骨溶解は、原因不明で頭蓋骨の一部が溶けてしまう病気で、頭蓋骨が解けることで脳神経に影響を及ぼす病気ですので、脳神経外科(脳外科)に受診されるのが適当かと思います。
- 大量骨溶解症 世界中で64件しか記録されていない奇病 骨が徐々に失われていくという、あまりにレアケースであるがゆえ、1838年に発見されて ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- progressive osteolysis
- 関
- 大量骨溶解症
- 英
- abundance、bulk、large scale、large amount、(薬物)large dose、abundant、massive、copious、profuse、abundantly、massively
- 関
- 塊状、強力、原体、広範囲、大規模、富む、バルク、豊富、容積、ラージスケール、大きい、大部分、原末、存在量、存在比、多量、おびただしい、大用量
- 英
- (細胞)lysis、(物質)dissolution、lyse、dissolve
- 関
- 溶ける、溶かす、解消
- 英
- sis, pathy
- 英
- osteolysis
- 関
- 骨吸収