- 英
- cystectomy、cyst removal
- 関
- 嚢腫切除、嚢胞切除術、嚢腫切除術
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- 1. 尿路上皮膀胱癌に対する根治的膀胱全摘除術および膀胱温存治療radical cystectomy and bladder sparing treatments for urothelial bladder cancer [show details]
… preservation approach. This includes patients who are medically unfit for cystectomy or who refuse cystectomy. Following radical cystectomy, patients should undergo routine surveillance imaging of the chest …
- 2. 膀胱切除術後の尿路変更および尿路再建urinary diversion and reconstruction following cystectomy [show details]
…the bladder (cystectomy) is required to treat certain malignant (eg, bladder, colorectal cancer) or nonmalignant conditions (eg, birth defect, trauma, neurologic disorders) . After cystectomy, urine needs …
- 3. 卵巣摘出術および卵巣嚢腫核出術oophorectomy and ovarian cystectomy [show details]
…separately. When surgery is indicated for benign ovarian disease, preservation of ovarian tissue via cystectomy or enucleation of a solid tumor from the ovary is generally preferable to complete oophorectomy …
- 4. 腹腔鏡下/ロボット支援下根治的膀胱全摘術laparoscopic robotic assisted radical cystectomy [show details]
…without total cystectomy, those who need radical cystectomy, and those who require a combined modality approach that may include chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy (RT). Radical cystectomy is the treatment …
- 5. 筋層非浸潤性膀胱癌の再発癌あるいは残存癌のマネージメントmanagement of recurrent or persistent non muscle invasive bladder cancer [show details]
…disease after intravesical therapy because these patients should undergo radical cystectomy. If the patient refuses cystectomy or is unfit for more aggressive surgery and does not undergo radiotherapy …
Japanese Journal
- 両側同時自然気胸により急性呼吸不全を発症した13歳男性の1手術例
- LigaSure blunt tip 5mmを使用し腹腔鏡下天蓋切除術を施行した肝嚢胞の1例
- 自然気胸の肺嚢胞切除に対するTissue-LinkTM有用性の検討
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- 関
- cyst removal
- 英
- cystectomy
- 関
- 嚢胞切除、嚢胞切除術、嚢腫切除術
- 英
- cystectomy
- 関
- 嚢腫切除、嚢胞切除、嚢胞切除術
- 関
- cystectomy
- 英
- cystectomy、cyst removal
- 関
- 嚢腫切除、嚢胞切除、嚢腫切除術
- 英
- cyst
- 関
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- 英
- 関
- 横切、横切開、横断、横断面、消失、切除術、切除法、切断、摘出、摘出術、摘除、摘除術、離断、アブレーション、切り取る、焼灼、焼灼術