- 英
- double-inlet ventricle
- 関
- 単心室
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- 1. 房室(AV)管欠損のマネージメントおよび転帰management and outcome of atrioventricular av canal defects [show details]
… successful when the AV valve index is between 0.4 and 0.6 . LV inflow index – Secondary inflow diameter into the LV indexed to the left AV valve annulus diameter. LV inflow index less than 0.5… include: AV valve index – Derived by the ratio of the area of the AV valve apportioned to the LV over the combined area of the AV valve measured in the subcostal left anterior oblique view. Two-ventricle repair… Atrioventricular (AV) canal defects are a group of congenital cardiac defects involving, to varying extent, the AV septum and AV valves (ie, mitral and tricuspid valves).…
- 2. 三尖弁の心エコー評価echocardiographic evaluation of the tricuspid valve [show details]
… the tricuspid valve annulus dilates with the atrium and begets atrioventricular valve regurgitation. Regurgitation engenders further dilation of the valve rings and steady… generally toward the heart during both phases of the cardiac cycle. During inspiration, the normally dominant systolic inflow signal is exaggerated.… compared with the mitral valve annulus; the gap resulting from this displacement is occupied by the membranous septum that separates the left ventricle from the right atrium.…
- 3. 僧帽弁の心エコー評価echocardiographic evaluation of the mitral valve [show details]
… reflecting the deceleration of inflow as the pressure gradient between atrium and ventricle is reduced.… mitral valve leaflets are thin and translucent; the rough attachment points of its chordae to their free margins are thicker than their smooth bellies. The chordae from each leaflet connect to both papillary…
- 4. 房室(AV)管欠損の臨床症状、病態生理、および診断clinical manifestations pathophysiology and diagnosis of atrioventricular av canal defects [show details]
… a single AV valve, which is often associated with regurgitation. Regurgitation through the common valve may be from left ventricle (LV) to left atrium (LA) or right ventricle (RV) to right… Atrioventricular (AV) canal defects are a group of congenital cardiac defects involving the AV septum and AV valves (ie, mitral and tricuspid valves) They are also referred to as AV septal defects,… common AV valve into two distinct orifices. This defect usually has both a large primum atrial and inlet ventricular septal defects. Due to the natural division of the common AV valve into left…
- 5. 心臓弁膜症手術での麻酔anesthesia for cardiac valve surgery [show details]
… cardiomyopathy Patients often have both stenosis and regurgitation affecting a single cardiac valve, as well as more than one affected valve.… Since patients undergoing valve surgery (particularly aortic valve replacement) are at increased risk for postoperative atrioventricular block,… presence of mitral valve stenosis and quantification of its severity (eg, a thickened valve with reduced leaflet opening , as well as a high-velocity aliased LV inflow on color-flow Doppler…
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- 流入路中隔の欠損(scooping)によって流入路中隔は 短くなり,大動脈弁が両房室弁の間にwedgeできない ため大動脈弁は前上方に偏位し流出路は延長する.こ のため正常心ではほぼ等しい心尖~大動脈弁間の距離
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- 英
- single ventricle, SV, univentricular heart, common ventricle
- 同
- 両房室弁流入心室 double-inlet ventricle
- 関
- 単心室症、先天性心疾患
- 英
- ventricle (KH)
- ラ
- ventriculus
- 関
- 心房
- 循環血液量↑、心室拡張性↑ → 拡張期心室容量↑
- 循環血液量↓、心室拡張性↓ → 拡張期心室容量↓
- 末梢血管抵抗↑、心室収縮性↓ → 収縮期心室容量↑
- 末梢血管抵抗↓、心室収縮性↑ → 収縮期心室容量↓
- 英
- influx、entry、inflow、incurrent
- 関
- 移行、入口、内向き流速、侵入、流入性、エントリー
- 英
- ventricle、ventriculus、ventriculi、ventricular
- 関
- 胃、腔、心室、心室性、脳室
- 英
- atrioventricular valve
- 関
- 三尖弁、僧帽弁