2. ST上昇型心筋梗塞における血栓溶解療法の特性および臨床試験 characteristics of fibrinolytic thrombolytic agents and clinical trials in acute st elevation myocardial infarction
3. ST上昇型心筋梗塞における血栓溶解療法の失敗または切迫再梗塞のマネージメント management of failed fibrinolysis thrombolysis or threatened reocclusion in acute st elevation myocardial infarction
4. ST上昇型心筋梗塞における抗凝固療法 anticoagulant therapy in acute st elevation myocardial infarction
5. A群レンサ球菌:病原性因子および発症機序 group a streptococcus virulence factors and pathogenic mechanisms