- 英
- initiation
- 関
- 開始、惹起
- the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new; "she looked forward to her initiation as an adult"; "the foundation of a new scientific society" (同)founding, foundation, institution, origination, creation, innovation, introduction, instauration
- a formal entry into an organization or position or office; "his initiation into the club"; "he was ordered to report for induction into the army"; "he gave a speech as part of his installation into the hall of fame" (同)induction, installation
- 〈U〉開始;創業 / 〈U〉入会,入門;〈C〉入会(入門)式 / 〈U〉手ほどき,伝授
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- 人生の節目に行われる儀礼については、通過儀礼を参照のこと。
- オウム真理教の修行については、オウム真理教の修行 を参照のこと。
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- 1. 心肺バイパス術:準備および実施cardiopulmonary bypass preparations and initiation [show details]
…organs remain adequately oxygenated and perfused. This topic will discuss preparations for and initiation of CPB. Management of CPB is discussed separately. The process of weaning from CPB and common …
- 2. 小児や青年への喫煙開始の予防策prevention of smoking initiation in children and adolescents [show details]
…lower rates of smoking initiation among their children and improved resistance of the child to peer smoking influences . Of note, parental disapproval helps prevent smoking initiation in the child even if …
- 3. 急性ST上昇型心筋梗塞の血栓溶解療法:治療開始fibrinolysis for acute st elevation myocardial infarction initiation of therapy [show details]
…percutaneous coronary intervention after fibrinolysis. Thus, we consult with a cardiologist soon after initiation of fibrinolysis. Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is the preferred to fibrinolytic …
- 4. 危篤状態の成人における鎮静鎮痛剤:選択、開始、維持、および離脱sedative analgesic medications in critically ill adults selection initiation maintenance and withdrawal [show details]
…outcomes. The management of agitation in critically ill adults is reviewed here, including the initiation, maintenance, and withdrawal of pharmacological sedation. Common sedative-analgesic medications …
- 5. 成人のHIV感染者の肺結核治療:治療開始後のフォローアップtreatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in hiv infected adults follow up after initiation of therapy [show details]
…distinguishing between causes of inadequate clinical response depends in part on the timing relative to initiation of antituberculous therapy: Drug hypersensitivity (usually manifesting as rash or systemic reactions)…
Japanese Journal
- アリスは大人になれるのか? : 不思議の国の形而上学とイニシエーション (総特集 150年目の『不思議の国のアリス』)
- 「呪われた企て」 : コーマック・マッカーシー『越境』における「剥き出しの生」と証人の責務
- 「布橋灌頂会」に関する一考察 : 心理臨床学的視点から
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- 英
- initiation、start、onset、commencement、start、initiate、mount、institute、commence
- 関
- イニシエーション、イニシエート、オンセット、研究所、設立、着手、発症、発生、始める、惹起、起動、発病、始動、乗せる、高まる、スタート、マウント
- 関
- commence、commencement、evoke、initiate、institute、mount、onset、start
- 英
- initiation、initiate、evoke
- 関
- イニシエーション、イニシエート、開始、誘起
- 英
- initiation factor, IF
- 関
- ペプチド鎖開始因子