tubulus renalis colligens
- 腎臓の
English Journal
- Unique Transcriptomic Profile of Collecting Duct Carcinomas Relative to Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinomas and other Kidney Carcinomas.
- Malouf GG1, Compérat E2, Yao H3, Mouawad R1, Lindner V4, Rioux-Leclercq N5, Verkarre V6, Leroy X7, Dainese L8, Classe M1, Descotes JL9, Barthelemy P10, Yacoub M11,12, Rouprêt M13, Bernhard JC12,14, Creighton CJ15, Spano JP1, Su X3, Khayat D1.
- Scientific reports.Sci Rep.2016 Aug 3;6:30988. doi: 10.1038/srep30988.
- Collecting duct carcinoma (CDC) is a kidney cancer subtype that is thought to arise from principal cells in distal parts of the collecting ducts. Some studies suggested an overlap of CDC with upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC), making the pathological diagnosis challenging. Herein, we performed
- PMID 27484008
- EP3 receptor regulates water excretion in response to high salt intake.
- Hao S1, DelliPizzi A2, Quiroz-Munoz M3, Jiang H1, Ferreri NR4.
- American journal of physiology. Renal physiology.Am J Physiol Renal Physiol.2016 Jul 27:ajprenal.00589.2015. doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00589.2015. [Epub ahead of print]
- The mechanisms by which prostanoids contribute to the maintenance of whole body water homeostasis are complex and not fully understood. The present study demonstrates that an EP3-dependent feedback mechanism contributes to the regulation of water homeostasis under high salt conditions. Rats on a nor
- PMID 27465993
Japanese Journal
- 栗原 昭三,保田 幹男
- 日本獸醫學雜誌 40(2), 185-200, 1978-04-25
- … The collecting duct system carrying urine from nephron to ureter was also divided into the cortical and medullary parts, i.e., Ductulus colligens perilobularis and Ductulus colligens medullaris. … Ductulus colligens perilobularis was classified in five types according to the branching modes of the Tubulus colligens. …
- NAID 110003919382
Related Links
- renal collecting tubule / tubulus renalis colligens principal cells: light-staining cells of the renal collecting tubules that transport water in response to ADH and sodium in response to aldosterone. intercalated cells: dark-colored ...
- Also known as the tubulus renalis colligens, or renal collecting tubule: That structure of the kidney consisting of the arcuate renal tubule, straight collecting tubule, and papillary duct considered together.
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- 英
- collecting duct (Z) CD, collecting tubule
- ラ
- tubulus renalis colligens
- 関
- 尿細管、腎臓、ヘンレループ。後腎、中腎管
- L.291
- 由来:中腎管の尿管芽
- 過程:後腎組織に入り拡張、原始腎盂(大腎杯)を形成。管腔が分岐を繰り返し小腎杯を形成、さらに集合管が多数分岐して腎錐体を形成する。
集合管 (HIS. 381)
- 大量のNaが集合管に到達し、ENacによる再吸収をうける。これがカリウムイオンと水素イオンの分泌を促進し、低カリウム血症と代謝性アルカローシスをきたす。(HIM.1801)
- 関
- kidney、renally