- 関
- M. tuberculosis、Mycobacterium tuberculosis、tubercle bacillus
- a swelling that is the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis
- 小塊茎,塊根 / 瘤状突起,結節
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English Journal
- Drug targets in dormant Mycobacterium tuberculosis: can the conquest against tuberculosis become a reality?
- Gupta VK1, Kumar MM2, Singh D1, Bisht D1, Sharma S1.
- Infectious diseases (London, England).Infect Dis (Lond).2017 Sep 21:1-14. doi: 10.1080/23744235.2017.1377346. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28933243
- In Vitro Activities of Enantiopure and Racemic 1'-Acetoxychavicol Acetate against Clinical Isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
- Warit S1, Rukseree K2, Prammananan T3, Hongmanee P4, Billamas P5, Jaitrong S6, Chaiprasert A7, Jaki BU8,9, Pauli GF10,11, Franzblau SG12, Palittapongarnpim P13,14.
- Scientia pharmaceutica.Sci Pharm.2017 Sep 18;85(3). pii: E32. doi: 10.3390/scipharm85030032.
- PMID 28927024
- Temperature dependent polymorphism of pyrazinamide: An in situ Raman and DFT study.
- Sharma P1, Nandi R2, Gangopadhyay D1, Singh A3, Singh RK4.
- Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy.Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc.2017 Sep 13;190:177-180. doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2017.09.016. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28922644
Japanese Journal
- Miliary Tuberculosis Complicated by Pulmonary Cavitations and Pneumothorax in a 14-Month Old Boy
- Annals of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 18(4), 355-358, 2012-08-01
- … Direct microscopy of gastric lavage showed the presence of tubercle bacilli, providing definitive diagnosis. …
- NAID 10031034377
- 院内肺結核感染対策におけるチェックリストの有用性の検討
- 林 泉,和田 靖之,富永 健司,菅野 みゆき
- 日本環境感染学会誌 27(4), 273-277, 2012
- 当院では2008年より,院内における肺結核の早期発見と対応を目的とした結核対策チェックリストを独自に作成し運用を開始した.チェックリストは,全ての新規入院患者と外来で長時間の滞在を要する患者を対象に,既往歴・家族歴と胸部X線所見,呼吸器症状を問う内容とした.チェックリストで肺結核が疑われる患者に対し喀痰検査を行い,早期診断を試みた. チェックリスト記載率は運用開始時77.4%,12ヶ月後9 …
- NAID 130002128995
- 腸結核における QuantiFERON^【○!R】TB の意義 : QuantiFERON^【○!R】TB 陰性の腸結核2症例
- 稲葉 直也,知花 洋子,西福 康之,小池 健郎,前田 光徳,小嶋 和夫,笹井 貴子,菅家 一成,渡辺 秀考,平石 秀幸
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 = Gastroenterological endoscopy 53(10), 3310-3316, 2011-10-20
- 結核の新しい検査方法であるQuantiFERON<SUP>®</SUP> TB(QFT)の有用性が注目されているが,QFTが偽陰性を呈した活動性腸結核を経験した.症例1は55歳の男性.下痢,発熱を認め,回盲部に多発する不整形潰瘍を認めた.組織および腸液の細菌培養,抗酸菌培養,QFTは陰性であったが,抗Tuberculosis Glycolipids抗体22U/mlと高値で, …
- NAID 10030292618
Related Links
- By using a kit for diagnosis of tubercle bacilli containing a substrate, on which immobilized through a covalent bond is an oligonucleotide which is derived from a gene on tubercle bacilli genome that is responsible for drug resistance ...
- bacillus [bah-sil´us] (pl. bacil´li) (L.) 1. an organism of the genus Bacillus. 2. any rod-shaped bacterium. anthrax bacillus Bacillus anthracis. Calmette-Guérin bacillus bacille Calmette-Guērin. coliform bacilli gram-negative bacilli found in ...
Related Pictures

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- 関
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis、tubercle bacilli、tubercle bacillus
- 関
- M. tuberculosis、Mycobacterium tuberculosis、tubercle bacilli
- 関
- node、nodose、nodulate、tubercular、tuberosity
- 関
- bacillary、Bacillus