- (~で)薄く着色される、染まる(tint)(with)
- (~の)気味を帯びる、添えられる(with)
- (a ~)色、色合い(slight tint)
- (a ~ of + n.)(色・管状などが)~の気味、~じみたところ(trace)
- affect as in thought or feeling; "My personal feelings color my judgment in this case"; "The sadness tinged his life" (同)color, colour, distort
- color lightly; "her greying hair was tinged blond"; "the leaves were tinged red in November" (同)tinct, tinge, touch
- uncertain because of uncontrollable circumstances; "the results of confession were not contingent, they were certain"- George Eliot
- a temporary military unit; "the peacekeeping force includes one British contingent" (同)detail
- a gathering of persons representative of some larger group; "each nation sent a contingent of athletes to the Olympics"
- determined by conditions or circumstances that follow; "arms sales contingent on the approval of congress" (同)contingent on, contingent upon, dependent on, dependant on, dependent upon, dependant upon, depending on
- possible but not certain to occur; "they had to plan for contingent expenses"
- a fee that is payable only if the outcome is successful (as for an attorneys services)
- of a color tinged with purple (同)purple-tinted
- plate with tin
- a silvery malleable metallic element that resists corrosion; used in many alloys and to coat other metals to prevent corrosion; obtained chiefly from cassiterite where it occurs as tin oxide (同)Sn, atomic number 50
- prepare (a metal) for soldering or brazing by applying a thin layer of solder to the surface
- a vessel (box, can, pan, etc.) made of tinplate and used mainly in baking
- make a light, metallic sound; go `ting
- a light clear metallic sound as of a small bell (同)tinkle
- cause to make a ting
- (…の)『薄い色合い』《+『of』+『名』》 / 『ほんの少し』(の…),(…の)気味《+of+名》 / (…で)…‘を'『薄く色づける』《+名+with+名》 / (…で)…‘に'軽く味(におい)をつける
- (色の)『濃淡』,色合い《+of+名》 / 『ほのかな色』,(赤み・青みなどの)…み / …‘に'薄く色をつける;(…で)…‘を'薄く染める《+名+with+名》
- 起こるかもしれない,不測の;(…に)起こり得る《+『to』+『名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》(他の条件などに)依存する,…次第の《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / 《集合的に》《《米》単数扱い,《英》浪数・閣数扱い》派遣団,代表団 / 分遣隊(艦隊)
- {U}錫(金属元素;化学記号はSn) / {U}ブリキ(tin plate) / 《英》=can {名}2 / 錫製の;ブリキの / …‘に'錫めっきをする;…‘に'錫を張る(かぶせる) / 《英》=can {動}
- …‘を'チリンチリナ(リンリン)と鳴らす / チリンチリン鳴る宴
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English Journal
- In vitro isolation and cultivation of human chondrocytes for osteoarthritis renovation.
- Xu J1, Zhang C.
- In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Animal.In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim.2014 Aug;50(7):623-9. doi: 10.1007/s11626-014-9742-5. Epub 2014 Jun 11.
- The purpose of this study was to evaluate the repair effects of chondrocytes that were cultured in vitro on osteoarthritis (OA). Chondrocytes were isolated from fetal rabbits and cultured in Biosilon microcarriers. Sixty rabbits were randomly divided into three groups equally (blank group, model gro
- PMID 24916718
- Conscientiousness in life course context: a commentary.
- Costanzo PR1.
- Developmental psychology.Dev Psychol.2014 May;50(5):1460-4. doi: 10.1037/a0036024.
- In this commentary, the common themes from the interesting articles in this special section of Developmental Psychology are considered as they illuminate the potential ontogenetic sources of the conscientiousness-well-being-longevity interconnections that have emerged in recent research. In particul
- PMID 24773107
- Anaplastic large cell lymphoma in a reconstructed breast using a silicone implant: a UK case report.
- Sørensen K1, Murphy J2, Lennard A3, Wadehra V4, Menon GK4, Collis N2.
- Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS.J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg.2014 Apr;67(4):561-3. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2013.09.015. Epub 2013 Sep 18.
- We present case of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma discovered as an incidental finding whilst revising an implant based breast reconstruction in a 55 year old woman, whom previously had undergone risk reduction mastectomies and immediate reconstruction. During the procedure a presumed seroma was pres
- PMID 24156878
- Cyclin E1 (CCNE1) as independent positive prognostic factor in advanced stage serous ovarian cancer patients - a study of the OVCAD consortium.
- Pils D1, Bachmayr-Heyda A2, Auer K2, Svoboda M3, Auner V2, Hager G2, Obermayr E4, Reiner A5, Reinthaller A2, Speiser P2, Braicu I6, Sehouli J6, Lambrechts S7, Vergote I7, Mahner S8, Berger A9, Cacsire Castillo-Tong D2, Zeillinger R4.
- European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990).Eur J Cancer.2014 Jan;50(1):99-110. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2013.09.011. Epub 2013 Oct 28.
- Cyclin E, coded by the genes CCNE1 and CCNE2, is the main regulator for transition from G1 to S phase determining cell division. CCNE1 and CCNE2 are known oncogenes in many cancer entities. Especially CCNE1 has frequently been associated with gene amplifications in various malignancies, emphasising
- PMID 24176298
Japanese Journal
- カラーリーダーによる板海苔の品質評価(第3報)-光照射による板海苔の色調変化について-
- カナダ政治文化の地域性 : 移民の果たしたもう一つの役割
- ムダ毛の手入れと肌への影響:—脱毛器3機種とカミソリによる手入れの比較から—
- 女は行かなければならない : 婚姻規範への(不)服従、ネパール・ヨルモ女性の語りから
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- Synonyms for tinge at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
- tingeとは。意味や和訳。[動](〜・ing or ting・ing)(他)1 …に薄く色を着ける, (…で) 染める((with ...))mountains tinged with rose.
Related Pictures

- tinge
- 関
- cleavage、cleave、contingent、divide、division、fractionate、fractionation、mince、parcellated、part、parted、partition、resolution、split
- 関
- accompanying、contingency