- 関
- ankylosis、rigidity、tetany、tonic
- the physical property of being stiff and resisting bending (同)rigidness
- clinical neurological syndrome characterized by muscular twitching and cramps and (when severe) seizures; associated with calcium deficiency (hypoparathyroidism) or vitamin D deficiency or alkalosis (同)tetanilla, intermittent tetanus, intermittent cramp, apyretic tetanus
- abnormal adhesion and rigidity of the bones of a joint (同)anchylosis
- relating to or being the keynote of a major or minor scale; "tonic harmony"
- a medicine that strengthens and invigorates (同)restorative
- (music) the first note of a diatonic scale (同)keynote
- lime- or lemon-flavored carbonated water containing quinine (同)tonic_water, quinine water
- used of syllables; "a tonic syllables carries the main stress in a word" (同)accented
- employing variations in pitch to distinguish meanings of otherwise similar words; "Chinese is a tonal language" (同)tonal
- of or relating to or producing normal tone or tonus in muscles or tissue; "a tonic reflex"; "tonic muscle contraction"
- 三いこと,硬直 / 厳格;厳密,厳正
- 強壮剤;養毛剤,ヘアトニック / (精神的に)元気付けるもの / =tonic water / 主音(音階の中心となる第1音) / 強壮にする,元気付ける / 音調の / (音楽で)主音の
English Journal
- Tissue engineering of skeletal muscle.
- Yan W1, George S, Fotadar U, Tyhovych N, Kamer A, Yost MJ, Price RL, Haggart CR, Holmes JW, Terracio L.
- Tissue engineering.Tissue Eng.2007 Nov;13(11):2781-90.
- Loss of skeletal muscle profoundly affects the health and well-being of patients, and there currently is no way to replace lost muscle. We believe that a key step in the development of a prosthesis for reconstruction of dysfunctional muscular tissue is the ability to reconstitute the in vivo-like 3-
- PMID 17880268
- Physiological function of granule cells: a hypothesis.
- Buzsáki G1, Czéh G.
- Epilepsy research. Supplement.Epilepsy Res Suppl.1992;7:281-90.
- In this chapter we review the physiological properties of granule cells in vivo and in vitro. We conclude from the literature that in intact rats granule cells fire rhythmic bursts of action potentials concurrent with exploration-associated theta waves. The population discharge of granule cells coin
- PMID 1334667
- Opioid-mediated facilitation of long-term potentiation at the lateral perforant path-dentate granule cell synapse.
- Xie CW1, Lewis DV.
- The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics.J Pharmacol Exp Ther.1991 Jan;256(1):289-96.
- Opioid effects on the development of long-term potentiation (LTP) were investigated at the lateral perforant path (LPP)-dentate granule cell synapse of the hippocampal slice. High frequency stimuli were delivered to the outer molecular layer of the dentate to tetanize the LPP. Significant LTP was in
- PMID 1671096
Japanese Journal
- 鈴木 誠
- 日本泌尿器科學會雜誌 75(3), 414-423, 1984
- 成熟ウサギの尿管に50〜150日間の尿管閉塞を作製し、正常尿管をコントロールとして筋収縮力学の立場から基礎的検討を加えた。張力長さ関係を検討する場合、酸素化したKrebs溶液内で50Hz、40Vの交流を使用した。正常尿管および拡張尿管は、骨格筋と同様にoptimal lengthとそこで発生する最大活動張力で特徴づけられる張力-長さ関係を示した。一方、静止張力の変化は、正常尿管では緩慢な増加を示し …
- NAID 110003082289
Related Links
- Definition of TETANIZE: to induce tetanus in <tetanize a muscle> — tet·a·ni·za·tion \ ˌ te-tə-nə-ˈ zā-shən, ˌ tet-nə-\ noun First Known Use of TETANIZE 1849 Rhymes with TETANIZE advertise, agonize, alchemize, analyze, anglicize, anodize ...
- Tetanize definition, to induce tetanus in (a muscle). See more. Thesaurus Translator Reference Word of the Day Blog Slideshows Apps by Dictionary My Account Log Out Log In follow Dictionary.com Dictionary Thesaurus More...
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- 関
- analeptic、ankylosing、ankylosis、ankylotic、catatonic、continuous、continuously、insurmountable、long-lasting、permanent、persistent、persistently、persisting、repository、rigidity、sustained、tetanic、tetanize、tetany、tonically
- 関
- tetanic、tetanus、tetany