- 関
- hypersensitive、irritable、irritation、supersensitivity
- the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed (同)annoyance, vexation, botheration
- (pathology) abnormal sensitivity to stimulation; "any food produced irritation of the stomach"
- abnormally sensitive to a stimulus
- 〈U〉いらだち;立腹,かんしゃく / 〈C〉炎症
- (人・気質などが)怒りっぽい,短気な,(気分などが)いらいらした / 敏感な / (身体・器官などが)刺激を感じる,炎症性の
- (…に)敏感すぎる,過敏性の《+『to』(『about』)+『名』》
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English Journal
- The administration of atomoxetine during alcohol deprivation induces a time-limited increase in alcohol consumption after relapse.
- Alén F1, Serrano A2, Gorriti MÁ1, Pavón FJ2, Orio L2, de Heras RG1, Ramírez-López MT1, Antón M2, Pozo MÁ3, Rodríguez de Fonseca F1.
- The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology / official scientific journal of the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum (CINP).Int J Neuropsychopharmacol.2014 Nov;17(11):1905-10. doi: 10.1017/S146114571400087X. Epub 2014 Jul 15.
- The administration of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) typically used as antidepressants increases alcohol consumption after an alcohol deprivation period in rats. However, the appearance of this effect after the treatment with selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) has n
- PMID 25025529
- New gout test: enhanced ex vivo cytokine production from PBMCS in common gout patients and a gout patient with Kearns-Sayre syndrome.
- Jansen TL1, Berendsen D, Crisan TO, Cleophas MC, Janssen MC, Joosten LA.
- Clinical rheumatology.Clin Rheumatol.2014 Sep;33(9):1341-6. doi: 10.1007/s10067-014-2620-4. Epub 2014 Apr 24.
- Monosodium urate (MSU) monohydrate crystals synergize with various toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands to induce interleukin-(IL)-1β production. Data are shown from a young male with mitochondriopathy in Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS) who developed gout and underwent urate-lowering therapy (ULT) versus a
- PMID 24760192
- Depression treatment by withdrawal of short-term low-dose antipsychotic, a proof-of-concept randomized double-blind study.
- Kennedy SH1, Giacobbe P2, Placenza F2, Hudson CJ3, Seeman P4, Seeman MV4.
- Journal of affective disorders.J Affect Disord.2014 Sep;166:139-43. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.04.014. Epub 2014 May 5.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Because increased dopamine neurotransmission occurs with most antidepressants, and because antipsychotics cause behavioural supersensitivity to dopamine, short-term low-dose antipsychotic treatment was tested on depressed patients with an expectation of clinical improvement
- PMID 25012422
Japanese Journal
- 半導体カーボンナノチューブの分離・濃縮とカーボンナノチューブガスセンサ高感度化への応用
- 藤岡 将広,渡邉 英明,中野 道彦,末廣 純也
- 電気学会研究会資料. CHS, ケミカルセンサ研究会 2011(1), 1-6, 2011-06-30
- NAID 10029072832
- 微弱電界測定の新しい展開と生体への応用の可能性(教育講演,第31回生命情報科学シンポジウム)
- 滝口 清昭,伊藤 誠吾,河野 賢司,袖山 洋子
- Journal of International Society of Life Information Science 29(1), 9-22, 2011-03-01
- サメが生餌の発する微弱な電界を検知する生体センサには,大きな謎がある.それは最新テクノロジーでも到底実現しえない超高感度を接地なしに実現していることである.我々はサメの電界検知器の構造にヒントを得て新しい素子の試作に成功した.またレーザ光等の光照射によって物質や生体の表面に準静電界の発生を見出し,それを用いた新しい可視化技術を開発した.これは表面だけではなく対象物内部の電気特性を可視化できるもので …
- NAID 110008593352
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- Super Sensitive manufactures violin strings, viola, cello and other musical strings and accessories for bowed instruments of the highest quality like Red Label.
- Adj. 1. supersensitive - having an allergy or peculiar or excessive susceptibility ( especially to a specific factor); "allergic children"; "hypersensitive to pollen". hypersensitised, hypersensitive, hypersensitized, sensitised, sensitized, ...
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- 関
- hyperesthesia、hyperesthetic、hyperreactivity、hypersensitivity、overactive、overactivity、supersensitive
- いらだたせること。いらだち、激昴、立腹。(医)刺激、刺激状態、炎症、炎症箇所
- 関
- irritable、stimulation、supersensitive、supersensitivity
- 英
- supersensitivity、irritation、supersensitive、irritable
- 関
- 過感受性、過感受的、刺激作用、被刺激性、易刺激的
- 関
- irritability、irritation、supersensitive、supersensitivity
- 関
- hypersensitivity、hypersusceptibility、irritable、irritation、supersensitive