- 関
- filter flask、filtering flask
- the quantity contained in a bottle (同)bottleful
- store (liquids or gases) in bottles
- a vessel fitted with a flexible teat and filled with milk or formula; used as a substitute for breast feeding infants and very young children (同)feeding_bottle, nursing bottle
- a glass or plastic vessel used for storing drinks or other liquids; typically cylindrical without handles and with a narrow neck that can be plugged or capped
- put into bottles; "bottle the mineral water"
- remove or draw away by the force of suction; "the doctors had to suction the water from the patients lungs"
- a force over an area produced by a pressure difference
- empty or clean (a body cavity) by the force of suction; "suction the uterus in an abortion"
- 『びん』;1びんの量 / 〈U〉《the~》酒;飲酒 / 〈U〉《the~》哺乳(ほにゅう)びん;牛乳 / …'を'びんに詰める
- (圧力の差によって気体・液体を)吸い込むこと,吸引;吸引力
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English Journal
- How to do the bottle suction method for removal of a silicone gel breast implant.
- Hwang Y, Youngberg R, Sutton D, Messer D.
- ANZ journal of surgery. 2019 Jun;89(6)758-759.
- There is a growing prevalence of silicone breast implant rupture and need for removal. This article identifies a novel method of removing silicone gel breast implants which addresses issues identified with the current methods. Our technique is an efficient and effective method but most importantly c
- PMID 31087473
- Chest Tube Drainage Devices.
- Toth JW, Reed MF, Ventola LK.
- Seminars in respiratory and critical care medicine. 2019 Jun;40(3)386-393.
- Placement of a chest tube drains intrapleural fluid and air. The tube should be attached to a drainage system, such as one-, two-, or three-compartment devices, a one-way (Heimlich) valve for ambulatory drainage, a digital system, or a vacuum bottle. The frequently employed three-compartment systems
- PMID 31525813
- Assessment health status of ICU medical equipment levels at Neyshabur hospitals using ICNA and ACC indices.
- Najafi Saleh H, Kavosi A, Pakdel M, Yousefi M, Baghal Asghari F, Mohammadi AA.
- MethodsX. 2018 ;5()1364-1372.
- This study was conducted to evaluate the health status of medical equipment's in Neyshabur hospital's intensive care units (ICU) before and after daily cleaning in order to compare the efficiency of the observational and microbial methods in evaluating hygienic conditions and cleaning of the environ
- PMID 30425934
Japanese Journal
- 鼻咽腔閉鎖機能不全による摂食・嚥下障害を伴った第1第2鰓弓症候群の1例
- 玄 景華,橋本 岳英,片川 吉尚,安田 順一
- 岐阜歯科学会雑誌 37(3), 188-194, 2011-02-20
- 【緒言】第1第2鰓弓症候群は主に顔面、口腔および耳などに変形を生じる先天性疾患であるが、摂食・嚥下障害は少ないとされている。今回は著明な哺乳障害を伴った本症候群患児に対して、摂食機能療法を行い良好な結果を得たので報告する。【症例】4カ月女児。主訴:某大学病院小児科より嚥下リハビリテーション依頼。38週2,296g で帝王切開にて出生し、左耳介欠損、左耳孔閉鎖等を認め、本症候群と診断された。既往歴: …
- NAID 110008138685
- 自然気胸におけるソラシックエッグ^【○!R】の有用性の検討 : より安全に気胸外来治療を行うための工夫
- 三澤 賢治,三島 修,北野 司久
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery 23(6), 798-801, 2009-09-15
- 携帯型気胸ドレナージキット(ソラシックエッグ<SUP>®</SUP>:以下TE)の有用性についてretrospectiveに検討した.対象は2007年3月から2008年9月にTEを使用して治療を行った自然気胸患者43例.患者の平均年齢は33歳(13~69歳),男性32例,女性11例,患側は右18例,左25例,初発27例,再発16例であった.17例は外来通院のみで治療が可能で …
- NAID 10025953755
- 可児 桂子,水野 克巳,河村 洋
- 日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 = Journal of Japan Society for Premature and Newborn Medicine 20(2), 261-267, 2008-06-15
- NAID 10024949739
Related Pictures

- 英
- filtering flask、suction bottle、filter flask
- 関
- filtering flask、suction bottle
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- filter flask、suction bottle
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- aspirate、aspiration、inhalation、inhale、suck、vacuum
- 関
- bottled、bottling
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- bottle、bottling
- 関
- bottle、bottled