- a transformer that reduces voltage
- to a lower intensity; "he slowly phased down the light until the stage was completely black"
- soft fine feathers (同)down feather
- (American football) a complete play to advance the football; "you have four downs to gain ten yards"
- fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs) (同)pile
- (usually plural) a rolling treeless highland with little soil
- understood perfectly; "had his algebra problems down" (同)down pat, mastered
- extending or moving from a higher to a lower place; "the down staircase"; "the downward course of the stream" (同)downward
- spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position; "dont fall down"; "rode the lift up and skied down"; "prices plunged downward" (同)downwards, downward, downwardly
- cause to come or go down; "The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect"; "The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet" (同)knock down, cut_down, push down, pull down
- shoot at and force to come down; "the enemy landed several of our aircraft" (同)shoot down, land
- away from a more central or a more northerly place; "was sent down to work at the regional office"; "worked down on the farm"; "came down for the wedding"; "flew down to Florida"
- becoming progressively lower; "the down trend in the real estate market"
- being or moving lower in position or less in some value; "lay face down"; "the moon is down"; "our team is down by a run"; "down by a pawn"; "the stock market is down today"
- being put out by a strikeout; "two down in the bottom of the ninth"
- bring down or defeat (an opponent)
- from an earlier time; "the story was passed down from father to son"
- in an inactive or inoperative state; "the factory went down during the strike"; "the computer went down again"
- not functioning (temporarily or permanently); "we cant work because the computer is down"
- paid in cash at time of purchase; "put ten dollars down on the necklace"
- shut; "the shades were down"
- travel or traverse (a distance); "This car does 150 miles per hour"; "We did 6 miles on our hike every day"
- the syllable naming the first (tonic) note of any major scale in solmization (同)doh, ut
- proceed or get along; "How is she doing in her new job?"; "How are you making out in graduate school?"; "Hes come a long way" (同)fare, make_out, come, get along
- create or design, often in a certain way; "Do my room in blue"; "I did this piece in wood to express my love for the forest" (同)make
- carry on or function; "We could do with a little more help around here" (同)manage
- get (something) done; "I did my job" (同)perform
- walk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified manner; "step over to the blackboard"
- a short distance; "its only a step to the drugstore" (同)stone''s throw
- move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation; "She stepped into a life of luxury"; "he wont step into his fathers footsteps"
- support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway; "he paused on the bottom step" (同)stair
- a solid block joined to the beams in which the heel of a ships mast or capstan is fixed
- the act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down; "he walked with unsteady steps"
- put down or press the foot, place the foot; "For fools rush in where angels fear to tread"; "step on the brake" (同)tread
- cause (a computer) to execute a single command
- furnish with steps; "The architect wants to step the terrace"
- move with ones feet in a specific manner; "step lively"
- place (a ships mast) in its step
- shift or move by taking a step; "step back"
- the course along which a person has walked or is walking in; "I followed in his steps"; "he retraced his steps"; "his steps turned toward home"
- English physician who first described Downs syndrome (1828-1896) (同)John L. H. Down
- 減少,減速
- (高い所から)『下へ』,降りて,地面へ / (地理・地図上)南へ,下町へ;(風・流れなどが)『下(しも)手へ』;《英》(都会・大学から)地方へ,離れて / (価格・品質・温度などが)『下がって』,(数量・スピードなどが)少なく,減じて,(濃度が)薄く / (健康・風の勢いなどが)『衰えて』,気分が沈んで / (時代などが)下がって,…に至るまで / (身分・地位が)下がって / (紙面に)書き留めて,記録して / (頭金を)現金で,即金で / 最後まで,徹底的に / しっかりと,動けないように / (高い所から)…『を下がって』;…『に沿って』;…の向こうに / …の下流に / …以来 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『下りの』,下への / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(列車・バスなどが)下りの / 《補語にのみ用いて》下に,下がって / 《補語にのみ用いて》弱まった,おさまった;落胆した,元気のない / 《補語にのみ用いて》(勝負で)負けて,すって / 《補語にのみ用いて》《おもに米話》(野球で)アウト / …‘を'打倒する,負かす,撃ち落とす / …‘を'飲み干す,飲み込む / 下り,下降 / 《複数形で》不運,逆境
- (鳥の)綿毛,うぶ毛,下羽 / (植物・果実の表面の)柔らかい毛
- なだらかな草原地,丘陵地帯(特にイングランド南部の小高い白亜質の草原地the Downsを言う)
- 《疑問文・否定文を作る》 / 《否定命令文を作る》 / 《助動詞とbe動詞のどちらも含まない文に用いて付加疑問を作る》 / 《強意語として》 / 《文》《助動詞とbe動詞のどちらも含まない文に用いて倒置文を作る》 / 《あいづちを打つ場合に》 / 《先行する動詞またはそれを含む述部の代用》 / 《so,nor,neitherで始まる簡略文で》 / …‘を'『する』,行う,果たす / 《通例have done,時にbe doneの形で》…‘を'『終える』,済ませる / …‘を'作る,作り出す / …‘を'『処理する』,整える,片付ける / 〈学課〉‘を'『勉強する』,専攻する / 〈利益・害など〉‘を'与える,もたらす / 〈人〉‘に'『役立つ』,用が足りる(serve) / …の速度で進む,距離を行く / …‘を'見物する / 〈劇〉‘を'上演する;…‘の'役を演じる / …の役目(仕事)をする / 《おもに英》…‘を'だます,かつぐ / 《話》…をへとへとにさせる / 『する』;活動する / 《通例have done,時にbe doneの形で》(…を)『終える』,済ます《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈事が〉『運ぶ』;〈人が〉暮らしていく,健康である / 〈物が〉(…に)『間に合う』,十分である;〈人が〉(…に)役に立つ,向く《+『for』+『名』》 / 《複数形で》すべきこと / 〈C〉《おもに英》大宴会,大パーティー / 〈C〉《英話》詐欺,ぺてん
- ド(全音階の第1音)
- 『一歩』,歩み;一歩の距離,歩幅;短い距離 / (階段・はしごの)『段』,踏み段;《複数形で》『階段』 / (目的・目標への)『一歩』,一段階《+『to』(『toward』)+『名』》 / 足音 / 足跡 / 『歩調』,足取り;(ダンスの)ステップ / (目標に近づく)『手段』,方法,処置 / 階級,昇級 / (音楽で)音程 / (温度計などの)目盛り / 《方向を表す副詞[句]を伴って》(…の方へ)『歩む』,一歩踏み出す,行く / (…を)踏みつける《+『on』+『名』》 / 〈足〉‘を'踏み出す;〈ダンス〉‘の'ステップを踏む / …‘を'歩測する《+『off』(『out』)+『名』,+『名』+『off』(『out』)》 / 〈段〉‘を'切り込む
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English Journal
- Effects of 3-h hypothermia after neonatal hyperthermic hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in rat models on behavioral prognosis and anatomical and histological features after growth.
- Nishimura Y1, Hosono T1.
- The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians.J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.2016 Sep;29(17):2762-6. doi: 10.3109/14767058.2015.1103223. Epub 2015 Nov 23.
- OBJECTIVE: To clarify the effects of 3-h hypothermia on learning ability and motor function after growth, employing neonatal rat models with hyperthermic hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).METHODS: We divided all rats into three groups: N (adult rats after neonatal hyperthermic HIE without subseq
- PMID 26465711
- Normative comparisons for large neuropsychological test batteries: User-friendly and sensitive solutions to minimize familywise false positives.
- Huizenga HM1,2,3, Agelink van Rentergem JA1, Grasman RP1,2, Muslimovic D4, Schmand B1,2,5.
- Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology.J Clin Exp Neuropsychol.2016 Aug;38(6):611-29. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2015.1132299. Epub 2016 Apr 10.
- INTRODUCTION: In neuropsychological research and clinical practice, a large battery of tests is often administered to determine whether an individual deviates from the norm. We formulate three criteria for such large battery normative comparisons. First, familywise false-positive error rate (i.e., t
- PMID 27167864
- Analysis of anti-depressant potential of curcumin against depression induced male albino wistar rats.
- Chang XR1, Wang L2, Li J3, Wu DS4.
- Brain research.Brain Res.2016 Jul 1;1642:219-25. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2016.03.010. Epub 2016 Mar 10.
- The present study investigated the antidepressant potential of curcumin in olfactory bulbectomy and forced swimming test models of depression in male albino rats under chronic treatment. The experimental animals were divided into four groups, and curcumin was administered for 45 days. Our results sh
- PMID 26972530
Japanese Journal
- 結合インダクタを用いたAC-AC電流形電力変換装置の動作とシミュレーション
- 山中 克利,庄山 正仁,Yamanaka Katsutoshi,Shoyama Masahito,ヤマナカ カツトシ,ショウヤマ マサヒト
- Research reports on information science and electrical engineering of Kyushu University 18(2), 99-104, 2013-07-26
- … The proposed circuit has the bidirectional AC-AC power conversion ability,providing step-up and step-down operation in each direction and can switch the direction of the power conversion during operation. …
- NAID 120005306731
- 小児気管支喘息長期管理におけるステップダウン時の呼気一酸化窒素による増悪の予測に関する検討
- 伊藤 靖典,足立 陽子,樋口 収,岡部 美恵,板澤 寿子,足立 雄一,宮脇 利男
- 日本小児アレルギー学会誌 = The Japanese journal of pediatric allergy and clinical immunology 26(2), 258-265, 2012-06-20
- NAID 10030801050
- Formation of step bunches induced by flow in solution
- INABA Masashi,SATO Masahide
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81(6), 064601-064601-5, 2012-06-15
- … We study the formation of step bunches induced by flow in solution during growth. … 80 (2011) 074606], we showed that the step-down flow in solution causes bunching. … In this research, we study the dependence of step behavior on some parameters. … With a slow flow, the separation and coalescence between steps and bunches occur frequently during step bunching. …
- NAID 150000103371
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- step downとは。意味や和訳。(自)(1) (車などから)降りる.(2) 辞任[辞職, 引退]する(( from, as ...)).(3) 意見などに従う. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等 からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。
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