- a concavity in a surface produced by pressing; "he left the impression of his fingers in the soft mud" (同)impression, imprint
- a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment (同)slump, economic crisis
- a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity
- angular distance below the horizon (especially of a celestial object)
- pushing down; "depression of the space bar on the typewriter"
- sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy
- a period during the 1930s when there was a worldwide economic depression and mass unemployment (同)Great_Depression
- 〈C〉『くぼ地』,くぼみ / 〈U〉〈C〉『意気消沈』,憂うつ;うつ病 / 〈C〉『不景気』,不況 / 〈U〉押し下げること,降下,低下
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English Journal
- How spreading depolarization can be the pathophysiological correlate of both migraine aura and stroke.
- Dreier JP1, Reiffurth C, Woitzik J, Hartings JA, Drenckhahn C, Windler C, Friedman A, MacVicar B, Herreras O; COSBID study group.
- Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement.Acta Neurochir Suppl.2015;120:137-40. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-04981-6_23.
- The term spreading depolarization describes a mechanism of abrupt, massive ion translocation between neurons and the interstitial space, which leads to a cytotoxic edema in the gray matter of the brain. In energy-compromised tissue, spreading depolarization is preceded by a nonspreading silencing (d
- PMID 25366613
- Medication overuse headache.
- Cheung V1, Amoozegar F, Dilli E.
- Current neurology and neuroscience reports.Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep.2015 Jan;15(1):509. doi: 10.1007/s11910-014-0509-x.
- Medication overuse headache (MOH) is a common and disabling headache disorder. It has a prevalence of about 1-2 % in the general population. The International Classification of Headache Disorders 3rd edition (beta version) has defined MOH as a chronic headache disorder in which the headache occurs
- PMID 25398377
Japanese Journal
- 頭痛の病態生理と治療 (平成26年度日本内科学会生涯教育講演会) -- (Aセッション)
- 一過性全健忘の病態機序:―12例の画像所見からの検討―
Related Links
- 総論 拡延性抑制(spreading depression) ブラジルの生理学者Loao(1944)の発見した現象。 ウサギの大脳皮質に電気刺激を加えて、脳波の平坦化を誘発した。 脳波の平坦化は、刺激部位に始まり、1分間2~5mmの速さで皮質全域に ...
- 皮質拡延性抑制:cortical spreading depression(CSD)は前兆(aura)と関連するが、この現象の閾値がマウスモデルで性差があるという報告 (Annals of Neurology Volume 61, Issue 6 , Pages 603 - 606) CSDの始まりから広がりを画像化 ) ...
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- 英
- spreading depression
- 関
- 拡延性抑制
- 英
- spreading depression
- 関
- 伝播性抑制
皮質拡延性抑制, CSD
- 同
- D, 低下、うつ病
- 押し下げること、下降、沈下、陥没
- くぼみ、窪地、低地、陥凹
- 意気消沈、憂鬱、ふさぎ。(精神医)鬱病、よくうつ、メランコリー
- 不振、低下、減退。(経済)不景気、不況
- (生理)機能低下
- 関
- propagate、propagation、spread、transmissibility、transmissible