- try to raise the price of stocks through speculative buying
- advance in price; "stocks were bulling"
- a serious and ludicrous blunder; "he made a bad bull of the assignment"
- mature male of various mammals of which the female is called `cow; e.g. whales or elephants or especially cattle
- uncastrated adult male of domestic cattle
- a large and strong and heavyset man; "he was a bull of a man"; "a thick-skinned bruiser ready to give as good as he got" (同)bruiser, strapper, Samson
- uncomplimentary terms for a policeman (同)cop, copper, fuzz, pig
- a formal proclamation issued by the pope (usually written in antiquated characters and sealed with a leaden bulla) (同)papal bull
- an investor with an optimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to rise and so buys now for resale later
- push or force; "He bulled through his demands" (同)bull through
- the round leaden seal affixed to a papal bull
- 『雄牛』 / (象,鯨,アザラシなどの)雄 / (株の)買い方,強気筋
- ローマ教皇の教書
- こっけいな矛盾
- …'を'押し進める
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English Journal
- Spongiotic intra-epidermal blister: a pitfall in the histopathologic diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid.
- Joshi R1.
- Indian journal of dermatology.Indian J Dermatol.2013 Sep;58(5):410. doi: 10.4103/0019-5154.117355.
- PMID 24082221
- The significance of histopathologic patterns in positive tuberculin skin test site.
- Haholu A1, Ciftci F, Karabudak O, Kutlu A, Bozkurt B, Baloglu H.
- Journal of cutaneous pathology.J Cutan Pathol.2008 May;35(5):462-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0560.2007.00851.x. Epub 2008 Jan 14.
- BACKGROUND: The histologic features of tuberculin skin test site is not uniform. It may be related to status of tuberculosis.METHODS: Forty-eight purified protein derivative (PPD) positive-cases were chosen for the study. Thirty of the subjects had active tuberculosis. As previously reported, the hi
- PMID 18201233
- A case of suspected contact dermatitis in a juvenile cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis).
- Morris J1, Etheridge M.
- Journal of medical primatology.J Med Primatol.2008 Feb;37 Suppl 1:56-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0684.2007.00256.x.
- BACKGROUND: A 2-year-old male cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) presented with vesicular dermatitis exhibiting freshly ruptured blisters, crusts, and papules on the extremities and face.METHODS: Complete blood count, serum chemistry, skin biopsy, skin scrape, and culture of a fresh blister wer
- PMID 18269530
Japanese Journal
- 塩酸ヒドロキシルアミンによって生じたと思われる職業性接触皮膚炎の1例
- 伊豆 邦夫,山元 修,末永 義則,旭 正一
- 産業医科大学雑誌 22(2), 177-181, 2000-06-01
- 36歳の男性.化学工場勤務.主訴は全身に生じたそう痒感を伴う皮疹.職歴から, 化学薬品による接触皮膚炎が疑われた.48時間パッチテストで, 塩酸ヒドロキシルアミンが陽性を示した.本薬品への曝露防止および抗アレルギー剤内服とステロイド剤外用で皮疹は消退した.塩酸ヒドロキシルアミンによる接触皮膚炎の報告は, 海外で数例しかない.病理組織学的には表皮と毛包ろう斗部に海綿状態と水疱形成が認められ, アレル …
- NAID 110001259710
Related Links
- Spongiotic reaction pattern. ▫ Spongiosis = Intercellular edema. ▫ Elongation of bridges. Elongation of bridges → vesiculation, bullae. ▫ ?Mechanism unclear. ▫ Fluid comes from dermis. ▫ Important points: ▫ Nonspecific. ▫ “Histologic ...
- 20 Nov 2009 ... Epidermal vesicle or epidermal bulla. A blister formed within the epidermis by pathologic change in epidermal cells or cellular cohesion. Example: miliaria crystallina. Spongiotic vesicle or spongiotic bulla. An intraepidermal ...
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- 英
- intercellular edema
- 同
- 海綿状態 スポンギオシス スポンギオーシス spongiosis
- 表皮の有棘細胞間に浮腫が生じて細胞間腔が拡大した状態
- 関
- ox、oxen