- the first beard of an adolescent boy
- confused and not coherent; not clearly thought out; "a vague and fuzzy idea of the world of finance"
- a form of mathematical logic in which truth can assume a continuum of values between 0 and 1
- covering with fine light hairs; "his head fuzzed like a dandelion gone to seed" (同)fuzzy
- 《話》ふわふわした物,綿ぼこり,綿毛 / 《時にa ~》《話》うぶ毛 / 《米俗》交番,警察
- 毛羽立った / 薄毛のような / はっきりしない,ぼやけた
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/11/03 00:12:55」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- Fuzz - 英語で綿毛、けば、けばだたせる、ぼやかすなどの意味を持つ。ファジィ (Fuzzy) の名詞・動詞形。
- 俗語で警察官のこと。
- ファズ (音響機器) - エフェクターの一つ。
- FUZZ (テレビ番組) - 毎日放送・スペースシャワーTVで放送された音楽情報番組。
- Fuzz (映画) - 1972年にアメリカで制作された映画。
- ファズ (ムックの曲) - ムックのシングル。2007年発表。
- THE"FUZZ" - 日本のロックギタリストSHUNSUKEのソロプロジェクト。
- FUZZ - 日本のバンドSHURIKENのボーカル(谷口宗一)。
- fuzz - ファジングにおける予測不可能な入力データのこと。
- FAZ - 輸入促進地域 (Foreign Access Zone)。
- ファジィ
- ファジィ理論 ファジィ集合 ファジィ論理 ファジィ制御
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[Wiki en表示]
- 1 Mathematics, probability theory, computer science
- 2 Arts and entertainment
- 2.1 Music
- 2.2 Comics, Children's books and films
- 2.3 Police/Crime films
- 3 People
Fuzz may refer to:
- Vellus, a type of short, fine body hair on an animal
- Tomentum, a filamentous hairlike growth on a plant
- Focus (optics), a blur effect
- Fuzzbox, an electric guitar distortion effect
- A derogatory slang term for the police
- FuzzBuster, a brand of radar detector
- The Fuzz (band), a 1970s music group
Mathematics, probability theory, computer science
- Defuzzification, a method to apply a non-fuzzy metrics to fuzzy sets
- Fuzzy associative matrix, an expression of fuzzy logic rules in matrix form
- Fuzzy Control Language, FCL, a language for implementing fuzzy logic
- Fuzzy control system, a controller which uses fuzzy logic
- Fuzzy game, a concept in combinatorial game theory
- Fuzzy locating system, a Real-time locating systems concept with reduced accuracy levels
- Fuzzy logic, an extension of Boolean logic dealing with the concept of partial truth
- Fuzzy math, in the United States, the name given to the reformed method of teaching mathematics in school Also used as a euphemism in the 2000 Presidential Election
- Fuzzy mathematics, a branch of mathematics related to fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic
- Fuzzy measure theory, a special class of measures
- Fuzzy set operations, a set of operations performed on fuzzy sets
- Fuzzy set, an extension of the classical set theory used in fuzzy logic
- Fuzzy string searching, an approximate string searching algorithm
- Fuzz testing, a software testing technique
Arts and entertainment
- Fuzz club, a Sheffield rock night
- Fuzzy dice, an automotive decoration
- Fuzzy Duck (drinking game), a drinking game
- Fuzzy felt, a toy
- Fuzzy (Mario Brothers), an enemy from the video game Super Mario World
- Fuzzy (album), a 1993 album by Grant Lee Buffalo
- Fuzzy Logic (album), a 1996 album by Super Furry Animals
- Fuzz (album), a 2006 album by punk band Alice Donut
- Fuzz, a 2007 song by Japanese rock band MUCC
- The Danish composer Jens Vilhelm Pedersen, known as Fuzzy
Comics, Children's books and films
- Fuzzy, a fictional furry extraterrestrial
- Fuzzy Knights, a comic strip
- Get Fuzzy comics
- Sam and Fuzzy, a comic strip
Police/Crime films
- Fuzz (film), 1972
- Hot Fuzz, a 2007 cop film starring Simon Pegg
- Fuzzy Haskins, singer and guitarist for Parliament-Funkadelic
- María Fernanda Malo, aka Fuzz, a Mexican actress
- Fuzz Scoota, a Detroit-based underground rapper
- Fuzzy Wuzzy (disambiguation)
- Mark Ronson, Mark 'The Fuzz' Ronson
- Fuzzy wuzzy angels, a group of Papua New Guinean people
- Fuzzy Zoeller, golfer
- Steve "Fuzz" Kmak, former bassist for Disturbed
- James "Fuzz" San Giovanni of Deep Banana Blackout
- Robert "Fuzz" Townshend, drummer
- Faustina "Fuzzy" Agolley, host of Australian TV show Video Hits
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English Journal
- Norepinephrine and the kidneys after cardiopulmonary resuscitation: what is the fuzz all about?
- Varon J, Acosta P.SourceThe University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX 77030, USA; The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77555, USA; Dorrington Medical Associates, Houston, TX 77030, USA.
- The American journal of emergency medicine.Am J Emerg Med.2011 Oct;29(8):922-3. Epub 2010 May 1.
- PMID 20825917
- Acoustic cross sections and resonance frequencies of large fish schools.
- Hahn TR, Diachok O.SourceGreat Lakes Ctr., Buffalo State, SUNY, 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222, hahntr@buffalostate.edu.
- The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.J Acoust Soc Am.2011 Oct;130(4):2337.
- A prerequisite for stable inversion of bioacoustic parameters of fish schools from large-scale broadband acoustic observations is a theoretical model that permits fast and accurate calculations of acoustic cross sections and school resonance frequencies based on realistic geometrical models of fish
- PMID 21973533
Japanese Journal
- FUZZ-IEEEにおけるデータマイニング研究のトレンド
- 櫻井 茂明
- 知能と情報 : 日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌 : journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics 21(6), 995-1007, 2009-12-15
- … ピューティング技術の融合が進んでいる.本傾向は今後益々進むものと考えられ,研究活動が活発化すると考えられる.本論文では,ソフトコンピューティング技術に関する代表的な国際会議のひとつであるFUZZ-IEEEを対象として,本会議におけるデータマイニング技術の研究動向を調査し,理論的な側面から応用的な側面にいたるまでの,本分野における現状を把握する.また,これら結果を踏まえた上で,精力的な …
- NAID 10025995656
- 片上 大輔
- 知能と情報 : 日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌 : journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics 21(5), 852-853, 2009-10-15
- NAID 10025995436
Related Links
- WELCOME TO 三国ヶ丘FUZZ !! 堺にある老舗ライブハウス。南大阪最大規模です! ムッシュかまやつ氏を始め、木村充揮氏や内田勘太郎氏などなど、著名なアーティスト も多数出演しています。
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