- 関
- significant
- in a statistically significant way; "the two groups differed significantly"
- in a significant manner; "our budget will be significantly affected by these new cuts"
- respond favorably or as hoped; "The cancer responded to the aggressive therapy"
- not to a significant degree or amount; "Our budget will only be insignificantly affected by these new cuts"
- in an insignificant manner; "some people living insignificantly among us"
- too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation; "the interaction effect is significant at the .01 level"; "no significant difference was found"
- important in effect or meaning; "a significant change in tax laws"; "a significant change in the Constitution"; "a significant contribution"; "significant details"; "statistically significant" (同)important
- fairly large; "won by a substantial margin" (同)substantial
- 意味ありげに,意味深長に
- (…に)『返事をする』,応答する《+『to』+『名』》 / (…に)『反応する』,応じる(react),好反応を示す《+『to』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (牧師の言葉に対して)応唱する / 《respond+that節》〈…である〉‘と'答える,応答する
- 『重要な』,重大な / 『意味のある』 / 意味ありげな,暗示的な
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Japanese Journal
- Communication attitudes of Japanese school-age children who stutter
- Kawai Norimune,Healey E. Charles,Nagasawa Taiko,Vanryckeghem Martine
- Journal of Communication Disorders 45(5), 348-354, 2102
- … (2) listeners gave significantly higher ratings in Condition 2 than Condition 1 when determining if a word was stuttered or produced fluently. …
- NAID 120005308236
- ニューラルネットワークを用いたストリーム画像圧縮アーキテクチャの提案
- 浜崎 薫,柴田 裕一郎,小栗 清
- 情報処理学会研究報告. SLDM, [システムLSI設計技術] 2015-SLDM-169(23), 1-4, 2015-01-22
- FPGA 上にアルゴリズムに特化したストリーム処理アーキテクチャを構成したリアルタイム画像処理システムは,FPGA のオンチップメモリ (BRAM) が持つ高いバンド幅を利用することで高い処理効率を得ることができる.しかし,フレーム間の差分画像を求める必要があるようなアプリケーションにおいては,それを構成する BRAM の使用率が他の FPGA のリソースに比べて極端に大きくなり,大きな FPGA …
- NAID 110009868155
- Pathological significance and prognostic role of microvessel density, evaluated using CD31, CD34, and CD105 in prostate cancer patients after radical prostatectomy with neoadjuvant therapy
- Miyata Yasuyoshi,Mitsunari Kensuke,Asai Akihiro,Takehara Kosuke,Mochizuki Yasushi,Sakai Hideki
- The Prostate 75(1), 84-91, 2015-01-01
- … The mean/SD of CD105-MVD in the NHT group (13.3/4.7) was significantly (P<0.001) lower than that in the non-NHT group (125.8/7.3). … Although CD31- and CD34-MVD were significantly associated with pT stage or Gleason score in non-NHT group, they were not associated with pathological features and BCR in NHT group.CONCLUSIONS. …
- NAID 120005526611
- Hyperalgesia in an immobilized rat hindlimb: Effect of treadmill exercise using non-immobilized limbs
- Chuganji Sayaka,Nakano Jiro,Sekino Yuki,Hamaue Yohei,Sakamoto Junya,Okita Minoru
- Neuroscience Letters 584, 66-70, 2015-01-01
- … Although IIH clearly occurred in the Im group, the hyperalgesia was partially but significantly reduced in the Im. …
- NAID 120005517849
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- 返答/応答する
- 応ずる、押収する。(~に)感応/反応する、好反応をしめす(to)
- (生物)(刺激などに)反応する (栄二郎より)
- (医)(薬が)効果がある、効き目を現す (栄二郎より)
- Patients with primary carcinoma in situ responded significantly more within 6 months of bacillus Calmette-Guerin than those with secondary carcinoma in situ (65% vs 39%, p <0.001).
- 関
- react、reaction、response、responsive
- 英
- significant、significantly
- 関
- 著しい、重要、意味ある
- 関
- conspicuous、dramatic、essential、important、intense、key、manifest、marked、meaningful、notable、remarkable、significantly、striking、vital