- 関
- second cancer、second malignancy、second primary cancer、second primary neoplasm、treatment-related neoplasm
- transfer an employee to a different, temporary assignment; "The officer was seconded for duty overseas"
- a 60th part of a minute of arc; "the treasure is 2 minutes and 45 seconds south of here" (同)arcsecond
- 1/60 of a minute; the basic unit of time adopted under the Systeme International dUnites (同)sec, s
- following the first in an ordering or series; "he came in a close second"
- a speech seconding a motion; "do I hear a second?" (同)secondment, endorsement, indorsement
- the official attendant of a contestant in a duel or boxing match
- coming next after the first in position in space or time or degree or magnitude (同)2nd, 2d
- give support or ones approval to; "Ill second that motion"; "I cant back this plan"; "endorse a new project" (同)back, endorse, indorse
- in the second place; "second, we must consider the economy" (同)secondly
- a part or voice or instrument or orchestra section lower in pitch than or subordinate to the first; "second flute"; "the second violins"
- 《通例the~》『第2の』,2番目(2度目)の《略》『2nd,sec.』) / 《A~+名で》『もう一つの』,別の / 一級(最上)のものに次ぐ,二流の / (自動車の変速機の)第2速の / 低音(声)部の,第2の / 〈C〉《the~》『2番目の人』(『物,事』) / 〈U〉《the~》(月の)『第2日』 / 〈C〉(ボクシングの)セコンド;(決闘などの)介添人;(一般に)援助者 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》二流品(ボタンが取れているなど、比較的小さな問題のある格安の服)・〈C〉〈U〉2度音程,第2音(声)部 / 〈U〉(自動車の変速機の)第2速,セカンド[ギア] / 《the~》《最上級の形容詞を伴って》第2に,2番目に / 第2位で,2等で / 〈提案・動議など〉‘に'賛成する,‘を'支持する / …‘を'援助する,後援する,激励する;(ボクシングで)…‘の'セコンドを務める
- (時間・角度の)『秒』 / 《単数形で》『瞬間』(moment)
- (体内にできる)新生物;腫瘍(しゅよう)
- (食事の)お代わり(second helping)・欠陥のある格安の衣料
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English Journal
- Tissue confirmation of disease recurrence in breast cancer patients: pooled analysis of multi-centre, multi-disciplinary prospective studies.
- Amir E, Clemons M, Purdie CA, Miller N, Quinlan P, Geddie W, Coleman RE, Freedman OC, Jordan LB, Thompson AM.SourceDivision of Medical Oncology and Hematology, Princess Margaret Hospital, The University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. eitan.amir@uhn.on.ca
- Cancer treatment reviews.Cancer Treat Rev.2012 Oct;38(6):708-14. Epub 2011 Dec 16.
- BACKGROUND: Treatment decisions in recurrent breast cancer are usually based on the estrogen (ER), progesterone (PgR) and HER2 receptor status of the primary tumour. Retrospective studies suggest that discordance between receptor expression of primary and recurrent breast cancer exists.METHODS: A po
- PMID 22178456
- Congenital neuroblastoma: an autopsy report.
- Gupta K, Bansal A.SourceDepartment of Histopathology, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research , Chandigarh , India.
- Fetal and pediatric pathology.Fetal Pediatr Pathol.2012 Oct;31(5):331-5. Epub 2012 Mar 20.
- Neuroblastoma (NB) is the foremost malignant neoplasm of the fetus and neonate. It has a distinct biologic behavior and varied clinical manifestations. The perinatal tumors are most frequently associated with a favorable outcome. We describe an autopsy case of a 2-day-old baby with congenital NB of
- PMID 22432426
Japanese Journal
- 迫田 拓弥,村上 義昭,上村 健一郎,橋本 泰司,近藤 成,中川 直哉,佐々木 勇人,末田 泰二郎,佐々木 民人,芹川 正浩,石井 康隆,有廣 光司,城間 紀之,原武 大介
- 膵臓 30(4), 600-606, 2015
- 症例1は73歳,女性,膵嚢胞性病変を指摘され紹介された.CTにて膵頭部に45mm大の腫瘤性病変を認め,膵嚢胞性腫瘍を疑い幽門輪温存膵頭十二指腸切除を施行した.病理診断は膵粘液癌,T2N0M0 fStage IIであった.症例2は53歳,男性,検診の腹部超音波検査で膵尾部に嚢胞性病変を指摘され紹介された.CTにて膵尾部に47mm大の腫瘤性病変を認め,膵嚢胞性腫瘍を疑い膵体尾部脾合併切除を施行した.病 …
- NAID 130005098159
- Heat shock protein 90 inhibitor NVP-AUY922 exerts potent activity against adult T-cell leukemia–lymphoma cells
- Taniguchi Hiroaki,Hasegawa Hiroo,Sasaki Daisuke,Ando Koji,Sawayama Yasushi,Imanishi Daisuke,Taguchi Jun,Imaizumi Yoshitaka,Hata Tomoko,Tsukasaki Kunihiro,Uno Naoki,Morinaga Yoshitomo,Yanagihara Katsunori,Miyazaki Yasushi
- Cancer Science 105(12), 1601-1608, 2014-12-01
- … Adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma (ATL), an aggressive neoplasm etiologically associated with HTLV-1, is a chemoresistant malignancy. … In this study, we examined NVP-AUY922 (AUY922), a second generation isoxazole-based non-geldanamycin HSP90 inhibitor, and confirmed its effects on survival of ATL-related cell lines. …
- NAID 120005526601
- 渡辺 隆文,粕谷 和彦,桒原 寛,内村 智生,加藤 文昭,鶴井 茂,勝又 健次,土田 明彦
- 日本外科系連合学会誌 39(4), 723-727, 2014
- 症例は52歳,男性.2013年1月下旬より下腹部痛が出現,近医にて1週間消炎剤,抗生剤の内服治療を施行していたが,改善がないため当院受診となった.来院時,WBC 12,300/µl,CRP 9.81 mg/dlと高値,CTにて虫垂腫大を認め急性虫垂炎と診断した.抗生剤の投与を行ったが,翌日の血液生化学所見はWBC 12,200/µl,CRP 12.52mg/dlと改善を認めず,腹痛も増悪したため虫 …
- NAID 130005094954
Related Links
- Over 14 000 patients diagnosed with childhood and adolescent cancer between 1970 and 1986 have been followed by the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study established in 1994. The 20-year cumulative incidence of second neoplasms ...
- Survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, particularly those who have received cranial irradiation, are at substantial risk for a second malignancy. 1 Brain tumours, most commonly meningiomas ...
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- 英
- second malignancy、second cancer、second neoplasm, secondary cancer
- 関
- 二次がん、二次発癌、二次性癌、二次性がん、二次腫瘍、続発性原発腫瘍、治療関連腫瘍、二次新生物
- 関
- second malignancy、second neoplasm、second primary cancer、second primary neoplasm、treatment-related neoplasm
- 関
- second cancer、second malignancy、second neoplasm、second primary cancer、second primary tumor、treatment-related neoplasm
- 関
- second cancer、second neoplasm、second primary cancer、second primary neoplasm、treatment-related neoplasm
- 関
- second cancer、second malignancy、second neoplasm、second primary cancer、second primary neoplasm
- 関
- quadratic、s、sec、second-order、secondary、secondly
- 関
- benign neoplasm、cancer、neoplasia、neoplastic、onco、oncologic、tumor、tumour