- 関
- round-bottom
- having a rounded bottom; "round-bottom flasks" (同)round-bottom
- a spherical flask with a narrow neck
- wind around; move along a circular course; "round the bend"
- become round, plump, or shapely; "The young woman is fleshing out" (同)flesh out, fill out
- make round; "round the edges" (同)round_out, round_off
- the usual activities in your day; "the doctor made his rounds" (同)daily round
- a charge of ammunition for a single shot (同)unit of ammunition, one shot
- (often plural) a series of professional calls (usually in a set order); "the doctor goes on his rounds first thing every morning"; "the postmans rounds"; "we enjoyed our round of the local bars"
- a serving to each of a group (usually alcoholic); "he ordered a second round" (同)round of drinks
- a partsong in which voices follow each other; one voice starts and others join in one after another until all are singing different parts of the song at the same time; "they enjoyed singing rounds" (同)troll
- a cut of beef between the rump and the lower leg
- an outburst of applause; "there was a round of applause"
- the course along which communications spread; "the story is going the rounds in Washington"
- from beginning to end; throughout; "It rains all year round on Skye"; "frigid weather the year around" (同)around
- having a circular shape (同)circular
- pronounce with rounded lips (同)labialize, labialise
- (mathematics) expressed to the nearest integer, ten, hundred, or thousand; "in round numbers"
- the second half of an inning; while the home team is at bat (同)bottom of the inning
- the lowest rank; "bottom member of the class"
- a cargo ship; "they did much of their overseas trade in foreign bottoms" (同)freighter, merchantman, merchant_ship
- the lower side of anything (同)underside, undersurface
- the lowest part of anything; "they started at the bottom of the hill"
- provide with a bottom or a seat; "bottom the chairs"
- situated at the bottom or lowest position; "the bottom drawer"
- strike the ground, as with a ships bottom
- (mathematics) a miscalculation that results from rounding off numbers to a convenient number of decimals; "the error in the calculation was attributable to rounding"; "taxes are rounded off to the nearest dollar but the rounding error is surprisingly small" (同)rounding error
- curving and somewhat round in shape rather than jagged; "low rounded hills"; "rounded shoulders"
- having a bottom of a specified character
- …『を[ぐるっと]回って』,を一周して / …『を曲がって』 / …『の周囲に』,を取り巻いて / …『のあちこちに』,の辺りに / …『ころ』 / (ぐるりと)回って,巡って / 周囲が(に) / あちこち[に],方々[に];行き渡って / 回り道して / (ある場所へ)回って / 『球状の』,丸い / (タイヤ・輪のように)円形の,丸い / (断面の丸い)円筒(円錐)形の / (肩・筆跡などが)丸みのある,丸々とした / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(数量が)完全の,ちょうどの / 『丸い物』;円,輪;球,円筒形 / (中心・軸をまわる)『回転』,(天体の)回転運動 / 《しばしば複数形で》(職務上などの)巡回,見回り / 《単数形で》(行い・でき事の一つの)連続;繰り返り;(…が)ひとしきり続くこと《+『of』+『名』》 / (ボクシングの一勝負の中の)『ラウンド』,回,(ゴルフデ全部のホールを回る)ラウンド,(カードゲームの)一回り / 輪唱 / (銃砲の)1回の射撃,一斉射撃 / (射撃用弾薬の)1回分 / (牛のもも肉の)丸切り,(パンの)丸切り《+『of』+『名』》 / 輪舞,円舞 / …‘を'『丸くする』,‘に'丸みをつける / …‘を'『回る』,曲がる / 〈端数をもつ数字〉‘を'端数を切り捨てて(概数で)表す《+『down』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / …‘を'完成する,仕上げる / …‘を'くちびるを丸くして発音する / 『丸くなる』 / 回る,曲る / 完成する
- (物の)『底』《+『of』+『名』》 / (海・川・湖・井戸などの)底《+『of』+『名』》 / (…の)『下部』,『底部』,根元《+『of』+『名』》 / (…の)根底,基礎;(…の)心底,奥底《+『of』+『名』》 / 船底,船腹;(一般に)船,船舶 / 《話》しり(posterior) / 《複数形で》川沿いの低地(低い牧草地) / 最低の;最後の / 底の;根底の
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English Journal
- Bovine sire selection based on maintenance energy affects muscle fiber type and meat color of F1 progeny.
- Thornton KJ, Welch CM, Davis LC, Doumit ME, Hill RA, Murdoch GK.SourceDepartment of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow 83844.
- Journal of animal science.J Anim Sci.2012 May;90(5):1617-27. Epub 2011 Dec 6.
- A total of 42 F(1) Red Angus progeny from sires divergent in maintenance energy (ME(M)) EPD were analyzed to determine whether selecting for sire ME(M) would alter end-product meat quality. Data from animals were grouped based on the divergence of the ME(M) EPD of their sire from the Red Angus Assoc
- PMID 22147475
- Cadmium (II) imprinted 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane coated stir bar for selective extraction of trace cadmium from environmental water samples followed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry detection.
- Zhang N, Hu B.SourceKey Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for Biology and Medicine (Ministry of Education), Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, PR China.
- Analytica chimica acta.Anal Chim Acta.2012 Apr 20;723:54-60. Epub 2012 Feb 23.
- Cd(II) imprinted 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTS)-silica coated stir bar was prepared by sol-gel technique combining with a double-imprinting concept for the first time and was employed for stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) of trace Cd(II) from water samples followed by inductively coupled
- PMID 22444573
Japanese Journal
- 東京湾での周年採集によるアサリ幼生の鉛直分布の特徴
- 鳥羽 光晴,山川 紘,庄司 紀彦 [他],小林 豊
- 日本水産學會誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries 78(6), 1135-1148, 2012-11-15
- … In the coastal sites, small clam larvae (shell length <144 μm) were abundant in the surface and middle layers, whereas large larvae (>176 μm) were mainly sampled at the bottom layers. … Before clam larvae reach a sufficient growth stage to settle, their swimming depth may change to near the bottom in the coastal areas in Tokyo Bay. …
- NAID 10031125878
- The Syntactic Buoyancy Principle and English reading
- 柚原 一郎
- 慶應義塾外国語教育研究 9, 1-11, 2012-00-00
- … 研究ノートThe Syntactic Buoyancy Principle (Sadock 2000) is a grammatical property of English whereby a "lighter" constituent floats towards "the surface," or the initial position of a sentence, or to put it the opposite way round, that a "heavier" constituent moves towards the "bottom," or the end of a sentence. …
- NAID 120005256158
- Rat Damage Control to Round-Baled Silage by Modifying Storage Layout
- KAWAMOTO Hidenori,SEKIYA Hiroyuki,OSHIBE Akinori,KOMATSU Tokushi,FUKUJYU Naoki,SHIMADA Takuya
- Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly: JARQ 46(1), 35-40, 2012
- … This self-review summarizes the prevention of rat damage to wrapping film when whole-crop forage containing cereals is preserved as round-baled silage (RBS). … However, the effect was lost when the spaces between RBS were covered with snow or when species such as Large Japanese field mice damaged RBS's bottom from underground burrows. … It was suggested that these problems may be resolvable by providing sufficient open space between RBS and protecting the bottom with wire netting. …
- NAID 130002147966
Related Links
- Applications The round bottoms on these types of flasks allow more uniform heating and/or boiling of liquid. Thus, round-bottom flasks are used in a variety of applications where the contents are heated or boiled. Round-bottom flasks ...
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- 英
- round bottom、round-bottom
- 関
- round bottom
- 関
- circular、convolution、revolution、revolve、roll、rolling、rotate、rotation、rotatory、turn、turning
- 関
- bottom aspect