- 関
- central lateral nucleus、central lateral thalamic nucleus、central medial nucleus、centromedian nucleus、centromedian thalamic nucleus、intralaminar nuclear group、intralaminar thalamic nuclei、paracentral nucleus、paracentral thalamic nucleus、parafascicular nucleus
- nucleusの複数形
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English Journal
- Influence of parafascicular thalamic input on neuronal activity within the nucleus accumbens is mediated by nitric oxide - an in vivo study.
- Kraus MM1, Prast H1, Philippu A2.
- Life sciences.Life Sci.2014 Apr 25;102(1):49-54. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2014.02.029. Epub 2014 Mar 6.
- AIMS: Thalamostriatal fibers are involved in cognitive tasks such as acquisition, learning, processing of sensory events, and behavioral flexibility and might play a role in Parkinson's disease. The aim of the present study was the in vivo electrochemical characterization of the projection from the
- PMID 24607782
- Damage to the dorsomedial thalamic nucleus, central lateral intralaminar thalamic nucleus, and midline thalamic nuclei on the right-side impair executive function and attention under conditions of high demand but not low demand.
- Edelstyn NM1, Mayes AR, Ellis SJ.
- Neurocase.Neurocase.2014 Apr;20(2):121-32. doi: 10.1080/13554794.2012.713497. Epub 2012 Oct 3.
- This study reports a patient, OG, with a unilateral right-sided thalamic lesion. High resolution 3T magnetic resonance imaging revealed damage to the parvicellular and magnocellular subdivisions of the dorsomedial thalamus (DMT), the central lateral intralaminar nucleus (also known as the paralamell
- PMID 23030052
- Electrical modulation of neuronal networks in brain-injured patients with disorders of consciousness: a systematic review.
- Lemaire JJ1, Sontheimer A2, Nezzar H3, Pontier B4, Luauté J5, Roche B6, Gillart T7, Gabrillargues J8, Rosenberg S9, Sarret C10, Feschet F6, Vassal F11, Fontaine D12, Coste J2.
- Annales françaises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation.Ann Fr Anesth Reanim.2014 Feb;33(2):88-97. doi: 10.1016/j.annfar.2013.11.007. Epub 2013 Dec 20.
- Six clinical studies of chronic electrical modulation of deep brain circuits published between 1968 and 2010 have reported effects in 55 vegetative or minimally conscious patients. The rationale stimulation was to activate the cortex through the reticular-thalamic complex, comprising the tegmental a
- PMID 24361283
- Neuronal loss in the caudal intralaminar thalamic nuclei in a primate model of Parkinson's disease.
- Villalba RM1, Wichmann T, Smith Y.
- Brain structure & function.Brain Struct Funct.2014 Jan;219(1):381-94. doi: 10.1007/s00429-013-0507-9. Epub 2013 Mar 19.
- In light of postmortem human studies showing extensive degeneration of the center median (CM) and parafascicular (Pf) thalamic nuclei in Parkinson's disease patients, the present study assessed the extent of neuronal loss in CM/Pf of non-human primates that were rendered parkinsonian by repeated inj
- PMID 23508713
Japanese Journal
- [原著]ネコ脳におけるForel H 野(Campus Foreli)投射の解剖学的研究 : 順行性軸索内輸送物質 biocytin を用いて
- 宮里 洋,Miyazato Hiroshi,琉球大学医学部脳神経外科
- 琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal 12(3), 270-280, 1992
- … Brainstem The labeled fibers and terminals were found bilaterally in the reticular formation of the mesencephalon, pons and rostral medulla oblongata, central gray matter, red nucleus, interpeduncular nucleus and oculomotor nucleus, and ipsilaterally in the reticular formation of caudal medulla oblongata. …
- NAID 120002230999
- 延髄腹側網様亜核背外側部における歯髄ニューロンについて
- 大塚 俊裕,西川 泰央
- 歯科医学 54(4), 289-300, 1991-08-25
- 三叉神経脊髄路核尾側亜核および延髄背側網様亜核外側部の腹側には, 三叉神経支配領域への機械的刺激に反応するニューロンが分布する延髄腹側網様亜核背外側部が存在する. この部のニューロンは, 角膜への圧刺激, 耳介, 顔面および舌への侵害性機械的刺激あるいは鼻背への叩打に反応し, また犬歯歯髄への電気刺激にもしばしば反応するが, その詳細についてはいまだ不明である. そこで, 歯髄への電気刺激に反応す …
- NAID 110001724405
- Thalamocortical connections of the rostral intralaminar nuclei: an autoradiographic analysis in the cat.
Related Links
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- Rostral Intralaminar Nuclei Hierarchy level in atlas is 6: 5 superstructures include it. abbreviation: RIL Details? Abbreviation RIL Species Macaca fascicularis Description of part No description provided. The original http://braininfo ...
- 関
- central lateral nucleus、central lateral thalamic nucleus、central medial nucleus、centromedian nucleus、centromedian thalamic nucleus、intralaminar nuclear group、intralaminar nuclei、intralaminar nucleus、intralaminar thalamic nucleus、paracentral nucleus、paracentral thalamic nucleus、parafascicular nucleus、rostral intralaminar nuclei
- 関
- central lateral nucleus、central lateral thalamic nucleus、centromedian nucleus、centromedian thalamic nucleus、intralaminar nuclear group、intralaminar thalamic nuclei、paracentral nucleus、paracentral thalamic nucleus、parafascicular nucleus、rostral intralaminar nuclei
- 関
- central lateral nucleus、central lateral thalamic nucleus、central medial nucleus、centromedian nucleus、centromedian thalamic nucleus、intralaminar nuclear group、intralaminar thalamic nuclei、paracentral thalamic nucleus、parafascicular nucleus、rostral intralaminar nuclei
- 関
- central lateral thalamic nucleus、central medial nucleus、centromedian nucleus、centromedian thalamic nucleus、intralaminar nuclear group、intralaminar thalamic nuclei、paracentral nucleus、paracentral thalamic nucleus、parafascicular nucleus、rostral intralaminar nuclei
- 関
- central lateral nucleus、central lateral thalamic nucleus、central medial nucleus、centromedian nucleus、intralaminar nuclear group、intralaminar thalamic nuclei、paracentral nucleus、paracentral thalamic nucleus、parafascicular nucleus、rostral intralaminar nuclei
- 関
- intralaminar nucleus、intralaminar thalamic nuclei、intralaminar thalamic nucleus
- 同
- 髄板内核群
- 関
- cephalad、cranial、rostrad、rostrally
- 関
- nuclear、nucleo、nucleus