- inflammation of the thyroid gland
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/07/26 00:59:30」(JST)
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Riedel's thyroiditis |
Classification and external resources |
ICD-10 |
E06.5 |
ICD-9 |
245.3 |
DiseasesDB |
11590 |
eMedicine |
med/2036 |
Riedel's thyroiditis, also called Riedel's struma is a chronic form of thyroiditis.
It is believed to be a form of autoimmune thyroiditis.[1]
- 1 Pathophysiology
- 2 Prevalence
- 3 Treatment
- 4 Eponym
- 5 References
Riedel's thyroiditis is characterized by a replacement of the normal thyroid parenchyma by a dense fibrosis that invades adjacent structures of the neck and extends beyond the thyroid capsule.[2] This makes the thyroid gland stone-hard and fixed to adjacent structures. The inflammatory process infiltrates muscles and causes symptoms of tracheal compression. Surgical treatment is required to relieve tracheal or esophageal obstruction.
It is now believed that Riedel's thyroiditis is one manifestation of a systemic disease that can affect many organ systems called IgG4-related disease. [3]
Riedel's thyroiditis is classified as rare. Most patients remain euthyroid, but approximately 30% of patients become hypothyroid and very few patients are hyperthyroid. It is most seen in women.[4]
Therapy usually consists of prednisone(?), nonetheless some cases may require surgery. Tamoxifen has been proposed as part of a treatment plan.[5]
Treatment is directed to surgical relief of compressive symptoms. Tamoxifen may also be beneficial. -Harrison's principle of internal medicine, 17th
The type Surgery which is indicated here is isthmectomy.
It is named for Bernhard Riedel. He first recognized the disease In 1883 and published its description in 1896.[6][7]
- ^ "autoimmune thyroiditis" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
- ^ Cho MH, Kim CS, Park JS, et al. (August 2007). "Riedel's thyroiditis in a patient with recurrent subacute thyroiditis: a case report and review of the literature" (– Scholar search). Endocr. J. 54 (4): 559–62. DOI:10.1507/endocrj.K06-186. PMID 17603227. http://joi.jlc.jst.go.jp/JST.JSTAGE/endocrj/K06-186?from=PubMed. [dead link]
- ^ Stone JH (February 2012). "IgG4-Related Disease". New England Journal of Medicine 336 (6): 539-51. DOI:10.1056/NEJMra1104650. PMID 22316447. http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMra1104650.
- ^ eMedicine
- ^ Dabelic N, Jukic T, Labar Z, Novosel SA, Matesa N, Kusic Z (April 2003). "Riedel's thyroiditis treated with tamoxifen" (PDF). Croat. Med. J. 44 (2): 239–41. PMID 12698518. http://www.cmj.hr/2003/44/2/12698518.pdf.
- ^ B. M. C. L. Riedel. Die chronische, zur Bildung eisenharter Tumoren führende Entzündung der Schilddrüse. Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, 1896, 25: 101-105.
- ^ synd/3242 at Who Named It?
Endocrine pathology: endocrine diseases (E00–E35, 240–259)
metabolism |
Diabetes mellitus
types: (type 1, type 2, MODY 1 2 3 4 5 6) · complications (coma, angiopathy, ketoacidosis, nephropathy, neuropathy, retinopathy, cardiomyopathy)
insulin receptor (Rabson–Mendenhall syndrome) · Insulin resistance
Hypoglycemia · beta cell (Hyperinsulinism) · G cell (Zollinger–Ellison syndrome)
pituitary axes |
gonadotropin (Kallmann syndrome, Adiposogenital dystrophy) · CRH (Tertiary adrenal insufficiency) · vasopressin (Neurogenic diabetes insipidus) · general (Hypothalamic hamartoma)
anterior (Acromegaly, Hyperprolactinaemia, Pituitary ACTH hypersecretion) · posterior (SIADH) · general (Nelson's syndrome)
anterior (Kallmann syndrome, Growth hormone deficiency, ACTH deficiency/Secondary adrenal insufficiency, GnRH insensitivity, FSH insensitivity, LH/hCG insensitivity) · posterior (Neurogenic diabetes insipidus) · general (Empty sella syndrome, Pituitary apoplexy, Sheehan's syndrome, Lymphocytic hypophysitis)
Iodine deficiency · Cretinism (Congenital hypothyroidism) · Myxedema · Euthyroid sick syndrome
Hyperthyroxinemia (Thyroid hormone resistance, Familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia) · Hashitoxicosis · Thyrotoxicosis factitia · Graves' disease
Acute infectious · Subacute (De Quervain's, Subacute lymphocytic) · Autoimmune/chronic (Hashimoto's, Postpartum, Riedel's)
Endemic goitre · Toxic nodular goitre · Toxic multinodular goiter
Thyroid nodule
Hypoparathyroidism · Pseudohypoparathyroidism · Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
Primary · Secondary · Tertiary · Osteitis fibrosa cystica
aldosterone: Hyperaldosteronism/Primary aldosteronism (Conn syndrome, Bartter syndrome, Glucocorticoid remediable aldosteronism) · AME · Liddle's syndrome · 17α CAH
cortisol: Cushing's syndrome (Pseudo-Cushing's syndrome)
sex hormones: 21α CAH · 11β CAH
Adrenal insufficiency
(Addison's, WF)
aldosterone: Hypoaldosteronism (21α CAH, 11β CAH)
cortisol: CAH (Lipoid, 3β, 11β, 17α, 21α)
sex hormones: 17α CAH
ovarian: Polycystic ovary syndrome · Premature ovarian failure
testicular: enzymatic (5α-reductase deficiency, 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency, aromatase excess syndrome) · Androgen receptor (Androgen insensitivity syndrome)
general: Hypogonadism (Delayed puberty) · Hypergonadism (Precocious puberty) · Hypoandrogenism · Hypoestrogenism · Hyperandrogenism · Hyperestrogenism
Height |
Gigantism · Dwarfism/Short stature (Laron syndrome, Psychosocial)
Multiple |
Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome (APS1, APS2) · Carcinoid syndrome · Multiple endocrine neoplasia (1, 2A, 2B) · Progeria (Werner syndrome, Acrogeria, Metageria) · Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome
noco(d)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon
proc, drug (A10/H1/H2/H3/H5)
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English Journal
- Hashimoto thyroiditis: a century later.
- Ahmed R, Al-Shaikh S, Akhtar M.SourceDepartment of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Advances in anatomic pathology.Adv Anat Pathol.2012 May;19(3):181-6.
- More than a century has passed since the first description of Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) as a clinicopathologic entity. HT is an autoimmune disease in which a breakdown of immune tolerance is caused by interplay of a variety of immunologic, genetic, and environmental factors. Thyrocyte injury result
- PMID 22498583
Japanese Journal
- 氷見 徹夫,高野 賢一,関 伸彦,森山 亜由美,山本 元久,高橋 裕樹
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 106(8), 671-682, 2013
- … We discuss herein the results of recent studies and provide an overview of IgG4-RDs in the head and neck regions, including Mikulicz's disease, Küttner's tumor, Riedel thyroiditis, IgG4-related rhinosinusitis, IgG4-related infraorbital nerve swelling, all of which show IgG4 involvement in their pathogenesis. …
- NAID 130003374103
- 悪性リンパ腫やRiedel甲状腺炎と鑑別を要した橋本病線維亜型の1例
- 尾身 葉子,山本 智子,澤田 達男 [他],西川 俊郎,岡本 高宏,小林 槇雄,OMI Yoko,YAMAMOTO Tomoko,SAWADA Tatsuo,NISHIKAWA Toshio,OKAMOTO Takahiro,KOBAYASHI Makio
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 81(E1), E61-E64, 2011-03-31
- … 今回我々は、臨床的に限局性病変を示したため、悪性リンパ腫(ML)との鑑別を要し、組織学的にはRiedel甲状腺炎(RT)との鑑別を要したHTFVの1例を経験したので、文献的考察を加え、報告する。 …
- NAID 110008439101
- 甲状腺癌や Riedel 甲状腺炎との鑑別が困難であった亜急性甲状腺炎の1例
- 佐藤 耕一郎,田頭 真実,伊藤 靖,阿部 隆之,赤田 徹弥,武藤 亮,柏舘 俊明,高木 まゆ,加藤 博孝,渡辺 みか,栗原 英夫
- 内分泌外科 = Endocrine surgery 27(1), 50-55, 2010-03-30
- NAID 10029084290
Related Links
- Riedel thyroiditis, or Riedel's thyroiditis (RT), is a rare, chronic inflammatory disease of the thyroid gland characterized by a dense fibrosis that replaces normal thyroid parenchyma. The fibrotic process invades adjacent structures of the neck and extends beyond the thyroid capsule. This feature ...
- We talked a bit about thyroiditis yesterday (see 4/27/09 post). Here s another kind of thyroiditis: fibrosing (or Riedel) thyroiditis. ... We need your help! Pathology Student is completely independent, ad-free, and funded only by your ...
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- 英
- Hashimoto disease
- 同
- 橋本病甲状腺炎 Hashimoto thyroiditis, (ほぼ同義)慢性甲状腺炎
- 硬く瀰漫性に腫大、割面ではコロイド光沢を欠く、20-30gのものから100g以上のものまである。ゴム様硬
- ①甲状腺濾胞の変性、委縮、崩壊が瀰漫性に起きていることが必要②リンパ球や形質細胞の浸潤、リンパ濾胞の形成(必発)。胚中心形成。③線維化
- 腫大した濾胞上皮:好酸性細胞oxyphililic cell (H ürthle cell、機能低下型細胞、胞体が好酸性顆粒状となる、電顕では多数のミトコンドリア、橋本病で観察されるが特異的なものではない)。C細胞は保たれる。
- b)萎縮性甲状腺炎 atrophic thyroiditis:濾胞が消失し、線維に置換される。数グラム程度に委縮
- 70-80%の症例で甲状腺機能は正常 (YN.D-39)
- 1. [charged] 橋本病(慢性自己免疫性甲状腺炎)の病因 - uptodate [1]