- an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
- participating readily in reactions; "sodium is a reactive metal"; "free radicals are very reactive"
- reacting to a stimulus; "the skin of old persons is less reactive than that of younger persons" (同)responsive
- caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology; "diseased tonsils"; "a morbid growth"; "pathologic tissue"; "pathological bodily processes" (同)morbid, pathologic, pathological
- (体の)『病気』,疾患 / (精神・道徳などの)病気,病弊
- 女性の話術芸人 =diseur
- 反作用の;化学反応を示す…反動的な
- 病気にかかった / 病的な,不健全な(morbid)
- 〈C〉航空路 / 〈C〉(鉱山などの)通風路 / 《複数形》航空会社
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/09/07 16:40:51」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Reactive airway disease |
Classification and external resources |
ICD-9 |
519.8, 493.9 |
eMedicine |
article/800119 |
Reactive airway disease is a general term for conditions involving wheezing and allergic reactions.[1]
In time it has evolved to be mistakenly used as a synonym for asthma.[2] Current medical use describes an asthma-like syndrome in infants that may later be confirmed to be asthmatics when they become old enough to participate in diagnostic tests such as the bronchial challenge test.
In pediatrics patients, it is best to avoid use of any other term other than bronchial asthma, although one can call it childhood asthma. The designation such as reactive airway disease, bronchitis, allergic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, and so on, may lead to delay in the acceptance of a diagnosis of asthma, and thence to under-treatment and mismanagement of the disease, finally resulting in an increase in subsequent morbidity and mortality.[citation needed]
Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome
Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome or RADS is a term proposed by Stuart M. Brooks M.D. and colleagues in 1985 [3] to describe an asthma-like syndrome developing after a single exposure to high levels of an irritating vapor, fume, or smoke.[4] It involves coughing, wheezing, and dyspnea.[5]
It can also manifest in adults with exposure to high levels of chlorine, ammonia, acetic acid or sulphur dioxide, creating symptoms like asthma.[6] The severity of these symptoms can be mild to fatal, and can even create long term airway damage depending on the amount of exposure and the concentration of chlorine. Some experts classify RADS as occupational asthma. Those with exposure to highly irritating substances should receive treatment to mitigate harmful effects.[7]
- ^ "reactive airway disease" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
- ^ Mayo Clinic Staff (September 4, 2006). "Reactive airway disease: Is it asthma?". Mayo Clinic. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/reactive-airway-disease/AN01420. Retrieved 2007-04-22.
- ^ S.M. Brooks, M.A. Weiss, I.L. Bernstein. "Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS): persistent asthma syndrome after high level irritant exposures". Chest, Volume 88, 1985, 376-384. http://ajrccm.atsjournals.org/cgi/ijlink?linkType=ABST&journalCode=chest&resid=88/3/376. Retrieved 2007-08-28.
- ^ John V. Fahy and Paul M. O'Byrne. ""Reactive Airways Disease": A Lazy Term of Uncertain Meaning That Should Be Abandoned". Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., Volume 163, Number 4, March 2001, 822-823. http://ajrccm.atsjournals.org/cgi/content/full/163/4/822. Retrieved 2007-04-22.
- ^ "reactive airways dysfunction syndrome" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
- ^ Occupational Allergy. Page 1 Drs Rodney Ehrlich and Mohamed F Jeebhay. The Allergy Society of South Africa
- ^ Aslan, Sahin1Kandiş, Hayati1Akgun, Metin2Çakır, Zeynep1Inandı, Tacettin3Görgüner, Metin (2006). "The Effect of Nebulized NaHCO3 Treatment on 'RADS' Due to Chlorine Gas Inhalation". Inhalation Toxicology: Vol. 18, Number 11. ISBN 895-900. http://web.ebscohost.com. Retrieved 2008-04-06.
Pathology of respiratory system (J, 460–519), respiratory diseases
Upper RT
(including URTIs,
Common cold) |
- sinuses
- Sinusitis
- nose
- Rhinitis
- Vasomotor rhinitis
- Atrophic rhinitis
- Hay fever
- Nasal polyp
- Rhinorrhea
- nasal septum
- Nasal septum deviation
- Nasal septum perforation
- Nasal septal hematoma
- tonsil
- Tonsillitis
- Adenoid hypertrophy
- Peritonsillar abscess
- pharynx
- Pharyngitis
- Strep throat
- Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR)
- Retropharyngeal abscess
- larynx
- Croup
- Laryngitis
- Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR)
- Laryngospasm
- vocal folds
- Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR)
- Vocal fold nodule
- Vocal cord paresis
- Vocal cord dysfunction
- epiglottis
- Epiglottitis
- trachea
- Tracheitis
- Tracheal stenosis
Lower RT/lung disease
(including LRTIs) |
- acute
- Acute bronchitis
- chronic
- Chronic bronchitis
- Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis
- Acute exacerbation of COPD
- Emphysema)
- Asthma (Status asthmaticus
- Aspirin-induced
- Exercise-induced
- Bronchiectasis
- unspecified
- Bronchitis
- Bronchiolitis
- Bronchiolitis obliterans
- Diffuse panbronchiolitis
External agents/
lung disease
- Pneumoconiosis
- Asbestosis
- Baritosis
- Bauxite fibrosis
- Berylliosis
- Caplan's syndrome
- Chalicosis
- Coalworker's pneumoconiosis
- Siderosis
- Silicosis
- Talcosis
- Byssinosis
- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- Bagassosis
- Bird fancier's lung
- Farmer's lung
- Lycoperdonosis
- Pulmonary edema
- Löffler's syndrome/Eosinophilic pneumonia
- Respiratory hypersensitivity
- Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
- Hamman-Rich syndrome
- Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- Sarcoidosis
Obstructive or
By pathogen
- Viral
- Bacterial
- Atypical bacterial
- Mycoplasma
- Legionnaires' disease
- Chlamydiae
- Fungal
- Parasitic
- noninfectious
- Chemical/Mendelson's syndrome
- Aspiration/Lipid
By vector/route
- Community-acquired
- Healthcare-associated
- Hospital-acquired
By distribution
- Atelectasis
- circulatory
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Pulmonary embolism
- Lung abscess
Pleural cavity/
mediastinum |
Pleural disease
- Pneumothorax/Hemopneumothorax
- Pleural effusion
- Hemothorax
- Hydrothorax
- Chylothorax
- Empyema/pyothorax
- Malignant
- Fibrothorax
Mediastinal disease
- Mediastinitis
- Mediastinal emphysema
Other/general |
- Respiratory failure
- Influenza
- Idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis
- Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
anat(n, x, l, c)/phys/devp
noco(c, p)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
English Journal
- The prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Uppsala, Sweden - the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study: cross-sectional population-based study.
- Danielsson P, Olafsdóttir IS, Benediktsdóttir B, Gíslason T, Janson C.SourceDepartment of Medical Sciences: Respiratory Medicine and Allergology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Department of Respiratory Medicine, and Sleep, Landspitali University Hospital, Iceland University of Iceland, Faculty of Medicine, Iceland.
- The clinical respiratory journal.Clin Respir J.2012 Apr;6(2):120-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-699X.2011.00257.x. Epub 2011 Jul 6.
- Objectives: To estimate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) prevalence in Uppsala and the impact of risk factors on disease prevalence using the standardised methods of the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study initiative. Methods: Randomly selected participants, aged 40 y
- PMID 21651748
- Labrecque M.SourceDépartement de médecine, Centre de Recherche de l'hôpital Sacré-Cœur de Montréal, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
- Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology.Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol.2012 Apr;12(2):140-4.
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To describe the recent insights into the definition, causes, natural outcome, and key elements of irritant-induced asthma (IIA) management.RECENT FINDINGS: IIA is a subtype of occupational asthma without immunologic sensitization and includes the typical reactive airway dysfunctio
- PMID 22327170
Japanese Journal
- RSウイルス感染と5歳以下の喘息/RS virus infection and asthma under 5 years old
- 望月 博之
- 日本小児アレルギー学会誌 = The Japanese journal of pediatric allergy and clinical immunology 26(1), 177-184, 2012-03-20
- NAID 10030557521
- RSウイルス感染と喘息 (特集 RSウイルス感染症対策up to date)
- Reactive airway dysfunction syndrome (RADS) in a chemistry teacher induced by fumes of mixed iodine compounds
- Hannu Timo,Riihimaki Vesa,Piirila Paivi
- Industrial health 47(6), 681-684, 2009-11
- NAID 40016913559
Related Links
- Reactive airway disease is a general term for conditions involving wheezing and allergic reactions. In time it has evolved to be mistakenly used as a synonym for asthma. Current medical use describes an asthma-like syndrome in infants that ...
- 7 Mar 2013 ... Pediatric Reactive Airway Disease. Not all children who wheeze have asthma.
- 英
- reactive airway disease
- 疾患:illnessより厳密な概念。「ある臓器に明確な障害が確認され、それによって症状が出ているとはっきり説明できる場合」 (PSY.9)
- 特定の原因、病態生理、症状、経過、予後、病理組織所見が全てそろった場合 (PSY.9)
- something that is very wrong with people's attitudes, way of life or with society.
- 関
- ail、ailment、disease entity、disorder、ill、illness、malady、sick、sickness
- disease ≠ illness ≠ disorder
- 関
- respiratory disease、respiratory disorder、respiratory illness、respiratory tract disease
- 関
- reactivity、reactogenicity、responsive、responsiveness
気道 respiratory tract