- the physical property of being stiff and resisting bending (同)rigidness
- of or relating to the pupil of the eye
- 三いこと,硬直 / 厳格;厳密,厳正
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English Journal
- Intravitreal low-dosage bevacizumab for retinopathy of prematurity.
- Harder BC1, von Baltz S, Jonas JB, Schlichtenbrede FC.
- Acta ophthalmologica.Acta Ophthalmol.2014 Sep;92(6):577-81. doi: 10.1111/aos.12266. Epub 2013 Sep 11.
- PURPOSE: To report on the therapeutic effect of intravitreal low-dose bevacizumab for treatment for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).METHODS: The single-centre retrospective, non-comparative case series study included all infants who consecutively underwent intravitreal injection of 0.375 mg bevaci
- PMID 24020921
- Visual signs and symptoms of dementia with Lewy bodies.
- Armstrong RA.
- Clinical & experimental optometry : journal of the Australian Optometrical Association.Clin Exp Optom.2012 Nov;95(6):621-30. doi: 10.1111/j.1444-0938.2012.00770.x. Epub 2012 Jul 19.
- Dementia with Lewy bodies ('Lewy body dementia' or 'diffuse Lewy body disease') (DLB) is the second most common form of dementia to affect elderly people, after Alzheimer's disease. A combination of the clinical symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease is present in DLB and the disord
- PMID 22812926
- Intracameral phenylephrine 1.5% for prophylaxis against intraoperative floppy iris syndrome: prospective, randomized fellow eye study.
- Lorente R1, de Rojas V, Vázquez de Parga P, Moreno C, Varela J, Landaluce ML, Méndez J, Lorente B.
- Ophthalmology.Ophthalmology.2012 Oct;119(10):2053-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2012.04.028. Epub 2012 Jun 17.
- PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of intracameral phenylephrine (IPH) administered as prophylaxis against intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) and to analyze the ability of IPH to reverse IFIS.DESIGN: Prospective, multicenter, randomized, comparative case series of fellow eyes.PARTICIPANTS: Fo
- PMID 22709418
Japanese Journal
- 重症頭部外傷患者のprognostic indexの研究
- 和田 邦雄,桂田 菊嗣,岡田 芳明,田畑 吉雄
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica 19(11), 1053-1061, 1979-11-15
- … were classified into four categories:1) able to feed himself;2)unable to feed himself;3)death other than brain death;4)brain death.Five initial features(level of consciousness, size of pupils, pupillary reaction to light, motor paralysis, and age) proved to correlate significantly (p<0.01) with outcome.Change of consciousness, rigidity, Babinski's sign, skull fracture, respiration type, and elapse of time after injury were not significantly correlated with outcome.The descriminant function was calculated by "multivariate …
- NAID 110002278907
- 衣川 秀一 [他],熊田 博子,小林 祥泰,古橋 紀久,大坂 彰,沢田 徹,田崎 義昭
- 北里医学 6(4), 245-254, 1976-08-31
- … Of 29 patients with cerebral hemorrhage, those who showed clinical signs of mid-brain damages, such as anisocoria, loss of pupillary reflexes, hyperventilation or decerebrate rigidity, died of respiratory arrest in the acute stage without exception; …
- NAID 110004690043
- Clinical Prediction of Prognosis of Coma
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica. Part I 15(1), 67-72, 1975
- … 2) While pupillary abnormalities and decerebrate rigidity in adult patients following head injury promise prolonged unconsciousness or subsequent brain death, they do not always indicate fatal outcome or permanent disability in younger patients. … 3) Long lasting decerebrate rigidity and hypocarbia are clues to "vegetative" survival. …
- NAID 110002280342
Related Links
- pupillary rigidity 黒内障の際に、対光反応が消失すること。(だと思います。そのような記載は web で見つけられませんでした。) 黒内障は、内頸動脈の枝である眼動脈の閉塞により網膜血流が途絶して失明する疾患。 3.絶対性瞳孔 ...
- Übersetzung für pupillary rigidity im Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch dict.cc. Alle Sprachen | EN IS IT RU SV FR RO PT HU LA NL SK ES BG ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- pupillary paralysis, iridoplegia, pupillary rigidity
- ラ
- rigiditas pupillae
- 同
- 瞳孔硬直、硬直性瞳孔
- 光や輻輳に対する瞳孔反応の欠如。対光反射の欠如は対光反射の遠心路の障害で見られる。
- 同
- 硬直、強剛、固縮、強直
- this type of dysfunction is caused by lesions of the basal ganglia, most commonly the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway.
- 関
- pupil