- treat carefully; "He nursed his injured back by lying in bed several hours every afternoon"; "He nursed the flowers in his garden and fertilized them regularly"
- try to cure by special care of treatment, of an illness or injury; "He nursed his cold with Chinese herbs"
- one skilled in caring for young children or the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician)
- serve as a nurse; care for sick or handicapped people
- not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole; "the public good"; "public libraries"; "public funds"; "public parks"; "a public scandal"; "public gardens"; "performers and members of royal families are public figures"
- a body of people sharing some common interest; "the reading public"
- affecting the people or community as a whole; "community leaders"; "community interests"; "the public welfare"
- a healthy state of wellbeing free from disease; "physicians should be held responsible for the health of their patients" (同)wellness
- the general condition of body and mind; "his delicate health"; "in poor health"
- nourishing at the breast (同)breast_feeding
- the work of caring for the sick or injured or infirm
- the profession of a nurse
- get healthy again; "The wound is healing slowly"
- 『看護人』,看護婦 / 子守(dry nurse) / 『乳母』(うば)(wet nurse) / ‘を'『看護する』,看病する / 〈幼児〉‘に'授乳する / 〈病気・けが〉‘を'治そうと努める / 《話》…‘を'注意して扱う,たいせつに扱う / …‘を'大事に育てる / (心に)〈ある感情〉‘を'いだく / 看護人(看護婦)として働く / 授乳する / 〈幼児が〉乳を飲む
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『公の』,『公共の』,公衆の / 公開の / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『公務の』,公務に従事する / 一般に知れ渡っている,周知の / 《the~》《集合的に》『一般の人々』,公衆 / 《the~》《a~》…界,…仲間
- 『健康』,健全 / (体の)状態,調子 / 《To one's health!》(健康を祝しての)乾杯
- (預かった子を)養育(保育)する / 授乳する / {名}〈U〉 / (職業としての)看護 / 保育
- 〈傷など〉‘を'直す / 〈悩み・不和など〉‘を'いやす,治める / 〈傷などが〉直る《+『up』(over』)》
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Public health nursing is a nursing specialty focused on public health. Public Health Nurses (PHN's) "integrate community involvement and knowledge about the entire population with personal, clinical understandings of the health and illness experiences of individuals and families within the population.".[1] Public health nursing in the United States traces back to a nurse named Lillian Wald who, in 1893, established the Henry Street Settlement in New York City and coined the phrase, "public health nurse." Public health nurses work within communities and focus on different areas to improve the overall health of the people with in that community. Some areas of employment for a public health nurse are school districts, county or state health departments, and the department of corrections. The public health nurse looks for areas of concern with in the community and assesses and plans ways to which the concern can be resolved or minimized. Some health concerns a public health nurse may work on are infection control, health maintnenance, health coaching, as well as home care visits for welfare and to provide care to certain members of the community who may need it.
See also
- List of nursing specialties
- ^ "Public Health Nursing Section". APHA. 2012-05-15. Retrieved 2012-11-30.
Levels of practice |
Generalists |
- Clinical nurse leader
- Licensed practical nurse
- Registered nurse
Advanced practice |
APRNs by role |
- Clinical nurse specialist
- Nurse anesthetist
- Nurse midwife
- Nurse practitioner
- Assistant practitioner
NPs by Population |
- Family
- Adult-Gerontology
- Pediatrics
- Women's health
- Neonatal
- Psych/Mental health
and licensure |
- Associate of Science in Nursing
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Diploma in Nursing
- Doctor of Nursing Practice
- Master of Science in Nursing
- Board of nursing
- Nurse Licensure Compact
- Nursing credentials and certifications
- Nursing school
- Nurse registry
Specialties and
areas of practice |
- Activities of daily living assistance
- Ambulatory care
- Cardiac
- Critical care
- Education
- Emergency
- Faith community
- Flight
- Forensic
- Geriatrics
- Holistic
- Home health
- Hyperbaric
- Legal consultation
- Management
- Matron
- Medical-surgical
- Midwifery
- Military
- Neonatal
- Nursing informatics
- Obstetrics
- Occupational health
- Oncology
- Orthopedics
- Pediatrics
- Perianesthesia
- Perioperative
- Psychiatric and mental health
- Private duty
- Public health
- School
- Space
- Telenursing
Nursing process |
- Assessment
- Diagnosis
- Planning of care
systems |
- Nursing Interventions Classification
- Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS)
- Nursing Outcomes Classification
bio & epidemiological statistics |
- statistical hypothesis
- case-control study
- randomized controlled trials
- Clinical Epidemiology
- ROC curve
- Student's t-test
- Z-test
- Anova
- Regression
- relative risk
- statistical software
Health Behavioral Sciences |
- Health belief model
- rational behavior model
- theory of planned behavior
- Transtheoretical model
- Social cognitive theory
- Social Support theory
- health Communication
- precede porceed mode
- Community health
- Ecosystem model
- Category
- Commons
- Portal
- WikiProject
- ^ DiscoverNursing.com | Campaign for Nursing,. (2015). Public Health Nurse. Retrieved 3 August 2015, from https://www.discovernursing.com/specialty/public-health-nurse
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Factors related to dietary habits and body mass index among Turkish school children: a Cox's interaction model-based study.
- Haney MO, Erdogan S.SourcePublic Health Nursing Department, Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty, Izmir, Turkey.
- Journal of advanced nursing.J Adv Nurs.2013 Jun;69(6):1346-56. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2012.06126.x. Epub 2012 Aug 22.
- AIM: To report a study conducted to describe the determinants of Turkish school-aged children's dietary habits and body mass index.BACKGROUND: Over the past two decades, children's unhealthy dietary habits and obesity have increased rapidly. Nurses have an essential role in minimizing health-risk be
- PMID 22909283
- Health promotion in mental health care: perceptions from patients and mental health nurses.
- Verhaeghe N, De Maeseneer J, Maes L, Van Heeringen C, Annemans L.SourceDepartment of Public Health, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
- Journal of clinical nursing.J Clin Nurs.2013 Jun;22(11-12):1569-78. doi: 10.1111/jocn.12076. Epub 2013 Jan 7.
- AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To gain insight into the factors influencing the integration of physical activity and healthy eating into the daily care of individuals with mental disorders (MD) living in sheltered housing and to increase the understanding of the relationships between and complexities of these
- PMID 23294398
Japanese Journal
- 郷木 義子,岡久 玲子,廣原 紀恵 [他]
- インターナショナルnursing care research 11(4), 95-105, 2012-11
- NAID 40019477318
- 母親を育児サークルへ「つなげる」保健師の支援 : 軽微な育児不安や孤立感をもつ母親への行為に焦点を当てて
- 地域包括支援センター保健師が地域住民と協力して行った個別支援の内容
Related Links
- Post your Public Health Nurse job employment resume or find a Public Health Nurse job listing at Public Health Nursejobs.com Public Health Nurse Jobs PublicHealthNurseJobs.com includes jobs from all over the U.S. Review ...
- Public health nurses A public health nurse is a person who engages in health guidance using the title of public health nurse under the license of the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (Article 2 of the Act on Public Health Nurses ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- public health nurse, PHN
- 同
- 保健婦
- 関
- 保健・医療・福祉・介護従事者
- 英
- public health nurse
- 関
- 保健師
- 関
- breed、lactation、lactational、nourish、rear
- 関
- attendance、care、caring、nursing care
- 関
- healthy、hygiene、normality
- 関
- multitude
- 関
- cure、healing