- 関
- postural drainage
- (medicine) the act of caring for someone (as by medication or remedial training etc.); "the quarterback is undergoing treatment for a knee injury"; "he tried every treatment the doctors suggested"; "heat therapy gave the best relief"
- of or relating to or involving posture; "postural exercises"
- (病気の)治療,療法 / =psychotherapy
- 排水,水抜き / 排水装置,排水路,下水路 / 下水,汚水
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English Journal
- Pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with bronchiectasis: case reports.
- Santamato A, Ranieri M, Panza F, Frisardi V, Marvulli R, Filoni S, Cisari C, Fiore P.SourceDepartment of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy - a.santamato@unifg.it.
- European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine.Eur J Phys Rehabil Med.2012 Jun;48(2):293-8. Epub 2012 Apr 17.
- The effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) has been recognized in national and international guidelines and highlighted by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence as one of the six key priorities for improving the care of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. PR is lik
- PMID 22510678
- Chest physical therapy in infant bronchiolitis: randomized controlled trial.
- Gomes EL, Postiaux G, Medeiros DR, Monteiro KK, Sampaio LM, Costa D.SourceHealthy Department, Physical Therapy, Universidade Nove de Julho, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
- Revista brasileira de fisioterapia (Sao Carlos (Sao Paulo, Brazil)).Rev Bras Fisioter.2012 Apr 12. pii: S1413-35552012005000018. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of chest physical therapy (CP) in reducing the clinical score in infants with acute viral bronchiolitis (AVB).METHODS: Randomized controlled trial of 30 previously healthy infants (mean age 4.08 SD 3.0 months) with AVB and positive for respiratory syncytial v
- PMID 22499404
Japanese Journal
- 多頻度の理学療法介入は肺葉切除術後の呼吸器合併症を減少させるか?
- 有薗 信一,小川 智也,渡辺 文子,寶門 玲美,西村 正士
- 理学療法学 33(5), 289-295, 2006-08-20
- 肺葉切除術後患者における理学療法の介入頻度の違いによる効果を無作為化比較対照試験によって検討した。研究の同意を得た肺癌患者63例を手術に先立って無作為に2群に割り振った。通常の看護ケアに,理学療法士による理学療法介入を1日1回行う群を1回群とし,理学療法介入を1日3回行う群を3回群とした。当院の理学療法は,排痰,早期離床,呼吸練習などを中心に行い,手術当日から介入した。手術後1週間毎日の肺活量,酸 …
- NAID 110004798410
- 肺癌肺切除後の気管支瘻による膿胸に対する保存的治療法とその適応
- 薄田 勝男,斎藤 泰紀,高橋 里美,半田 政志,吉田 浩幸,島田 和佳,羽隅 透,佐藤 伸之,佐藤 雅美,佐川 元保,藤村 重文
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 12(4), 511-518, 1998-05-15
- 肺癌肺切後の気管支断端瘻が原因で膿胸となった肺癌9例を対象として, 保存的治療の方法およびその適応を検討した.術式は, 7例が右下葉切除, 1例が左下葉切除, 1例が右上葉管状切除(one stoma type)であり, リンパ節郭清は8例でR2bを, 1例でR1を施行した.保存的治療で6例(67%)が気管支断端瘻確認後14〜67日(平均31.5日)に瘻が治癒した.いずれも(1)残存肺葉の再膨張が …
- NAID 110001271352
Related Links
- Postural Drainage (bronchial drainage) is a means of mobilizing secretions to the central airways by placing the patient in various gravity assisted positions ... These represent individual criteria that indicate a positive response to ...
- Reprinted from the December 1991 issue of R ESPIRATORY C ARE [Respir Care 1991;36(12):1418–1426] AARC Clinical Practice Guideline Postural Drainage Therapy PDT 1.0 PROCEDURE: Postural drainage therapy (PDT) is a ...
- 英
- postural drainage、postural drainage therapy
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- postural drainage therapy
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- 体位ドレナージ、体位ドレナージ療法、体位ドレナージ法
- 英
- postural drainage therapy
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- 体位ドレナージ、体位ドレナージ療法、体位療法
- 英
- postural drainage therapy
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- 体位ドレナージ、体位ドレナージ法、体位療法
- 関
- postural drainage therapy
- 関
- care、cure、curing、practice、psychotherapy、regimen、remediation、remedy、therapeutic、treat、treatment、treatment protocol
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- attitude、orthostatic、position、posture
- 関
- postural drainage therapy