- pierce with a pointed object; make a hole into; "puncture a tire"
- be pierced or punctured; "The tire punctured"
- cause to lose air pressure or collapse by piercing; "puncture an air balloon"
- a small hole made by a sharp object
- the act of puncturing or perforating
- loss of air pressure in a tire when a hole is made by some sharp object
- make by piercing; "puncture a hole"
- of or relating to the pleura or the walls of the thorax; "pleural muscles"
- the thin serous membrane around the lungs and inner walls of the chest
- (とがったもので)…‘に'穴をあける,‘を'パンクさせる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 〈穴など〉‘を'あける / …‘を'パチンと壊す / (とがったものでできた)穴 / (とがったもので)穴をあけること;(タイヤの)パンク
- ろく膜の,胸膜の
- ろく膜,胸膜
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English Journal
- Empyema necessitans: very late complication of pulmonary tuberculosis.
- Gomes MM, Alves M, Correia JB, Santos L.Author information Medicina Interna, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra-pólo HUC, Coimbra, Portugal.AbstractEmpyema necessitans is a rare clinical finding nowadays. We report the case of a patient admitted in our ward for investigation of an unknown onset anterior chest wall mass, with no accompanying signs or symptoms. It is noteworthy that the patient had had pulmonary tuberculosis submitted to thoracoplasty more than 60 years before. Thoracic MRI showed a large heterogeneous mass, with a thick wall and internal septations located at the right anterior chest wall, as well as a heterogeneous content inside the right pleural cavity, with direct communication between both. An aspirative puncture of both masses was performed, with positive cultures for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, thus leading to the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis with anterior chest wall empyema necessitans. A drain was inserted and antibiotics started. This case draws our attention to a very rare complication of pulmonary tuberculosis and its surgical treatment, though it aroused many decades after primary infection.
- BMJ case reports.BMJ Case Rep.2013 Dec 10;2013. pii: bcr2013202072. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-202072.
- Empyema necessitans is a rare clinical finding nowadays. We report the case of a patient admitted in our ward for investigation of an unknown onset anterior chest wall mass, with no accompanying signs or symptoms. It is noteworthy that the patient had had pulmonary tuberculosis submitted to thoracop
- PMID 24326441
- Complete Resolution of Cerebral Air Embolism Secondary to a Transbronchial Needle Aspiration.
- Perinel Ragey S, Garnier P, Vergnon JM.Author information Department of Chest Diseases and Thoracic Oncology, University Hospital of St. Etienne and LINA, Jean Monnet University, St. Etienne, France.AbstractAir embolism following transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) is extremely rare. To date, only 1 case has been described (estimated incidence: 0.02-0.07%). Here, a 70-year-old patient developed a left upper-lobe alveolar syndrome with no response to well-conducted antibiotic treatments. Conventional bronchoscopy was normal, but virtual bronchoscopy showed that the tumor was contiguous to the left B3-B4 division. During a second bronchoscopy, a TBNA was performed without bleeding, and pathology later revealed primitive lung adenocarcinoma. Immediately after the puncture, an epileptic seizure occurred with right rotation of the head and a tonic seizure of the left arm followed by left hemiplegia. A brain CT scan performed almost immediately showed no abnormalities and a chest radiography did not show any pleural or mediastinal aeric image. A few hours later, clonic seizures occurred and brain MRI showed lesions compatible with air embolisms (right gyral cortical location). Several hyperbaric therapy sessions successfully cured the neurological deficit. Despite its rarity, each practitioner of TBNA has to be aware of this side effect and its early treatment. The mechanism of such accidents remains unclear, but probably involves high bronchial pressure and venous trauma. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.
- Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases.Respiration.2013 Nov 23. [Epub ahead of print]
- Air embolism following transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) is extremely rare. To date, only 1 case has been described (estimated incidence: 0.02-0.07%). Here, a 70-year-old patient developed a left upper-lobe alveolar syndrome with no response to well-conducted antibiotic treatments. Conventiona
- PMID 24281247
Japanese Journal
- 臨床研究 末梢小型肺病変の局在診断の際に有用である安全で簡便なマーキング法
- 癌性胸腹水に対しAxial puncture法胸腔ドレナージとPeritoneovenous shuntが有効であった腹膜癌の1例
- 秦 ひろか,戸澤 晃子,波多野 美穂 [他]
- 神奈川産科婦人科学会誌 = Kanagawa journal of obstetrics and gynecology : official journal, Kanagawa Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology 50(2), 159-162, 2014-01
- NAID 40020249212
- 米田 太郎,木場 隼人,酒井 珠美,山崎 雅英,上田 善道,笠原 寿郎
- 肺癌 54(4), 218-225, 2014
- 背景.後縦隔腫瘍として,悪性中皮腫は稀である.症例.81歳男性.腰痛を主訴に受診し,胸部単純CTにて右胸膜結節ならびに第11胸椎に椎体骨破壊像を伴う後縦隔傍椎体腫瘍を認めた.胸膜結節に対して悪性胸膜病変を疑い胸腔鏡下胸膜生検を行い,悪性胸膜中皮腫と診断した.後縦隔腫瘍について病理診断は未施行であったが,骨髄穿刺にて非ホジキンリンパ腫の骨髄浸潤を認めたことから,後縦隔腫瘍は当初リンパ腫を疑った.悪性 …
- NAID 130004687683
Related Links
- 3D animation of making a Thoracentesis (pleural puncture), to treat a pleural effusion or a Pneumothorax, with the medical product Pleura-safe from allomed Medtech GmbH. more info: http://www.pleurasafe ...
- By using USG guide on pleural puncture management, it will make it more accurate ... This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.
- 英
- thoracentesis
- 同
- 胸膜穿刺 pleural puncture
- 関
- 胸腔ドレナージ
[show details]
- 前傾姿勢。上肢は挙上して机などの上にのせる。(手技みえ2.100)
- 外傷では、緊張性気胸で鎖骨中線第2肋間を至急穿刺する場合を除いて、乳頭の高さ、腋窩前~中線(第4,5肋間)の部位を穿刺する(YN.L-35)
- 後腋窩線上の第8,9肋間肋骨上縁とする。(手技みえ2.100) ← 下位肋間では腹部内臓系の危険がある
- 気胸
- 感染症
- 血胸
- 再膨張性肺水腫、re-expansion edema。予防:廃液はゆっくりにし最大でも1500mlにとどめる。
- pleural shock → 血圧低下、ショック
- 関
- micropuncture、needling、paracentesis、prick、pricking、stab
- 関
- (n.)pleura 胸膜