- 関
- puncture
- pierce with a pointed object; make a hole into; "puncture a tire"
- be pierced or punctured; "The tire punctured"
- cause to lose air pressure or collapse by piercing; "puncture an air balloon"
- a small hole made by a sharp object
- the act of puncturing or perforating
- loss of air pressure in a tire when a hole is made by some sharp object
- make by piercing; "puncture a hole"
- (とがったもので)…‘に'穴をあける,‘を'パンクさせる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 〈穴など〉‘を'あける / …‘を'パチンと壊す / (とがったものでできた)穴 / (とがったもので)穴をあけること;(タイヤの)パンク
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English Journal
- The effect of sonophoresis on topical anesthesia: a pilot project.
- Packer JL, Krall B, Makki A, Torabinejad M.SourceEndodontic resident, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, Loma Linda, California.
- Anesthesia progress.Anesth Prog.2013 Summer;60(2):37-41. doi: 10.2344/0003-3006-60.2.37.
- Abstract The dental anesthesia sonophoresis device (DASD) is a novel device that is intended to reduce the discomfort associated with intraoral mucosa needle puncture. The DASD produces ultrasonic energy that provides a sonophoretic effect on the oral mucosa, generating microchannels through the lip
- PMID 23763557
- Ultrasound guidance for difficult peripheral venous access: systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Egan G, Healy D, O'Neill H, Clarke-Moloney M, Grace PA, Walsh SR.SourceResearch Manager, Vascular Research Unit, University Hospital Limerick, Limerick, Ireland; mary.clarkemoloney@hse.ie.
- Emergency medicine journal : EMJ.Emerg Med J.2013 Jul;30(7):521-6. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2012-201652. Epub 2012 Aug 11.
- BACKGROUND: Establishing intravenous access is often vital in an acute hospital setting but can be difficult. Ultrasound-guided cannulation increases success rates in prospective studies. However, these studies have often lacked a comparative group. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to
- PMID 22886890
- Novice learner in-plane ultrasound imaging: which visualization technique?
- Speer M, McLennan N, Nixon C.SourceFrom the *Department of Anaesthesia, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Victoria, Australia; and †Aukland City Hospital, Grafton, Aukland, New Zealand.
- Regional anesthesia and pain medicine.Reg Anesth Pain Med.2013 Jul-Aug;38(4):350-2. doi: 10.1097/AAP.0b013e3182926d6b.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Needle guidance under ultrasound is an acquired skill requiring fine motor control. Maintaining the image of an advancing needle in the plane of an ultrasound beam may be performed with the probe and needle orientated along the visual axis (AL) or across the visual axis (A
- PMID 23788071
Japanese Journal
- 2A1-K09 網膜硝子体手術支援システムを用いた網膜静脈の微小穿刺
- 中野 泰佳,杉田 直彦,上田 高志,玉置 泰裕,光石 衛
- ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2009, "2A1-K09(1)"-"2A1-K09(3)", 2009-05-25
- This paper describes the development and evaluation of a prototype microsurgical system for vitreoretinal surgery where physiological hand tremor limits the performance of a hand. The system consists …
- NAID 110008698200
- Edema in Oral Mucosa after LPS or Cytokine Exposure
- Journal of dental research 85(5), 442-446, 2006-05-01
- NAID 10020384263
- Blood Flow and Interstitial Fluid Pressure in the Rat Submandibular Gland during Changes in Perfusion
- Journal of dental research 82(11), 899-902, 2003-11-01
- NAID 10015731538
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- micropuncture /mi·cro·punc·ture/ (mi´kro-punk″cher) 1. the creation of minute openings by piercing. 2. in renal physiology, the process by which nephron segments are pierced. mi·cro·punc·ture (mī′krō-pŭngk′chər) n. See microincision.
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- 関
- micropuncture、needling、paracentesis、prick、pricking、stab
- 英
- micropuncture
- 関
- 穿刺