- put in position in relation to other things; "end tables placed conveniently"
- not one of the first three in a race or competition
- fracture in which the two ends of the broken bone are separated from one another
- a person forced to flee from home or country (同)DP, stateless person
- to arrange for; "place a phone call"; "place a bet"
- a particular situation; "If you were in my place what would you do?" (同)shoes
- proper or designated social situation; "he overstepped his place"; "the responsibilities of a man in his station"; "married above her station" (同)station
- proper or appropriate position or location; "a womans place is no longer in the kitchen"
- an item on a list or in a sequence; "in the second place"; "moved from third to fifth position" (同)position
- any area set aside for a particular purpose; "who owns this place?"; "the president was concerned about the property across from the White House" (同)property
- a general vicinity; "He comes from a place near Chicago"
- an abstract mental location; "he has a special place in my thoughts"; "a place in my heart"; "a political system with no place for the less prominent groups"
- the passage that is being read; "he lost his place on the page"
- take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal; "Jerry came in third in the Marathon" (同)come_in, come_out
- identify the location or place of; "We localized the source of the infection" (同)localize, localise
- estimate; "We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M." (同)put, set
- assign to (a job or a home)
- finish second or better in a horse or dog race; "he bet $2 on number six to place"
- place somebody in a particular situation or location; "he was placed on probation"
- sing a note with the correct pitch
- 《英》《補語のみに用いて》(競馬などで)3着までに入賞する
- (競技・試合などで)入賞していない,等外の
- 〈C〉『場所』,『位置』;(物の占める)空間 / 〈C〉『地域』,地方,土地 / 〈C〉(特定の目的のための)『場所』,建物 / 〈C〉《話》住居,家 / 〈C〉(体や物などの表面の)箇所,局部 / 〈C〉(書物中の)読んでいる家所 / 〈C〉席,座席 / 〈C〉『地位』,立場,境遇 / 〈C〉『職』,勤め口;(職場・学校などの)席,定員 / 〈C〉任務,役目 / 〈C〉(説明などの)順序,段階 / 〈C〉《米》(競馬などで)第2着 / 《多く固有名詞に用いて,P-》通り,広小路;広場 / 〈C〉(数字の)けた,位(くらい) / 《場所を表す副詞[句]を伴って》…‘を'『置く』,配置する,据える / (職,地位に)〈人〉‘を'つかせる,任ずる,〈人〉‘に'(…の)職を見つけてやる《+『名』+『in』(『as, with』)+『名』》 / (人・物に)〈信頼・希望など〉‘を'置く,かける《+『名』+『on』(『in』)+『名』》 / (店などに)(…の)〈注文〉‘を'出す《+『名』〈注文〉+『for』+『名』〈品物〉+『with』+『名』〈店〉》 / (…だと)…‘を'見きわめる,思い出す《+『名』+『as』+『名』》 / 《順位を示す副詞を伴って》(競争などで)…位(着)になる
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English Journal
- A technique for continuous bedside monitoring of global cerebral energy state.
- Jakobsen R1, Halfeld Nielsen T2, Granfeldt A3, Toft P4, Nordström CH5.
- Intensive care medicine experimental.Intensive Care Med Exp.2016 Dec;4(1):3. doi: 10.1186/s40635-016-0077-2. Epub 2016 Jan 20.
- BACKGROUND: Cerebral cytoplasmatic redox state is a sensitive indicator of cerebral oxidative metabolism and is conventionally evaluated from the extracellular lactate/pyruvate (LP) ratio. In the present experimental study of global cerebral ischemia induced by hemorrhagic shock, we investigate whet
- PMID 26791144
- 'The mercurial piece of the puzzle': Understanding stigma and HIV/AIDS in South Africa.
- Gilbert L1.
- SAHARA J : journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance / SAHARA , Human Sciences Research Council.SAHARA J.2016 Dec;13(1):8-16. doi: 10.1080/17290376.2015.1130644.
- Although stigma and its relationship to health and disease is not a new phenomenon, it has not been a major feature in the public discourse until the emergence of HIV. The range of negative responses associated with the epidemic placed stigma on the public agenda and drew attention to its complexity
- PMID 26781444
- Syringe needle-based sampling coupled with liquid-phase extraction for determination of the three-dimensional distribution of l-ascorbic acid in apples.
- Tang S1, Lee HK2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 May 15;199:533-40. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.12.044. Epub 2015 Dec 10.
- A novel syringe needle-based sampling approach coupled with liquid-phase extraction (NBS-LPE) was developed and applied to the extraction of l-ascorbic acid (AsA) in apple. In NBS-LPE, only a small amount of apple flesh (ca. 10mg) was sampled directly using a syringe needle and placed in a glass ins
- PMID 26776005
Japanese Journal
- グラウンドスロットの両側に置かれたマイクロストリップ線路間のクロストーク解析 (電磁環境研究会 マイクロ波,電磁界シミュレーション,EMC一般)
- 電気学会研究会資料. EMC = The papers of technical meeting on electromagnetic compatibility, IEE Japan 2016(45-66・68-71), 1-4, 2016-10-20
- NAID 40021002819
- グラウンドスロットの両側に置かれたマイクロストリップ線路間のクロストーク解析 (マイクロ波)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 116(254), 1-4, 2016-10-20
- NAID 40020991895
- グラウンドスロットの両側に置かれたマイクロストリップ線路間のクロストーク解析 (エレクトロニクスシミュレーション)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 116(255), 1-4, 2016-10-20
- NAID 40020991487
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