- the threat to Western civilization said to arise from the power of Asiatic peoples
- (Persian folklore) a supernatural being descended from fallen angels and excluded from paradise until penance is done
- a beautiful and graceful girl
- 〈U〉(差し迫った大きな)『危険』,危難,危機 / 〈C〉危険をもたらすもの / …‘を'危険にさらす
- 〈火災・事故や無思慮な行為などが〉〈生命・財産など〉‘を'あやうくする,危険にさらす
- 近月点(月を回る物体の軌道上で月に最も近い点)
- …『につき』,…ごとに / 《文》…によって,…で,…を通じて / 《しばしば『as per』…で》…によって示された通りに,…に従って
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/07 20:24:08」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Imminent peril, or imminent danger, [1] is an American legal concept where Imminent peril is "certain danger, immediate, and impending; menacingly close at hand, and threatening." [2] In many states in the USA, a mere necessity for quick action does not constitute an emergency within the doctrine of imminent peril, where the situation calling for the action is one which should reasonably have been anticipated and which the person whose action is called for should have been prepared to meet;[3] the doctrine of imminent peril does not excuse one who has brought about the peril by her own negligence.[4]
- 1 Legislation
- 2 Peril
- 3 See also
- 4 References
In California, legislation authorizes a person to use deadly force to defend against death or serious injury if they believe they are in imminent peril.[5] Raymond L. Middleton, Warden v. Sally Marie McNeil is a California case that espouses this doctrine.[6] The 2012 Florida Statutes lay measurable conditions to determine if the "fear of imminent peril" is reasonable under the law.[7] Both the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Law Commission (ILC) have recognized the profound motivations of one's lawful fear of imminent peril and have adopted measures to define consequences, of self-defense against such peril, as reasonable.[8]
Peril is synonymous with danger[9] but lacks the suddenness of the "imminent" qualifier. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulates safety standards for workplaces in the United States. Their charter obligation is to identify dangerous conditions in the workplace with a potential for sudden peril, and to require employers to actively mitigate the risks.[10]
See also
- Castle doctrine
- Good Samaritan law
- Emergency Doctrine
- Emergency Exception
- Exigent Circumstance
- Landlord's Right to Enter Dwelling
- Necessity in Canadian law
- Sudden Peril Doctrine
- Rescue Doctrine
- ^ Imminent-Peril Doctrine Law & Legal Definition USLegal.com
- ^ The Free Dictionary by Farlex
- ^ Kuist v. Curran, 116 Cal. App. 2d 404
- ^ Warren v. Sullivan, 188 Cal. App. 2d 150
- ^ Cambridge Dictionary Online
- ^ No. 03-1028. Decided May 3, 2004 FindLaw.com
- ^ The 2012 Florida Statutes Sunshine Online
- ^ New Approaches to the State of Necissity in Customary International Law: Insights From WTO Law and Foreign Investment Law
- ^ Danger Law & Legal Definition USLeagal.com
- ^ Call (800) 321-OSHA immediately to report imminent dangers United States Department of Labor, retrieved 11/17/2012
English Journal
- Genomic instability: Transcript elongation: pause at your peril.
- Zlotorynski E.
- Nature reviews. Cancer.Nat Rev Cancer.2014 Jul;14(7):450-1. doi: 10.1038/nrc3768. Epub 2014 May 30.
- PMID 24874945
- Transcription: Transcript elongation: pause at your peril.
- Zlotorynski E.
- Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology.Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol.2014 Jul;15(7):430-1. doi: 10.1038/nrm3818. Epub 2014 May 29.
- PMID 24871801
- Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome-30 Years at the Front.
- De Lia JE, Kuhlmann RS.
- American journal of perinatology.Am J Perinatol.2014 Jun 10. [Epub ahead of print]
- Thirty years ago, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) was one of the most challenging problems of modern obstetrics. The associated mortality and morbidity was staggering, and a sense of hopelessness prevailed among clinicians and pediatric pathologists. Technical advances in ultrasound, endosc
- PMID 24915564
Japanese Journal
- 添田寿一と日清・日露戦争 : Economic Journal宛公開書簡等に見る外債募集と黄禍論 (上埜進先生・庭本佳和先生退職記念論文集) -- (経営組織と管理会計の展望と課題)
- 「中間性」の批判的検討 : 連邦期南アフリカにおける日本人とその待遇をめぐって
- 山本 めゆ
- フォーラム現代社会学 (13), 5-17, 2014-05-31
- 本研究では、黄禍論の広がりととともにアジア人への排斥が進んだ20世紀初頭、南アフリカに移入した日本人の地位とその変遷に注目する。当国の移民政策に対して日本側はいかなる交渉、適応、抵抗を見せ、それは人種の境界をいかに動揺させたのか。反アジア主義的な移民法をめぐる研究史のなかにこれらの関心を位置づけながら、人種主義研究の観点から検討することを目指す。南アフリカでは19世紀後半よりインド人、20世に入っ …
- NAID 110009823190
- 書評 飯倉章『黄禍論と日本人 : 欧米は何を嘲笑し、恐れたのか』
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- 関
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- ~で、~によって。~に託して
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