- 関
- hypogastric plexus
- a network of intersecting blood vessels or intersecting nerves or intersecting lymph vessels (同)rete
- of or relating to the pelvis; "pelvic exam"; "pelvic inflammation"
- (神経・血管などの)網状組織
- 骨盤の
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/06/04 16:19:58」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Nerve: Inferior hypogastric plexus |
The right sympathetic chain and its connections with the thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic plexuses. (Pelvic plexus labeled at bottom right.)
Lower half of right sympathetic cord. (Hypogastric plexus labeled at bottom right.)
Latin |
plexus hypogastricus inferior |
The inferior hypogastric plexus (pelvic plexus in some texts)[1] is a plexus of nerves that supplies the viscera of the pelvic cavity.
The inferior hypogastric plexus is a paired structure, with each situated on the side of the rectum in the male, and at the sides of the rectum and vagina in the female.
- 1 Sources
- 2 Course
- 3 Additional images
- 4 See also
- 5 References
- 6 External links
Contributions to the plexus include:
- a continuation of the superior hypogastric plexus on either side, in the form of the hypogastric nerve.
- sacral splanchnic nerves, which emerge from the sympathetic trunk.
- pelvic splanchnic nerves (from the second, third, and fourth sacral nerves) also contribute parasympathetic efferent fibers to the plexus.
At the points of junction of these nerves small ganglia are found.
From these plexuses numerous branches are distributed to the viscera of the pelvis.
They accompany the branches of the internal iliac artery.
It is the source for the middle rectal plexus, vesical plexus, prostatic plexus, and uterovaginal plexus.[2]
Additional images
See also
- Superior hypogastric plexus
- Hypogastric nerve
- ^ Yokochi, Chihiro; Rohen, Johannes W. (2006). Color Atlas of Anatomy: A Photographic Study of the Human Body. Hagerstown, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 346. ISBN 0-7817-9013-1.
- ^ Jeyarajah S, King A, Papagrigoriadis S (2007). "Faecal incontinence as presentation of an ependymomas of the spinal cord". World J Surg Oncol 5: 107. doi:10.1186/1477-7819-5-107. PMC 2034572. PMID 17894884.
External links
- Autonomics of the Pelvis - Page 5 of 12 anatomy module at med.umich.edu
- Autonomics of the Pelvis - Page 6 of 12 anatomy module at med.umich.edu
- figures/chapter_32/32-6.HTM - Basic Human Anatomy at Dartmouth Medical School
- posteriorabdomen at The Anatomy Lesson by Wesley Norman (Georgetown University) (posteriorabdmus&nerves)
This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.
Nerves – autonomic nervous system (sympathetic nervous system/ganglion/trunks and parasympathetic nervous system/ganglion) (TA A14.3, GA 9.968)
cranial |
- Ciliary ganglion: roots
- Short ciliary
- Ciliary ganglion: roots
- Short ciliary
- Pterygopalatine ganglion: deep petrosal
- nerve of pterygoid canal
- branches of distribution: greater palatine
- inferior posterior nasal branches
- lesser palatine
- nasopalatine
- medial superior posterior nasal branches
- pharyngeal
cervical |
- paravertebral ganglia: Cervical ganglia
- Stellate ganglion
- prevertebral plexus: Cavernous plexus
- Internal carotid
thorax |
- paravertebral ganglia: Thoracic ganglia
- prevertebral plexus: Cardiac plexus
- Esophageal plexus
- Pulmonary plexus
- Thoracic aortic plexus
- splanchnic nerves: cardiopulmonary
- thoracic
- cardiac nerves: Superior
- Middle
- Inferior
Lumbar |
- paravertebral ganglia: Lumbar ganglia
- prevertebral ganglia:
- Celiac ganglia
- Aorticorenal
- Superior mesenteric ganglion
- Inferior mesenteric ganglion
- prevertebral plexus:
- Celiac plexus
- Hepatic
- Splenic
- Pancreatic
- aorticorenal
- Abdominal aortic plexus
- Renal/Suprarenal
- Superior mesenteric
- Inferior mesenteric
- Superior hypogastric
- hypogastric nerve
- Superior rectal
- Inferior hypogastric
- Vesical
- Prostatic / Cavernous nerves of penis
- Uterovaginal
- Middle rectal
- splanchnic nerves: Lumbar splanchnic nerves
- Meissner's plexus
- Auerbach's plexus
sacral |
- paravertebral ganglia: Sacral ganglia
- Ganglion impar
- splanchnic nerves: Sacral splanchnic nerves
- splanchnic nerves: Pelvic splanchnic nerves
anat (h/r/t/c/b/l/s/a)/phys (r)/devp/prot/nttr/nttm/ntrp
noco/auto/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
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English Journal
- Redefining the coccygeal plexus.
- Woon JT, Stringer MD.Author information Department of Anatomy, Otago School of Medical Sciences, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.AbstractThe coccygeal plexus is variably described in anatomy texts and has rarely been studied despite the idiopathic nature of coccydynia in up to one-third of affected patients. The plexus was therefore investigated using a combination of microdissection and histology. The distal sacrum and coccyx in continuity with ischiococcygeus were removed en bloc from 16 embalmed cadavers (mean age 78 ± 10 years, 7 females) with no local disease. Ten specimens underwent microdissection of the coccygeal plexus and the remaining six were examined histologically after staining with hematoxylin and eosin and S100 immunohistochemistry to demonstrate nerve fibers. The coccygeal plexus is formed within ischiococcygeus from the ventral rami of S4, S5, and Co1 with a contribution (gray rami communicantes) from the sacral sympathetic trunk. It gives rise to anococcygeal nerves which pierce ischiococcygeus and the sacrospinous ligament to supply the subcutaneous tissue on the dorsal aspect of the coccyx. Some branches from the plexus pass medially anterior to the coccyx. The coccycgeal plexus is formed within ischiococcygeus rather than on its pelvic surface and appears to supply skin in the anococcygeal region. It probably also contributes to the innervation of ischiococcygeus, the sacrospinous ligament, coccygeal ligaments, and periosteum. It deserves to be considered as a potential pain generator that may be implicated in some patients with coccydynia. Clin. Anat. 27:254-260, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
- Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.).Clin Anat.2014 Mar;27(2):254-60. doi: 10.1002/ca.22242. Epub 2013 Apr 1.
- The coccygeal plexus is variably described in anatomy texts and has rarely been studied despite the idiopathic nature of coccydynia in up to one-third of affected patients. The plexus was therefore investigated using a combination of microdissection and histology. The distal sacrum and coccyx in con
- PMID 23554024
- Critical review of pelvic fractures associated with external iliac artery lesion: A series of six cases.
- Pascarella R1, Del Torto M2, Politano R2, Commessatti M3, Fantasia R2, Maresca A2.Author information 1Ospedali Riuniti di, Ancona, Italy. Electronic address: raffaele.pascarella@libero.it.2Ospedali Riuniti di, Ancona, Italy.3Unità di Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Ospedale Maggiore, Bologna, Italy.AbstractINTRODUCTION: Bleeding associated with pelvic fracture mostly comes from the pre-sacral and lumbar venous plexus, or directly from the fracture site. Bleeding as a consequence of arterial lesion is less common (15-20%), and that resulting from lesion of the external iliac artery (EIA) is extremely rare. The mortality rate associated with iliac artery injury ranges from 38% to 72%. Total body CT-scan with contrast medium, angiography or packing can be performed when there is arterial injury. In some cases, embolisation can stop bleeding; however, when there is involvement of the aorta, common iliac artery or EIA, immediate surgery is mandatory. The aim of this study was to report our experience of pelvic fractures associated with EIA lesion.
- Injury.Injury.2014 Feb;45(2):374-8. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2013.10.011. Epub 2013 Oct 18.
- INTRODUCTION: Bleeding associated with pelvic fracture mostly comes from the pre-sacral and lumbar venous plexus, or directly from the fracture site. Bleeding as a consequence of arterial lesion is less common (15-20%), and that resulting from lesion of the external iliac artery (EIA) is extremely r
- PMID 24183394
- Complete Primary Repair of Bladder Exstrophy Is Associated With Detrusor Underactivity Type of Neurogenic Bladder.
- Mesrobian HG.Author information Department of Urology, Medical College and Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI. Electronic address: hmesrobi@mcw.edu.AbstractOBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that complete primary repair of bladder exstrophy (CPRE) is associated with detrussor underactivity. For this purpose, we review (1) our experience, (2) the results of the published literature as it pertains to bladder function, and (3) the known anatomic basis on which the mechanism of the observed outcome can be understood.
- Urology.Urology.2014 Jan 29. pii: S0090-4295(13)01444-1. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2013.11.010. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that complete primary repair of bladder exstrophy (CPRE) is associated with detrussor underactivity. For this purpose, we review (1) our experience, (2) the results of the published literature as it pertains to bladder function, and (3) the known anatomic basis on w
- PMID 24485361
Japanese Journal
- 秦 史壮,荒川 高志,岡田 邦明,西森 英史,池田 慎一郎,山田 真美,平間 知美,矢嶋 知己,石山 元太郎,阿部 伸一
- 日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 67(8), 495-503, 2014
- 傍腟組織と直腸・肛門管は,直腸間膜によって遠く隔てられた構造と思われがちだが,両者の間には神経連絡があると推測される.成人女性献体10体から前頭断類似の組織切片を作成,平滑筋および神経の免疫組織染色を施した.傍腟組織は多数の神経および神経節を含み,恥頸筋膜とデノビエ筋膜がそれぞれ前後の境界を,上骨盤隔膜筋膜が外側縁をなしていた.肛門挙筋が腟に近接する高さでは,傍腟組織の前後をはさむ筋膜が不明瞭にな …
- NAID 130004679123
- 非神経線維腫症の患者にみられた骨盤内悪性末梢神経鞘腫の1例
- 尾原 伸作,内本 和晃,小山 文一,中川 正,中村 信治,植田 剛,錦織 直人,藤井 久男,堤 雅弘,中島 祥介
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 47(2), 156-162, 2014
- 非神経線維腫症I型の患者において,骨盤神経叢由来と考えられた悪性末梢神経鞘腫(malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor;以下,MPNSTと略記)の1例を経験したので報告する.MPNSTの好発部位は四肢近位部,体幹,頸部とされている.また,MPNSTの約半数は神経線維腫症I型に合併するといわれる.症例は58歳の女性で,当院初診5か月前より肛門痛,左下肢の疼痛が …
- NAID 130004560995
- 前方会陰式肛門形成術を行った男児の直腸肛門奇形の3例
- 安井 良僚,河野 美幸,桑原 強,高橋 貞佳,押切 貴博
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 49(5), 1012-1017, 2013
- 直腸尿道瘻を伴う直腸肛門奇形の男児の3 例を経験した.いずれも直腸盲端はI 線を越えていた.これらに対し前方会陰式肛門形成術を行い良好な術後経過を得ている.症例1 は細く長い瘻孔が尿道と平行に走行し前部尿道に開口するanopenile urethral fistula,症例2 は直腸尿道瘻に加え陰囊縫線部の尿道皮膚瘻を伴うano-urethro-cutaneous fistula であった.これら …
- NAID 130004624700
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- 英
- inferior hypogastric plexus (KL)
- ラ
- plexus hypogastricus inferior
- 同
- 骨盤神経叢 pelvic plexus plexus pelvinus
- 英
- hypogastric plexus
- 関
- pelvic plexus
- 英
- pelvic plexus (KL)
- 同
- 下下腹神経叢
- 関
- 骨盤内臓神経
- 関
- pelves、pelvic bone、pelvis
- 関
- plexal、plexuses
- 関
- plexal、plexus