- 関
- spill、spillover
- flow or run over (a limit or brim) (同)overrun, well over, run over, brim over
- the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity (同)runoff, overspill
- reduce the pressure of wind on (a sail)
- liquid that is spilled; "clean up the spills"
- the act of allowing a fluid to escape (同)spillage, release
- a sudden drop from an upright position; "he had a nasty spill on the ice" (同)tumble, fall
- flow, run or fall out and become lost; "The milk spilled across the floor"; "The wine spilled onto the table" (同)run_out
- cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over; "spill the beans all over the table" (同)shed, disgorge
- pour out in drops or small quantities or as if in drops or small quantities; "shed tears"; "spill blood"; "God shed His grace on Thee" (同)shed, pour forth
- cause or allow (a liquid substance) to run or flow from a container; "spill the milk"; "splatter water" (同)slop, splatter
- reveal information; "If you dont oblige me, Ill talk!"; "The former employee spilled all the details" (同)talk
- (economics) any indirect effect of public expenditure
- 〈川が〉『氾濫(はんらん)する』,〈容器が〉あふれる / 〈中の物・人などが〉(…へ)『あふれ出る』《+『into』(『onto』)+『名』》 / 〈場所が〉(…で)『いっぱいになる』《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈川・水などが〉…★から'あふれ出る / 〈川・水などが〉…‘を'水浸しにする / 〈U〉〈C〉あふれ出ること氾濫,洪水(こうずい);(物・人数の)超過《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉あふれ出た水;超過した物;過剰人員 / 〈C〉(許容量以上の水の出る)排水口,放出口
- (特に,うっかりして)〈液体・粉など〉‘を'『こぼす』 / 《しばしば受動態で》《おもに文》(人を傷つけて)〈血〉‘を'流す / 〈馬・車などか〉〈人など〉‘を'ほうり出す,振り落す / 《話》〈秘密など〉‘を'もらす;(…に)…‘を'もらす《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈液体・粉などが〉『こぼれる』,流れ出る / こぼれること,こぼすこと / こぼれたもの / 落ちること;落馬
- (点火用の)付け木,こより
- あふれたもの(量);流出
- あふれる
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/13 14:15:44」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
オーバーフロー (Overflow, Over flow)
- 内容物が容器からあふれること。容器の上部に設置してあふれた分を排出するための配管/穴をオーバーフロー管(単にオーバーフローとも)と呼ぶ。
- 河川や水路が氾濫すること。
- 算術オーバーフロー - コンピュータの演算において数値型が表現可能な値の上限を超えること、およびそれによって発生したエラー。「桁あふれ」とも言う。対義語はアンダフロー。
- 特にコンピュータゲームにおけるオーバーフロー、アンダーフローはカウンターストップも参照。
- バッファオーバーラン - バッファオーバーフローのまたの名で、コンピュータプログラムのバグによって引き起こされる動作のひとつ。
- スタックオーバーフロー - 上記現象の分類のひとつ。コールスタック上の関数が非常に多いときに生ずる。
- オーバーフロー (ブランド) - ゲームソフトのブランドのひとつ。ちよれん加盟。
- マイコンBASICマガジンの欄外に記載されたミニコーナー。通称「OFコーナー」。
- 東京メトロ有楽町線・副都心線 小竹向原駅1番線の発車サイン音。
- OVER FLOW - 胃之上奇嘉郎の成人向け漫画。
- Over Flow - SMAPの曲。アルバム「SMAP 015/Drink! Smap!」に収録。
- Over flow - 元木あきのイメージビデオ。
- 新聞を制作するとき、記事の文字数が、空白になっている(記事を流せる)文字数を超えたとき。記事あふれともいう。(新聞制作フリーソフト「朝刊太郎」より)
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up overflow in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Overflow may refer to:
- 0verflow, a Japanese eroge developer
Computing and telecommunications
- arithmetic overflow, a condition that occurs when a calculation produces a result that is greater than what a given register can store or represent
- buffer overflow, a situation whereby the incoming data size exceeds that which can be accommodated by a buffer.
- heap overflow
- integer overflow
- Overflow (software), a NASA-developed computational fluid dynamics program using overset (Chimera) grids
- overflow condition, a situation that occurs when more information is being transmitted than the hardware can handle
- overspill, a proof technique in non-standard analysis, is less commonly called overflow
- stack overflow in which a computer program makes too many subroutine calls and its call stack runs out of space
- Sanitary sewer overflow, a condition whereby untreated sewage is discharged into the environment, escaping wastewater treatment
- Overflow (album), a 2006 album by Matt Maher
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English Journal
- Cognitive load results in motor overflow in essential tremor.
- Hong SL1, Isenhower RW, José JV, Torres EB.Author information 1a Department of Biomedical Sciences , Ohio University , Athens , OH , USA.AbstractSK is an 84-year-old woman diagnosed with essential tremor (ET) but no cognitive deficits. In this experiment, we tested the effects of mental rotation (a form of additional cognitive load) during reaching behavior (with the right hand) on the tremor profile of the non-moving left hand. We observed a marked increase in tremor and its variability, as well as the "freezing" of the movement pattern as effects of the cognitive load. These findings imply cognitive-motor overlaps in patients with ET, raising the possibility that the deficits reflect the loss of a common pool of neural resources, despite the heterogeneity of the symptoms of the disorder.
- Neurocase.Neurocase.2014 Aug;20(4):397-406. doi: 10.1080/13554794.2013.791859. Epub 2013 May 24.
- SK is an 84-year-old woman diagnosed with essential tremor (ET) but no cognitive deficits. In this experiment, we tested the effects of mental rotation (a form of additional cognitive load) during reaching behavior (with the right hand) on the tremor profile of the non-moving left hand. We observed
- PMID 23701508
- Operator training in recombinant protein production using a structured simulator model.
- Gerlach I1, Brüning S2, Gustavsson R3, Mandenius CF4, Hass VC5.Author information 1Department of Environmental- and Bio-Technology, University of Applied Sciences Bremen, Neustadtswall 30, 28199 Bremen, Germany; Division of Biotechnology/IFM, Linköping University, 58183 Linköping, Sweden.2Department of Environmental- and Bio-Technology, University of Applied Sciences Bremen, Neustadtswall 30, 28199 Bremen, Germany.3Division of Biotechnology/IFM, Linköping University, 58183 Linköping, Sweden.4Division of Biotechnology/IFM, Linköping University, 58183 Linköping, Sweden. Electronic address: cfm@ifm.liu.se.5Faculty of Medical and Life Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Furtwangen, Jakob-Kienzle-Straße 17, 78054 Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany.AbstractModel-based operator training simulators (OTS) could be powerful tools for virtual training of operational procedures and skills of production personnel in recombinant protein processes. The applied model should describe critical events in the bioprocess so accurately that the operators' ability to observe and alertly act upon these events is trained with a high degree of efficiency. In this work is shown how this is accomplished in a structured multi-compartment model for the production of a recombinant protein in an Escherichia coli fed-batch process where in particular the induction procedure, the stress effects and overflow metabolism were highlighted. The structured model was applied on the OTS platform that virtually simulated the operational bioreactor procedures in real or accelerated time. Evaluation of training using the model-based OTS showed that trained groups of operators exhibited improved capability compared with the untrained groups when subsequently performing real laboratory scale cultivations. The results suggest that this model-based OTS may provide a valuable resource for enhancing operator skills in large scale recombinant protein manufacturing.
- Journal of biotechnology.J Biotechnol.2014 May 10;177:53-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2014.02.022. Epub 2014 Mar 11.
- Model-based operator training simulators (OTS) could be powerful tools for virtual training of operational procedures and skills of production personnel in recombinant protein processes. The applied model should describe critical events in the bioprocess so accurately that the operators' ability to
- PMID 24630856
- Determination of micropollutants in combined sewer overflows and their removal in a wastewater treatment plant (Seoul, South Korea).
- Ryu J1, Oh J, Snyder SA, Yoon Y.Author information 1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Dongjak-Gu, Seoul, 156-756, South Korea.AbstractThe present study investigated the occurrence of 29 selected micropollutants such as endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in surface waters and wastewaters in Seoul (South Korea) during both dry and wet weather conditions. The study area was selected based on the lack of available information regarding the suspected contamination of rivers/creeks by EDCs and PPCPs in the Seoul region and the presence of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), which serves approximately 4.1 million inhabitants and has a design capacity of 1,297 × 10(3) m(3)/day. Many target compounds (83 %) were detected in samples collected from wastewater treatment influent/effluent, creek water, and combined sewer overflow (CSO). The total EDC/PPCP concentrations were as follows: WWTP influent (69,903 ng/L) > WWTP effluent (50,175 ng/L) >3 creek samples (16,035-44,446 ng/L) during dry weather, and WWTP influent (53,795 ng/L) > WWTP bypass (38,653 ng/L) >5 creek samples (15,260-29,113 ng/L) >2 CSO samples (11,109-11,498 ng/L) during wet weather. EDCs and PPCPs were found to be present at high daily loads (65.1 and 69.8 kg/day during dry and wet weather, respectively) in the WWTP effluent. Compound removal by the WWTP varied significantly by compound: caffeine, diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, and propylparaben (>90 %), and acesulfame, DEET, iohexol, iopromide, and iopamidol (<5 %). These findings and literature information support the hypothesis that the efficiency of removal of EDCs and PPCPs is strongly dependent on both removal mechanism (e.g., biodegradation, adsorption to sludge, and oxidation by chlorine) and compound physicochemical properties (e.g., pK a and hydrophobicity).
- Environmental monitoring and assessment.Environ Monit Assess.2014 May;186(5):3239-51. doi: 10.1007/s10661-013-3613-5. Epub 2014 Jan 11.
- The present study investigated the occurrence of 29 selected micropollutants such as endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in surface waters and wastewaters in Seoul (South Korea) during both dry and wet weather conditions. The study area was se
- PMID 24415065
- Activation of the Trace Amine-Associated Receptor 1 Prevents Relapse to Cocaine Seeking.
- Pei Y1, Lee JA1, Leo D2, Gainetdinov RR3, Hoener MC4, Canales JJ1.Author information 1Department of Psychology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.2Department of Neuroscience and Brain Technologies, Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy.31] Department of Neuroscience and Brain Technologies, Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy [2] Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Skolkovo, Moscow Region, Russia [3] Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia.4Neuroscience Research, Pharmaceuticals Division, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Basel, Switzerland.AbstractThe trace amine-associated receptor 1 (TAAR1) has emerged as a promising target for medication development in addiction due to its ability to regulate dopamine (DA) transmission. We tested in rats the efficacy of RO5203648 and RO5256390, partial and full TAAR1 agonists, respectively, in models of cocaine relapse. Using a model of context-induced relapse, both RO5203648 and RO5256390 dose-dependently suppressed cocaine seeking after a 2-week period of withdrawal from chronic cocaine self-administration. In a model of extinction-reinstatement, RO5203648 completely inhibited cocaine-primed reinstatement of cocaine seeking. At doses that effectively suppressed cocaine seeking neither RO5203648 nor RO5256390 altered responding maintained by a natural reward. Moreover, fast-scan cyclic voltammetry data showed that RO5203648 prevented cocaine-induced DA overflow in the nucleus accumbens without altering DA half-life, suggesting that the partial TAAR1 agonist attenuated cocaine-stimulated DA overflow by mechanisms other than direct interference with DA uptake. Collectively, these data provide strong evidence in support of TAAR1 as a neuropharmacological target for the treatment of cocaine addiction.Neuropsychopharmacology accepted article peview online, 11 April 2014. doi:10.1038/npp.2014.88.
- Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.Neuropsychopharmacology.2014 Apr 11. doi: 10.1038/npp.2014.88. [Epub ahead of print]
- The trace amine-associated receptor 1 (TAAR1) has emerged as a promising target for medication development in addiction due to its ability to regulate dopamine (DA) transmission. We tested in rats the efficacy of RO5203648 and RO5256390, partial and full TAAR1 agonists, respectively, in models of co
- PMID 24722355
Japanese Journal
- QEMUを用いた命令拡張によるリターンアドレス書換え攻撃検知手法
- 柴田 達也,奥野 航平,大月 勇人,瀧本 栄二,毛利 公一
- 情報処理学会研究報告. マルチメディア通信と分散処理研究会報告 2015-DPS-162(33), 1-8, 2015-02-26
- サイバー攻撃が大きな問題となっている.サイバー攻撃では,ソフトウェアの脆弱性が悪用されることが多い.特に,バッファオーバーフロー脆弱性を悪用するものは従来から多く存在する.この攻撃は,リターンアドレスを書き換えることで任意の処理を行う.このような書換えを排除できれば対策が可能であるが,従来手法は緩和策にとどまっており,決定的な解決法とはなっていない.以上の背景から,本論文では,リターンアドレスを書 …
- NAID 110009884225
- リリースされたバイナリに適用するスタックベースBoF攻撃緩和技術の試作と評価(ver.2)
- 齋藤 孝道,上原 崇史,金子 洋平,角田 佳史,堀 洋輔,馬場 隆彰,宮崎 博行
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム] 2015-OS-132(13), 1-8, 2015-02-19
- … 脆弱性の種類を識別するための共通の脆弱性タイプの一覧である CWE において,メモリ破損脆弱性の中に分類される,いわゆる Stack-based Buffer Overflow は,現在でも NVD での報告が絶えない脆弱性の一つである.現在までに Stack-based Buffer Overflow に対する様々な攻撃対策技術が開発されているが,その多くがコンパイル時における適用を求められる.よって,開発者から既にリリースされているソフトウエアに対し …
- NAID 110009877663
- 河道閉塞の緊急対策として最適な仮排水路の計画について
- 桜井 亘,酒井 良,後藤 彦幸 [他]
- 新砂防 = Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering : 砂防学会誌 67(4), 23-30, 2014-11
- NAID 40020278723
- Experimental investigation of co-channel and adjacent channel operations of microwave power and IEEE 802.11g data transmissions
- IEICE Transactions on Communications E97-B(9), 1835-1842, 2014-09
- … In addition, the experimental results imply that a microwave energy source and a WLAN device should share information on the timings of intermittent MPT and data transmission to avoid buffer overflow. …
- NAID 120005528021
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- 関
- overflow、spillover
- 英
- overflow、spillover、overflow、spill
- 関
- オーバーフロー
- 関
- overflow、spill
- 英
- overflow、overflow
- 関
- 溢流