- the relocation of people from overcrowded cities; they are accommodated in new houses or apartments in smaller towns
- (都心が過密で)郊外に移る人々;(都市の)過剰人口
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This article is about mathematics. For housing estates, see overspill estate.
In non-standard analysis, a branch of mathematics, overspill (referred to as overflow by Goldblatt (1998, p. 129)) is a widely used proof technique. It is based on the fact that the set of standard natural numbers N is not an internal subset of the internal set *N of hypernatural numbers.
By applying the induction principle for the standard integers N and the transfer principle we get the principle of internal induction:
For any internal subset A of *N, if
- 1 is an element of A, and
- for every element n of A, n + 1 also belongs to A,
- A = *N
If N were an internal set, then instantiating the internal induction principle with N, it would follow N = *N which is known not to be the case.
The overspill principle has a number of useful consequences:
- The set of standard hyperreals is not internal.
- The set of bounded hyperreals is not internal.
- The set of infinitesimal hyperreals is not internal.
In particular:
- If an internal set contains all infinitesimal non-negative hyperreals, it contains a positive non-infinitesimal (or appreciable) hyperreal.
- If an internal set contains N it contains an unlimited (infinite) element of *N.
These facts can be used to prove the equivalence of the following two conditions for an internal hyperreal-valued function ƒ defined on *R.
The proof that the second fact implies the first uses overspill, since given a non-infinitesimal positive ε,
Applying overspill, we obtain a positive appreciable δ with the requisite properties.
These equivalent conditions express the property known in non-standard analysis as S-continuity (or microcontinuity) of ƒ at x. S-continuity is referred to as an external property. The first definition is external because it involves quantification over standard values only. The second definition is external because it involves the external relation of being infinitesimal.
- Robert Goldblatt (1998). Lectures on the hyperreals. An introduction to nonstandard analysis. Springer.
History |
- Adequality
- Leibniz's notation
- Integral symbol
- Criticism of non-standard analysis
- The Analyst
- The Method of Mechanical Theorems
- Cavalieri's principle
- Method of indivisibles
Related branches |
- Non-standard analysis
- Non-standard calculus
- Internal set theory
- Synthetic differential geometry
- Constructive non-standard analysis
- Infinitesimal strain theory (physics)
Formalizations |
- Differentials
- Hyperreal numbers
- Dual numbers
- Surreal numbers
Individual concepts |
- Standard part function
- Transfer principle
- Hyperinteger
- Increment theorem
- Monad
- Internal set
- Levi-Civita field
- Hyperfinite set
- Law of Continuity
- Overspill
- Microcontinuity
- Transcendental law of homogeneity
Scientists |
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
- Abraham Robinson
- Pierre de Fermat
- Augustin-Louis Cauchy
- Leonhard Euler
Textbooks |
- Analyse des Infiniment Petits
- Elementary Calculus
- Cours d'Analyse
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English Journal
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- Vanmassenhove J, Glorieux G, Lameire N, Hoste E, Dhondt A, Vanholder R, Van Biesen W.
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Japanese Journal
- 7306 屋外生活空間のしみ出し方による領域形成に関する研究(街路空間の利用,都市計画)
- 建替え公営住宅の居住者による住環境評価 : 敦賀市和久野団地の調査より
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- 学術講演梗概集. E-1, 建築計画I, 各種建物・地域施設, 設計方法, 構法計画, 人間工学, 計画基礎 2002, 1001-1002, 2002-06-30
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- o·ver·spill (ō′vər-spĭl′) n. (ō′vər-spĭl′) 1. The fact or process of spilling over. 2. Something that spills over: an overspill of milk. 3. Chiefly British Movement of people from overcrowded cities to less populated areas. overspill n a.
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