- ladle clumsily; "slop the food onto the plate"
- deep soft mud in water or slush; "they waded through the slop" (同)mire
- (usually plural) waste water from a kitchen or bathroom or chamber pot that has to be emptied by hand; "she carried out the sink slops"
- wet feed (especially for pigs) consisting of mostly kitchen waste mixed with water or skimmed or sour milk (同)slops, swill, pigswill, pigwash
- (usually plural) weak or watery unappetizing food or drink; "he lived on the thin slops that food kitchens provided"
- feed pigs (同)swill
- be at an angle; "The terrain sloped down" (同)incline, pitch
- an elevated geological formation; "he climbed the steep slope"; "the house was built on the side of a mountain" (同)incline, side
- a lack of order and tidiness; not cared for (同)slovenliness, unkemptness
- the steep descent of the seabed from the continental shelf to the abyssal zone (同)bathyal zone, bathyal district
- a dealer in cheap ready-made clothing (同)slop-seller
- having a slanting form or direction; "an area of gently sloping hills"; "a room with a sloping ceiling"
- cheap clothing (as formerly issued to sailors in Britain)
- 〈U〉ぬかるみ / 〈C〉こぼれた水(食べ物);はね水 / 〈C〉まずい食べ物(飲み物);《複数形で》(病人用の)流動食 / 《しばしば複数形で》(豚などに与える)残飯 / 《複数形で》(排水設備のない台所などで,ためておく)洗い流し水,捨て水;(人の)排せつ物 / 〈液体が〉(…から)こぼれる,飛び散る《+『over』+『名』》 / ぬかるみをバチャバチャ歩く / 〈液体〉‘を'こぼす,はねかける
- 『傾斜する』,坂になる / …‘を'傾斜させる,‘に'勾配をつける / 〈C〉『坂』,斜面,スロープ / 〈C〉〈U〉『勾配(こうばい)』,傾斜
- だらしなさ,乱雑;いいかげんさ
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/02/16 10:03:59」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Slop or SLOP may refer to:
- Slop is the common name for household food scraps when they are fed to pigs
- Strategic Lateral Offset Procedure, in aviation, a procedure for avoiding collisions
- Slop (remote control), loose play in controls for model helicopters
- Self-selecting opinion poll, a poll or survey where the results reflect those individuals who choose to participate
- Slop music genre, a form of funk, named after Funkadelic's Cosmic Slop, where an electric guitar features prominently. Black rock, funked up with soul = Slop.
English Journal
- [Microbial community abundance and diversity in typical karst ecosystem to indicate soil carbon cycle].
- Jin ZJ, Tang HF, Li M, Huang BF, Li Q, Zhang JY, Li GW.
- Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue / [bian ji, Zhongguo ke xue yuan huan jing ke xue wei yuan hui "Huan jing ke xue" bian ji wei yuan hui.].Huan Jing Ke Xue.2014 Nov;35(11):4284-90.
- The soil microbial characteristics were detected to clarify their indications in organic carbon cycle in karst system. Soil samples from three karst types (saddle, depression and slop) at 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm layers were collected in the Yaji Karst Experimental Site, a typical karst ecosys
- PMID 25639107
- Superconductivity in strong spin orbital coupling compound Sb₂Se₃.
- Kong PP1, Sun F2, Xing LY1, Zhu J1, Zhang SJ1, Li WM1, Liu QQ1, Wang XC1, Feng SM1, Yu XH1, Zhu JL3, Yu RC1, Yang WG4, Shen GY5, Zhao YS3, Ahuja R6, Mao HK4, Jin CQ7.
- Scientific reports.Sci Rep.2014 Oct 20;4:6679. doi: 10.1038/srep06679.
- Recently, A2B3 type strong spin orbital coupling compounds such as Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3 and Sb2Te3 were theoretically predicated to be topological insulators and demonstrated through experimental efforts. The counterpart compound Sb2Se3 on the other hand was found to be topological trivial, but further th
- PMID 25327696
- Application of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in the diagnosis of skeletal muscle crush injury in rabbits.
- Zhang CD1, Lv FQ, Li QY, Zhang Y, Shi XQ, Li XY, Tang J.
- The British journal of radiology.Br J Radiol.2014 Sep;87(1041):20140421. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20140421. Epub 2014 Jul 16.
- OBJECTIVE: To explore the diagnostic value of quantitative contrast-enhanced (CE) ultrasonography for crush injury in the hind limb muscles of rabbits.METHODS: A total of 120 New Zealand white rabbits were randomized to receive compression on the left hind limb for either 2 h (n = 56) or 4 h (n = 56
- PMID 25026985
- Socioeconomic inequality in hypertension in Iran.
- Fateh M1, Emamian MH, Asgari F, Alami A, Fotouhi A.
- Journal of hypertension.J Hypertens.2014 Sep;32(9):1782-8. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000260.
- OBJECTIVE: Hypertension covers a large portion of burden of diseases, especially in the developing countries. The unequal distribution of hypertension in the population may affect 'health for all' goal. This study aimed to investigate the socioeconomic inequality of hypertension in Iran and to ident
- PMID 24979299
Japanese Journal
- 源頭部斜面崩壊危険箇所評価を目的とした誘因影響広域逆推定・分析の試み
- 関根 亮,吉田 智也,野崎 亮 [他]
- 土木情報学シンポジウム講演集 = Proceedings of the symposium on civil engineering informatics 38, 85-88, 2013
- NAID 40019843662
- 源頭部斜面崩壊危険箇所評価支援を目的とした誘因影響広域逆推定・分析アルゴリズムの一提案
- 関根 亮,吉田 智也,野崎 亮,小島 尚人
- Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F3 (Civil Engineering Informatics) 69(2), I_34-I_44, 2013
- 本研究は,局所的集中豪雨を誘因として発生する源頭部斜面崩壊の広域危険箇所評価を目的として,誘因逆推定モデルにおける分析アルゴリズムを提案したものである.画素単位での誘因観測が困難なことを指摘した上で,これを潜在変量(未観測変量)とみなし,各種地理情報を説明変量(観測変量:素因)とするパス図(共分散構造分析法)をもとに誘因逆推定を試みた.「源頭部(現状型),斜面中腹部(規範型),崩壊土砂堆積域(規 …
- NAID 130004560001
- 39.断層崖斜面の形状と崩壊パターンに関するモデル実験(斜面・地すべり(2),口頭発表)
- 内部に高粘度の液体を含む円筒の斜面上の回転落下運動と液面形状
- 栗川 連,平山 修
- 形の科学会誌 = Bulletin of the Society for Science on Form 27(2), 116-117, 2012-11-01
- NAID 10031134229
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- slop 1 (slŏp) n. 1. Spilled or splashed liquid. 2. Soft mud or slush. 3. Unappetizing watery food or soup. 4. often slops Waste food used to feed pigs or other animals; swill. 5. often slops Mash remaining after alcohol distillation.
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- 坂、斜面、スロープ。(~s)丘、山麓
- (通例 a~)傾斜/傾斜度(incline)、勾配。(数学)傾き、勾配、微分係数。
- 景気の後退
- 関
- gradient、ramp
- ずさんな、いい加減な、(液体が)飛び散った、水っぽい
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- sloppiness
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- sloppy