- treat carefully; "He nursed his injured back by lying in bed several hours every afternoon"; "He nursed the flowers in his garden and fertilized them regularly"
- try to cure by special care of treatment, of an illness or injury; "He nursed his cold with Chinese herbs"
- one skilled in caring for young children or the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician)
- serve as a nurse; care for sick or handicapped people
- small room in which a monk or nun lives (同)cubicle
- a device that delivers an electric current as the result of a chemical reaction (同)electric cell
- a room where a prisoner is kept (同)jail cell, prison cell
- (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals
- any small compartment; "the cells of a honeycomb"
- a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement (同)cadre
- nourishing at the breast (同)breast_feeding
- the work of caring for the sick or injured or infirm
- the profession of a nurse
- (of an infant) breast-fed (同)suckled
- 『看護人』,看護婦 / 子守(dry nurse) / 『乳母』(うば)(wet nurse) / ‘を'『看護する』,看病する / 〈幼児〉‘に'授乳する / 〈病気・けが〉‘を'治そうと努める / 《話》…‘を'注意して扱う,たいせつに扱う / …‘を'大事に育てる / (心に)〈ある感情〉‘を'いだく / 看護人(看護婦)として働く / 授乳する / 〈幼児が〉乳を飲む
- (刑務所の)『独房』;(修道院の)小さい独居室 / (ミツバチの)みつ房,巣穴 / 小さい部屋 / 『細胞』 / 電池 / 花粉室 / (共産党などの)細胞
- (預かった子を)養育(保育)する / 授乳する / {名}〈U〉 / (職業としての)看護 / 保育
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The term nurse cell is used in several unrelated ways in different scientific fields:
- 1 Human physiology
- 2 Microbiology
- 3 Mycology
- 4 Cell biology
- 5 See also
- 6 References
Human physiology
Nurse cells are specialized macrophages residing in the bone marrow that assist in the development of red blood cells. They absorb the nuclei of immature red blood cells and may provide growth factors to help the red blood cells mature. In the bone marrow, immature red blood cells (erythroblasts) can be seen grouped in a cluster around a nurse cell.
The epithelial cell found in the cortex of the Thymus is also called a "nurse cell." These cells produce Thymic hormones that cause T Lymphocytes to mature and differentiate.[1]
In microbiology, a nurse cell is an infected cell in the disease trichinosis discovered by Dickson Despommier. A trichinella larva enters a cell and develops there, probably as a way of concealing itself from the immune system. The parasite has evolved a way of stimulating blood vessel development around the cell, in order to receive the nutrients it needs. In trichinosis, nurse cells are invariably skeletal muscle cells; these are the only type of cell that can support the parasite.
In mycology, a nurse cell is any hyphae that supplies food material to spores that have detached from the basidia; used especially in reference to taxa from the family Sclerodermataceae.
Cell biology
Ribonucleoprotein particles (GFP-Imp) in the Drosophila melanogaster egg chamber, being transported from the nurse cells to the oocyte
In respect to invertebrates, nurse cells are polytenic germline cells that contribute to the development of the oocyte, producing multiple nuclei. In fruit flies (Drosophila), nurse cells surround the developing oocyte and synthesize proteins and RNAs that are to be deposited in it. [2] They contain about 250-500 nuclei, all 15 of them in all oocytes creating 5,000 nuclei in total. They dump their cytoplasm containing the nuclei into the oocyte via ring channels.
Due to their high metabolic activity, nurse cells likely experience the DNA damaging effect of oxidative free radicals produced as a byproduct of this metabolism. This damaging effect would otherwise befall the DNA of the egg cells if they were responsible for their own synthesis. The many genome copies in each nurse cell may provide redundancy of genetic information that would allow the nurse cell to carry out its provisioning function even in the face of considerable oxidative DNA damage.[3][4]
See also
- Angiogenesis
- Thymic nurse cell
- ^ McKinley and O'Loughlin (2008) Human Anatomy. McGraw Hill, Boston MA
- ^ Wolpert, Lewis (2002). Principles of Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 527. ISBN 0199249393.
- ^ Bernstein C (1993). Sex as a response to oxidative DNA damage. Chapter 10 (see pages 204-205) in “DNA and Free Radicals” (editors: Barry Halliwell, Okezie I Aruoma). Ellis Horwood Limited (publisher), Great Gritain ISBN 0-13-222035-0
- ^ Bernstein, C (1998). Sex as a response to oxidative DNA damage. Chapter 4, see pages 112-113. In “DNA and Free Radicals: Techniques, Mecchanisms @ Applications” (editors: Okezie I Aruoma, Barry Halliwell). OICA International (publisher), Saint Lucia and London ISBN 976-8056169
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English Journal
- Peroxisomal membrane channel Pxmp2 in the mammary fat pad is essential for stromal lipid homeostasis and for development of mammary gland epithelium in mice.
- Vapola MH1, Rokka A1, Sormunen RT2, Alhonen L3, Schmitz W4, Conzelmann E4, Wärri A5, Grunau S1, Antonenkov VD6, Hiltunen JK7.
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- Domestic animal endocrinology.Domest Anim Endocrinol.2014 Jul;48:84-92. doi: 10.1016/j.domaniend.2014.02.006. Epub 2014 Mar 5.
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- Journal of proteome research.J Proteome Res.2014 Jun 6;13(6):3054-64. doi: 10.1021/pr500224b. Epub 2014 Apr 25.
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Japanese Journal
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- 呼吸や脈拍に伴う微小な動きを検知する非接触モニタリングデバイスの開発
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- nurse cell
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