- follow, usually without the persons knowledge; "The police are shadowing her"
- a dominating and pervasive presence; "he received little recognition working in the shadow of his father"
- shade within clear boundaries
- refuge from danger or observation; "he felt secure in his fathers shadow"
- a premonition of something adverse; "a shadow over his happiness"
- an inseparable companion; "the poor child was his mothers shadow"
- make appear small by comparison; "This years debt dwarfs that of last year" (同)overshadow, dwarf
- cast a shadow over (同)shade, shade off
- relating to or characterized by or having nodules; "Nodular vaginitis"
- having nodules or occurring in the form of nodules; "nodular ores" (同)nodulated, noduled
- herring-like food fishes that migrate from the sea to fresh water to spawn
- bony flesh of herring-like fish usually caught during their migration to fresh water for spawning; especially of Atlantic coast
- the act of following someone secretly (同)tailing
- 〈U〉陰,暗がり,物陰;《the shadows》夕やみ / 〈C〉(輪郭のはっきりした)『影』,人影,影法師 / 〈U〉(絵課の)陰影,暗部 / 〈C〉幻, 幻影;幽霊,亡霊 / 〈C〉(…の)かすかな影(気配)《+『of』+『名』》 / 《おもに否定文で》《a~》ごくわずか(の…)《+『of』+『名』〈抽象名詞〉》 / 〈C〉影のようにつきまとう人,尾行者,探偵 / 〈C〉《比喩的に》(悲しみ・憂うつ・不幸などの)暗影 / …‘を'影でおおう,陰にする / …‘を'尾行する / …‘に'暗い影を落とす,‘を'暗く(憂うつに)する
- 節(ふし)の[ような]
- ニシン[の類]
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English Journal
- Melanocytic matricoma with melanocytic atypia: report of a unique case and review of the literature.
- Zussman J, Sheth S, Ra SH, Binder SW.SourceDepartment of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles CA 90059, USA. jzussman@mednet.ucla.edu
- The American Journal of dermatopathology.Am J Dermatopathol.2011 Jul;33(5):508-12.
- Melanocytic matricoma is a rare cutaneous neoplasm of presumed anagen hair follicle origin with approximately 10 reported cases in the literature. Melanocytic matricomas are clinically and histopathologically distinct cutaneous nodular proliferations of matrical and supramatrical cells admixed with
- PMID 21252635
Japanese Journal
- クリプトコックス--莢膜多糖--結節(空洞)陰影 (特集 呼吸器病原体--病原因子--生体反応)
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- nodal、nodosity、nodule、tophaceous、tubercular、varicose
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- shadowcasting