- 同
English Journal
- [Intraoperative management for two patients with malignant tumors in the neck].
- Chiba S, Yokota M.SourceDepartment of Anesthesiology, Cancer Institute Hospital, Tokyo 170-0012.
- Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology.Masui.2004 Mar;53(3):273-6.
- We experienced two cases of malignant tumors in the neck with difficulties in airway control. In case 1, difficult airway was anticipated from the CT scan taken before the operation, but the glottis was observed easily by using laryngoscope. Therefore we judged intubation easy and rapid induction wa
- PMID 15071877
- [An extended evaluation of a neuroleptanesthesia for the guinea pig with analysis of mixed expiratory gases during spontaneous breathing. Effects of fasting on the cardiorespiratory system and metabolism].
- Ozbek M, Domack U, Barnikol WK.SourceBereich Klinische Physiologie, Private Universität Witten/Herdecke und Sangui BioTech AG, D-58455 Witten/Ruhr. mustafaoezbek@ttnet.net.tr
- Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition.J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl).2004 Feb;88(1-2):20-9.
- The artificially ventilated guinea pig was frequently used for neurophysiological and respiratory studies. This species is also preferable for an evaluation of hemoglobin based artificial oxygen carriers, because its oxygen hemoglobin binding is very similar to that of man. But the narcosis of this
- PMID 19774759
Japanese Journal
- Comparison of the effects of neuroleptanesthesia and enflurane or sevoflurane anesthesia on neuromuscular blockade by rocuronium
- Journal of anesthesia 17(2), 129-132, 2003-05-20
- NAID 50000854132
- NLA原法にプロポフォール,トリメタファン,プロスタグランジンE_1を併用した低血圧麻酔の臨床的検討
- 吉富 達志,横山 幸三,西原 正弘,若松 愛子,椙山 加綱
- 日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 28(3), 322-328, 2000-07-15
- NAID 10007926035
- Influence of anesthesia on auditory evoked response.
- 佐々木 均
- 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 94(12), 1834-1843, 1991
- … From the results, the anesthesia could be classified into following three types : type A such as enflurane-nitrous oxide-oxygen and halothane-nitrous oxide-oxygen anesthesia by which both ABR and MLR were affected, type B such as thiamylal and diazepam anesthesia by which only MLR was affected, and type C such as neuroleptanesthesia (NLA), high dose fentanyl, ketamine, althesin, spinal and epidural anesthesia, by which both ABR and MLR were not affected. …
- NAID 130000806314
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- neu·ro·lep·tan·es·the·sia (no or′ō-lĕp′tăn-ĭs-thē′zhə) n. General anesthesia induced by the intravenous administration of neuroleptic drugs in combination with inhalation of a weak anesthetic. neuroleptanesthesia [-lept′anəsthē′zhə] ...
- neuroleptanesthesia neu·ro·lep·tan·es·the·sia (nur'ō-lěp'tān-ĭs-thē'zhə, nyur'-) n. General anesthesia induced by the intravenous administration of neuroleptic drugs in combination with inhalation of a weak anesthetic.
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