- remove the charge from
- a substance that is emitted or released (同)emission
- any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body; "the discharge of pus" (同)emission, expelling
- electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field (同)spark, arc, electric arc, electric_discharge
- the act of discharging a gun (同)firing, firing off
- the act of venting (同)venting
- the pouring forth of a fluid (同)outpouring, run
- the sudden giving off of energy
- release from military service (同)muster out
- pour forth or release; "discharge liquids"
- of or relating to or caused by myotonia
- having lost your job (同)dismissed, fired, laid-off, pink-slipped
- 〈船〉‘の'『荷を降ろす』;(積荷・客を)〈船〉‘から'降ろす《+『名』〈船〉+『of』+『名』〈荷〉》;(船から)〈積荷・客〉‘を'降ろす《+『名』〈荷〉+『from』+『名』〈船〉》 / (…に)…‘を'『発射する』《+『名』+『at』(『into』)+『名』》 / 〈煙・液体〉‘を'『出す』,排出する / (…から)〈人〉‘を'解放する,‘に'行くことを許す《+『名』〈人〉+『from』+『名』》 / (仕事から)〈人〉‘を'解雇する,くびにする《+『名』〈人〉+『from』+『名』》 / 〈職務・義務・約束など〉‘を'果たす,遂行する(fulfill) / 〈借金〉‘を'返済する,支払う(pay) / 〈電池など〉‘から'放電する / 〈船が〉『荷を降ろす』,荷揚げする / 〈水などが〉流れ出る,注ぐ,流出する / 〈鉄砲などが〉発射される / 放電する / 〈U〉『荷降ろし』,荷揚げ / 〈C〉発砲,発射 / 〈C〉『放出』,流出,排出;排出物 / 〈U〉解任,退出,解雇;解放,釈放 / 〈U〉(職務・義務などの)『遂行』,履行 / 〈U〉(負債の)『返済』,弁済 / 〈C〉〈U〉(電気の)放電
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English Journal
- Use of Clinical and Electrical Myotonia to Differentiate Childhood Myopathies.
- Ghosh PS1, Sorenson EJ2.
- Journal of child neurology.J Child Neurol.2015 Sep;30(10):1300-6. doi: 10.1177/0883073814559646. Epub 2015 Jan 30.
- We retrospectively reviewed 2030 childhood electromyograms performed over an 11-year period (2004-2014). Twenty children (1%) with myotonic discharges were identified and placed into 2 groups. Group A (electrical and clinical myotonia) comprised 9 children (8 with myotonia congenita and 1 with param
- PMID 25637645
- Myotonia-like symptoms in a patient with spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy.
- Araki K1, Nakanishi H1, Nakamura T1, Atsuta N1, Yamada S1, Hijikata Y1, Hashizume A1, Suzuki K1, Katsuno M1, Sobue G2.
- Neuromuscular disorders : NMD.Neuromuscul Disord.2015 Aug 20. pii: S0960-8966(15)00708-7. doi: 10.1016/j.nmd.2015.08.006. [Epub ahead of print]
- We describe the case of a 33-year-old man with a 4-year history of worsening muscle stiffness and weakness in his right hand. He showed elevated serum creatine kinase levels at the onset of muscle stiffness that was characterized by delayed muscle relaxation after voluntary contraction. This symptom
- PMID 26363965
- Electromyographic findings in 37 patients with adult-onset acid maltase deficiency.
- Kassardjian CD1, Engel AG, Sorenson EJ.
- Muscle & nerve.Muscle Nerve.2015 May;51(5):759-61. doi: 10.1002/mus.24620. Epub 2015 Mar 31.
- INTRODUCTION: In acid maltase deficiency (AMD), electrical myotonia (EM) may be restricted to paraspinal muscles. A comprehensive description of the electromyographic (EMG) findings in AMD is lacking. The purpose of this study is to describe the EMG features in adult-onset AMD, focusing on the distr
- PMID 25703805
Japanese Journal
- 著明な高CK血症と軽微な眼輪筋の筋強直を呈したナトリウムチャネル異常症の1例
- グルコースクランプ法でインスリン抵抗性の増大が確認された筋緊張性ジストロフィーの1例
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- 英
- myotonic discharge
- 同
- 筋緊張性放電、挿入性筋強直性放電 insertion myotonic discharge
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- (荷を)おろす、陸揚げする(城郭を)おろす
- (水などを)放出する(intop)。外に出す、吐き出す、発する。排出する、排泄する。
- 荷揚げ、荷下ろし
- 発射、発砲。放電。吐き出し。放出、流出、吐出。排出物、分泌物。流出量
- 関
- desorb、diapedesis、efflux、egress、ejection、emission、excrement、excreta、extrusion、feces、firing、hospital discharge、leak、leakage、outflow、patient discharge、release、runoff、secrete、secretion、shot