whip; "The religious fanatics flagellated themselves" (同)scourge
a usually nonphotosynthetic free-living protozoan with whiplike appendages; some are pathogens of humans and other animals (同)flagellate protozoan, flagellated protozoan, mastigophoran, mastigophore
having or resembling a lash or whip (as does a flagellum) (同)flagellated, whiplike, lash-like
marine and freshwater green or colorless flagellate organism (同)euglenophyte, euglenid
protozoa having flagella (同)class Mastigophora, Flagellata, class Flagellata
flagellate protozoan lacking photosynthesis and other plant-like characteristics (同)zooflagellate
flagellate symbiotic in the intestines of e.g. termites
flagellates with several flagella
鞭毛(べんもう)のある;鞭毛状の / …‘を'むち打つ
English Journal
Genetics and morphology characterize the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium voratum, n. sp., (Dinophyceae) as the sole representative of Symbiodinium Clade E.
Jeong HJ1, Lee SY, Kang NS, Yoo YD, Lim AS, Lee MJ, Kim HS, Yih W, Yamashita H, LaJeunesse TC.
The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology.J Eukaryot Microbiol.2014 Jan-Feb;61(1):75-94. doi: 10.1111/jeu.12088. Epub 2013 Nov 30.
Dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium are ubiquitous in shallow marine habitats where they commonly exist in symbiosis with cnidarians. Attempts to culture them often retrieve isolates that may not be symbiotic, but instead exist as free-living species. In particular, cultures of Symbiodinium cl
The effect of azadirachtin on Blastocrithidia triatomae and Trypanosoma cruzi in Triatoma infestans (Insecta, Hemiptera).
Kollien AH1, Schaub GA.
International journal for parasitology.Int J Parasitol.1999 Mar;29(3):403-14.
The effect of azadirachtin on Blastocrithidia triatomae and Trypanosoma cruzi, which colonise the intestinal tract of the blood-sucking bug Triatoma infestans, was investigated. In established infections of controls without azadirachtin treatment, the small intestine of fifth-instar T. infestans con
Acronema sippewissettensis Gen. Nov. Sp. Nov., microbial mat bicosoecid (Bicosoecales = Bicosoecida).
Teal TH1, Guillemette T, Chapman M, Margulis L.
European journal of protistology.Eur J Protistol.1998 Dec 7;34(4):402-14.
A heterotrophic mastigote from the flat laminated Microcoleus-dominated intertidal microbial mat at the Sippewissett salt marsh, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, was isolated into monoprotist culture in the same anoxic medium that led to spirochete and other anaerobic bacterial enrichments. The protist grew
mastigophoran [mas″tĭ-gof´ah-rahn] any member of the subphylum mastigophora; called also mastigote. mas·ti·gote (mas'ti-gōt), An individual flagellate. [G. mastix, a whip] mastigote /mas·ti·gote/ (mas´tĭ-gōt) any member of the ...
mastigophoran (redirected from mastigote) Also found in: Medical. mas·ti·goph·o·ran (măs′tĭ-gŏf′ər-ən) n. Any of various protozoans possessing one or more flagella. [From New Latin Mastīgophora, former class name: Greek , whip ...