- bend or lay so that one part covers the other; "fold up the newspaper"; "turn up your collar" (同)fold up, turn up
- an angular or rounded shape made by folding; "a fold in the napkin"; "a crease in his trousers"; "a plication on her blouse"; "a flexure of the colon"; "a bend of his elbow" (同)crease, plication, flexure, crimp, bend
- a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock (同)folding
- incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating; "Fold the egg whites into the batter"
- the act of folding; "he gave the napkins a double fold" (同)folding
- a pen for sheep (同)sheepfold, sheep pen, sheepcote
- a folded part (as in skin or muscle) (同)plica
- become folded or folded up; "The bed folds in a jiffy" (同)fold up
- lying away from the median and sagittal plane of a body; "lateral lemniscus"
- situated at or extending to the side; "the lateral branches of a tree"; "shot out sidelong boughs"- Tennyson (同)sidelong
- comparative of the adverb `late; "he stayed later than you did"
- coming at a subsequent time or stage; "without ulterior argument"; "the mood posterior to" (同)ulterior, posterior
- 《副語[句]を伴って》〈紙など〉‘を'『折る』,折り重ねる / 〈両手など〉‘を'『組む』;〈鳥が〉〈翼〉‘を'畳む / (…に)…‘を'巻き付ける《+『around(about)』+『名』》 / …‘を'抱き締める(embrace) / 《副語[句]を伴って》〈扇などが〉折リ畳める / 《話》〈事業などが〉つぶれる,閉じる《+『up』》 / ひだ / 折り目,畳み目 / (土地の)くぼみ / 起伏
- (家畜,特に羊を入れておく)囲い,おり / 《比喩(ひゆ)的に》キリスト教会
- 横の,側面の;横からの / (音声が)側音の / 側面,(道路の)側溝(そっこう) / 側音(英語の[1]など)
- 《補語にのみ用いて》(人などが)(…するのが)『もっと遅い』《+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (時刻・時期が)『もっと遅い』,もっと後の / 後で,のちほど / (lateの比較級)(定刻・予定時間・他の人(物))より遅れて,遅く
- 折り畳みの
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English Journal
- New records of marine tardigrades from Moorea, French Polynesia, with the description of Styraconyx turbinarium sp. nov. (Arthrotardigrada, Halechiniscidae).
- Bartels PJ1, Fontoura P2, Nelson DR3.
- Zootaxa.Zootaxa.2015 May 5;3955(3):389-402. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.3955.3.6.
- Five marine arthrotardigrade species are recorded from Moorea, Society Islands, French Polynesia. Four were collected from coral sand; two, Dipodarctus anaholiensis Pollock, 1995 and Florarctus kwoni Chang & Rho, 1997, are new records for the region, and two, Halechiniscus perfectus Schulz, 1955
- PMID 25947860
- Feasibility of a novel colonoscope with extra-wide angle of view: a clinical study.
- Uraoka T1, Tanaka S2, Oka S2, Matsuda T3, Saito Y3, Moriyama T4, Higashi R5, Matsumoto T4.
- Endoscopy.Endoscopy.2015 May;47(5):444-8. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1390870. Epub 2014 Nov 20.
- BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Lesions may be missed during colonoscopy because of anatomical features such as mucosal folds. This feasibility study assessed the safety and efficacy of a novel colonoscope with extra-wide angle of view, which provides a simultaneous lateral-backward view to complement th
- PMID 25412088
- Quisarctus yasumurai gen. et sp. nov. (Arthrotardigrada: Halechiniscidae) from a submarine cave, off Iejima, Ryukyu Islands, Japan.
- Fujimoto S1.
- Zootaxa.Zootaxa.2015 Apr 20;3948(1):145-50. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.3948.1.10.
- Quisarctus yasumurai gen. et sp. nov. (Arthrotardigrada: Halechiniscidae) is described from the submarine cave 'Daidokutsu', off Iejima, Okinawa Islands, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. It is characterised by a cylindrical body, long primary clava and shorter lateral cirrus inserted on a common cirrophore, a
- PMID 25947769
Japanese Journal
- Spermatic Cord Tumor Metastatic from Stomach Cancer 1 Year after Curative Gastrectomy
- Kanazawa Yoshikazu,Kato Shunji,Fujita Itsuo,Onodera Hiroyuki,Takata Hideyuki,Onda Munehiko,Naito Zenya,Uchida Eiji
- Journal of Nippon Medical School 80(4), 318-323, 2013
- … Laparoscopic exploration showed invagination of the peritoneum with small nodules from the median umbilical fold to the lateral umbilical fold and a markedly decreased distance between the folds. …
- NAID 130004147245
- Development of FEM Simulator Combined with Camber Reducing Output Feedback Fuzzy Controller for Rough Rolling Process
- Jeong Daun,Kang Youngil,Jang Yu Jin,Lee Dukman,Won Sangchul
- ISIJ International 53(3), 511-519, 2013
- … Camber should be reduced because it may cause various problems including clogging of finishing mill and strip edge folds. … An output feedback fuzzy controller that does not require a mathematical model is then designed to reduce camber including the lateral bar movement called side-slipping by tilting the roll. …
- NAID 130003366111
- 荒木 幸仁,冨藤 雅之,鈴木 洋,塩谷 彰浩
- 音声言語医学 53(3), 187-193, 2012-07-20
- 当科ではBIOPEX(リン酸カルシウム骨ペースト)を用いた声帯内注入術を施行している.キットとして市販され準備や注入手技が簡便,すぐ硬化し吸収はきわめて軽微であり,長期間安定した効果が得られる.硬化する性質を利用し,後部声門閉鎖不良例に対する披裂軟骨内転効果も期待できる.拡張型喉頭鏡にて喉頭展開を行い,ビデオ喉頭鏡システム下で注入を行うことで,声帯全体の良好な視野を得ながら器具の干渉も少なく確実な …
- NAID 10030784899
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- lat·er·al folds ventral foldings of the lateral margins of the embryonic disc, the development of which helps establish the definitive embryonic body form. lat·er·al folds (lat'ĕr-ăl fōldz) Ventral foldings of the lateral margins of the embryonic ...
- lateral /lat·er·al/ (-il) 1. denoting a position farther from the median plane or midline of the body or a structure. 2. pertaining to a side. lat·er·al (lăt′ər-əl) adj. 1. Relating to or situated at or on the side. 2. Situated or extending away from ...
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- 英
- lateral folds, lateral pharyngeal lymphatic band
- ラ
- plica salpingopharyngea
- 関
- aspect、external、externally、flanking、laterale、lateralis、laterally、outer、outside、profile、side、sided、sidedness
- 関
- time
- 関
- folded structure