- of or relating to or inside the intestines; "intestinal disease" (同)enteric, enteral
- 腸[内]の
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- 1. 全身性硬化症(強皮症)の消化器症状 gastrointestinal manifestations of systemic sclerosis scleroderma
- 2. 胃腸上皮化生 gastric intestinal metaplasia
- 3. 慢性偽性腸閉塞 chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction
- 4. 小児における腸管回転異常 intestinal malrotation in children
- 5. 消化管穿孔の概要 overview of gastrointestinal tract perforation
Japanese Journal
- Response to Octreotide of Intestinal Pseudoobstruction and Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis Associated with Progressive Systemic Sclerosis.
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- intestinal [in-tes´tĭ-nal] pertaining to the intestine. intestinal bypass a surgical procedure in which all but a short section of the proximal jejunum and terminal ileum is bypassed in order to bring about malabsorption of digested food.
- in·tes·ti·nal (ĭn-tĕs′tə-nəl) adj. Of, relating to, or constituting the intestine: the intestinal wall; intestinal bacteria. in·tes′ti·nal·ly adv. in•tes•ti•nal (ɪnˈtɛs tə nl; Brit. ˌɪn tɛsˈtaɪn l) adj. of, pertaining to, being in, or affecting the intestines.
- 英
- intestinal hypomotility
- 関
- alimentary system、bowel、digestive system、enteric、enteric canal、entero、gastrointestinal、gastrointestinal system、GI、gut、intestinal tract、intestine