- work as an intern; "The young doctor is interning at the Medical Center this year"
- an advanced student or graduate in medicine gaining supervised practical experience (`houseman is a British term) (同)interne, houseman, medical intern
- deprive of freedom; "During WW II, Japanese were interned in camps in the West"
- happening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface; "internal organs"; "internal mechanism of a toy"; "internal party maneuvering"
- occurring within an institution or community; "intragroup squabbling within the corporation" (同)intragroup
- of or relating to or near the groin
- rupture in smooth muscle tissue through which a bodily structure protrudes (同)herniation
- (特に戦時中)〈人・船など〉‘を'強制収容する,抑留する
- 『内側の』,内部にある / 『国内の』(domestic) / 内からとる,内用の
- 鼠蹊(そけい)部の(足のもものつけ根)
- ヘルニア,脱腸
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English Journal
- Screening for complete androgen insensitivity syndrome in girls with inguinal hernia: parental insight.
- Georgiou R, Hall NJ, Stanton M.SourceDepartment of Paediatric Surgery, University Hospital Southampton, Tremona Road, Southampton SO16 6YD, UK; michael.stanton@uhs.nhs.uk.
- Archives of disease in childhood.Arch Dis Child.2013 Apr;98(4):316-7. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2013-303643. Epub 2013 Feb 16.
- PMID 23418035
- Bringing surgery to rural children: chittagong, bangladesh experience.
- Banu T, Chowdhury TK, Kabir M, Talukder R, Lakhoo K.SourceDepartment of Pediatric Surgery, Chittagong Medical College and Hospital, 1 KB Fazlul Kader Road, Chittagong, 4000, Bangladesh, proftahmina@gmail.com.
- World journal of surgery.World J Surg.2013 Apr;37(4):730-6. doi: 10.1007/s00268-013-1916-x.
- There is unequal access to surgical health care in underdeveloped countries such as Bangladesh. Bangladesh has a large young population, with 70 % of the population living in rural areas. All of the pediatric surgical services of the country are situated in major cities. We therefore organized an o
- PMID 23381672
- Single Port Laparoscopic Totally Extraperitoneal Hernioplasty: A Comparative Study of Short-term Outcome with Conventional Laparoscopic Totally Extraperitoneal Hernioplasty.
- Kim JH, Lee YS, Kim JJ, Park SM.SourceDepartment of Surgery, Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, South Korea.
- World journal of surgery.World J Surg.2013 Apr;37(4):746-51. doi: 10.1007/s00268-013-1925-9.
- BACKGROUND: Recently, single port laparoscopic surgery has begun to develop as an extension of minimally invasive surgery, but there have been only a few reports of single port laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal (SPLTEP) hernioplasty. In addition, there are few comparative studies with conventiona
- PMID 23358595
Japanese Journal
- 外膀胱上窩ヘルニアと内膀胱上窩ヘルニアの両方の特徴を呈した1例
- 長谷 諭,片山 晃子,田原 浩,布袋 裕士,前田 佳之,三好 信和
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japan Surgical Association 72(3), 778-781, 2011-03-25
- NAID 10028122269
- 子宮,左卵巣および両側卵管の脱出した小児外鼠径ヘルニアの1例 : 術前診断における超音波検査の有用性
- 岩崎 維和夫,中村 博志,柴田 祐充子
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 47(1), 61-65, 2011-02-20
- 症例は日齢57女児.左鼠径部に小指頭大,弾性硬の腫瘤を認め来院した.初診時の超音波検査では,鼠径管内に充実性,高エコーな腫瘤像を認めたが,この段階では質的診断には至らなかった.5日後に再検したところ,鼠径管内に卵巣と思われる不整形腫瘤と,前回認めた腫瘤内に子宮内膜を疑わせる線状の高エコーを認め,子宮と卵巣の脱出した外鼠径ヘルニアと診断した.日齢86,経鼠径的アプローチでヘルニア根治術を行った.ヘル …
- NAID 110008506458
Related Links
- inguinal ring Internal inguinal ring Testes Inguinal Hernia National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse U.S. Department of Health and Human Services NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH What is inguinal hernia? and is ...
- Describes the types of inguinal hernia, as well as causes, symptoms, surgical treatment, and potential complications. ... National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse 2 Information Way Bethesda, MD 20892 ...
- 英
- direct inguinal hernia
- 同
- (国試)内鼡径ヘルニア 内鼠径ヘルニア internal inguinal hernia
- 関
- 鼡径ヘルニア、鼡径三角 ヘッセルバッハ三角
[show details]
- 内鼡径輪から鼡径管後壁のヘッセルバッハ三角に相当する部位に直接ヘルニア嚢が脱出する物(SSUR.484)
- ヘルニア門:鼡径三角(内側を腹直筋により、外側を下腹壁動脈により、下方を鼠径靭帯により囲まれた三角形の部分)から腹腔内容物が外部に突出した病態
- 鼡径ヘルニアの1%程度? (YN.A-107)
- 老人、肥満、男性、立位など腹圧のかかる職業
- 関
- endo、in vivo、interior、internally、intra
- 関
- groin、inguinal region、regio inguinalis